Welcome, and thank you for your interest in contributing to mysql-audit!
Have a question?
We accept questions as issues on GitHub.
Have some feedback? We would love to hear it!
Open an issue and let us know what you think.
Found a bug?
Please feel free to report to: https://github.com/mcafee/mysql-audit/issues
Before you create a new issue, please do a search in open issues to see if the issue or feature request has already been filed.
If you find your issue already exists, make relevant comments and add your reaction. Use a reaction in place of a "+1" comment:
- 👍 - upvote
- 👎 - downvote
If you cannot find an existing issue that describes your bug or feature, create a new issue using the guidelines below.
Be sure to include a title and clear description with as much information as possible.
If reporting a bug, please describe the problem verbosely. Try to see if it reproduces and include a detailed description on how to reproduce.
Make sure to include your MySQL Server version and Audit Plugin version. To print MySQL Server version: log into MySQL and execute the command:
Please include with the bug the MySQL error log. Log file location can be queried by running the following command:
show global variables like 'log_error'
- Open a new GitHub pull request with a patch - name the patch something along the lines of
- Ensure the pull request description clearly describes the problem/fix and solution. Include the relevant issue number if applicable.
- Follow the coding and documentation conventions in the existing project. Pull requests that simply reformat or restructure the content will not be accepted.
Your contributions to open source, large or small, make great projects like this possible. Thank you for taking the time to contribute.