This document will have support documentation about the tools installed.
Some applications requires to be moved to the App Folder and for this to work the terminal need to have permissions to install Apps.
This can be done by going to System Preferences > Privacy & Security > App Management and add the terminal to the list.
hub is an extension to command-line git that helps you do everyday GitHub tasks without ever leaving the terminal.
# clone your own project
hub clone dotfiles
→ git clone git://
# clone another project
hub clone github/hub
→ git clone git://
# fast-forward all local branches to match the latest state on the remote
cd myproject
hub sync
# create a repo to host a new project on GitHub
git init
git add .
git commit -m "And so, it begins."
hub create
→ (creates a new GitHub repository with the name of the current directory)
git push -u origin HEAD
# check the CI status for this branch
hub ci-status --verbose
# open a pull request for the branch you've just pushed
hub pull-request
→ (opens a text editor for your pull request message)
pass is a very simple password store that keeps passwords inside gpg2(1) encrypted files inside a simple directory tree residing at ~/.password-store. The pass utility provides a series of commands for manipulating the password store, allowing the user to add, remove, edit, synchronize, generate, and manipulate passwords
pass init "$masterpass"
# To insert a new password
pass insert Category/Name
# To delete a password
pass rm Category/Name
# To edit a password
pass edit Category/Name
# To see current password
pass Category/Name
Currently (April/2022) Duplicati has an issue related to Python. In MacOS 12.3.1 (Monterey), Python 2.7 was removed from the OS, which cause Duplicati to not work, as it relies on this python version installed system wide. To be able to run it (and when the computer is started)
- Copy the net.duplicati.server.plist file from 'tools' folder and save it to
- Access Duplicate in the browser with http://localhost:8200
Quick Actions are a way to automate tasks in MacOS.
To create a new Quick Action, open Automator and create a new Quick Action.
- Open Automator
- Create a new Quick Action
- Add a new action: Open Finder Items
- Select as Open With the app you want to use
- Save the Quick Action
To sync 2 folders, you can use the rsync command.
rsync -avhPz Folder_1/ Folder_2 --exclude '.Spotlight-V100' --exclude '.DS_Store' --exclude '.Trashes'
Check if folders are the same:
rsync -avhPunc Folder_1/ Folder_2 --exclude '.Spotlight-V100' --exclude '.DS_Store' --exclude '.Trashes'
There are some ways to find and remove files/folders.
# With exec option
find . -name "filename" -exec rm -rf {} \;
# With -delete argument
find . -name "filename" -delete