Step 1: Fork this repository
Step 2: Clone this repository
Step 3: Create a branch
Step 4: Make your changes
Step 5: Stage your changes
Step 6: Commit your changes
Step 7: Push your changes to GitHub
Step 8: Submit a pull request
👉🏻 Click on the "Fork" button on the GitHub repository page then click Create a new Fork.
👉🏻 Open your Command line and execute the following command:
git clone
Note: replace your-username in the command above with your username. eg tshenolo
👉🏻 Navigate into your local repository using the following command:
cd OpenSourceJumpstart
👉🏻 Create a branch by executing the following command:
git checkout -b your-username-contribution
Note: replace your-username in the command above with your username. eg tshenolo
👉🏻 Open in your code editor then add the following:
- [Your Name](
Note: Replace "Your Name" with your name and your-username with your github username. For example.
- [Tshenolo Mos](
👉🏻 Stage your changes by executing the following command:
git add
👉🏻 Commit your changes by executing the following command:
git commit -m "Your-Name Contribution"
Note: Replace "Your-Name" with your name
👉🏻 Push your changes to Github by executing the following command:
git push -u origin your-username-contribution
Note: replace your-username in the command above with your username. eg tshenolo. your-username-contribution is the branch you created in the Create a branch step.
👉🏻 After pushing your branch to your forked repository, go to the original repository's GitHub page and click on "New pull request".