Parallel\Prefork - A simple prefork server framework
use \Parallel\Prefork;
require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';
$pp = new Prefork([
'max_workers' => 5,
'trap_signals' => [
while ($pp->signalReceived() !== SIGTERM) {
if ($pp->start()) {
// ... do some work within the child process ...
To install this package into your project via composer, add the following snippet to your composer.json
. Then run composer install
"require": {
"travail/parallel-prefork": "dev-master"
If you want to install from github, add the following:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "[email protected]:travail/php-Parallel-Prefork.git"
supports graceful shutdown and run-time reconfiguration.
- posix
- pcntl
Parallel\Prefork __construct([
'max_workers' => int $max_workers,
'err_respawn_interval' => int $err_respawn_interval,
'trap_signals' => [int $signal_trapped_in_parent_process => int $signal_sent_to_child_processes],
Instantiation. Takes an array as an argument. Recognized parameters are as follows.
Number of worker processes (default: 3)
Array of signals to be trapped. Manager process will trap the signals listed in the keys of the array, and send the signal specified in the associated value (if any) to all worker processes.
Number of seconds to deter spawning of child processes after a worker exits abnormally (default: 1)
bool start()
The main routine. Returns undef in child processes. Returns a true
within manager process upon receiving a signal specified in the trapSignals
void finish(int $exit_code)
Child processes should call this function for termination. Takes exit code as an optional argument. Only usable from child processes.
void signalAllChildren(int $signal)
Sends signal to all worker processes. Only usable from manager process.
void waitAllChildren()
Blocks until all worker processes exit. Only usable from manager process.
int signalReceived()
Returns a signal manager process trapped.
This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as PHP itself.