Start by ⭐️ starring lakeFS open source project.
This repository includes a Jupyter Notebook which you can run on your local machine.
- Docker installed on your local machine
- This demo requires connecting to a lakeFS Server. You can either install lakeFS Server locally (, or spin up for free on the lakeFS cloud (
- This demo also requires connecting to Labelbox. You can signup for free for Labelbox (
Start by cloning this repository:
git clone && cd lakeFS-samples/01_standalone_examples/labelbox-integration
Run following commands to download and run Docker container which includes Python, Spark, Jupyter Notebook, JDK, Hadoop binaries and lakeFS Python client (Docker image size is around 4GB):
docker build -t lakefs-labelbox-integration-demo . docker run -d -p 38888:8888 -p 34040:4040 --user root -e GRANT_SUDO=yes -v $PWD:/home/jovyan -v $PWD/ --name lakefs-labelbox-integration-demo lakefs-labelbox-integration-demo
Open JupyterLab UI in your web browser.
Once you have successfully completed setup then open "Labelbox Demo" notebook from JupyterLab UI and follow the instructions.