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Cigano Morrison Mendez edited this page Jul 25, 2016 · 1 revision

In PO terminology, strings you want to be translatable are known as messages. In i18n, messages are 'marked-up' in your source code as 'Nuggets'. The nugget markup allows i18n to filter the HTTP response looking for the message strings which are replaced with translated strings, where available. They also allow message strings to be located by the PostBuild PO file generator.

A simple nugget looks like this:

[[[translate me]]]

This defines a message with the key (aka msgid) of "translate me".

Nugget markup supports formatted messages as follows:

string.Format("[[[welcome %1, today is %0|||{0}|||{1}]]]", day, name)

where the %0 and %1 tokens are replaced by the strings that replace the {0} and {1} items, respectively. (The reason for the extra level of redirection here is to facilitate the translator rearranging the order of the tokens for different languages.)

Nugget transformation supports translation of the arguments as follows:

[MaxLength(20, ErrorMessage="[[[%0 must be %1 characters or less|||(((CountryCode)))|||20]]]")]
public string CountryCode { get; set; }

where the Nugget markup will first replace (((CountryCode)) with the translated text and then merge the translated value into the main message.

Nugget markup supports comments (extracted comments in PO terminology) to be passed to the translator like so:

[[[translate me///this is an extracted comment]]]

And if you need to include the markup characters themselves within a message, you can HTML-escape them, for example:

[[[Please don't forget to add GoogleAd tags: [googleadsmall]]]]

where ] is the HTML escape sequence for ]. The relevant escape sequences are:

  • / = /
  • [ = [
  • ] = ]
  • | = |

See Issue #50 for more on Nuggets and why we have chosen to replace the GetText / _() style of marking-up messages.

Nugget markup customization

The character sequences for marking-up nuggets ([,], |||, (((, ))) and ///) were chosen on the basis that they were unlikely to clash with common character sequences in HTML markup while at the same time being convenient for the programmer to enter (on most keyboards).

However, recognizing that a clash remains possible and nuggets thereby being falsely detected in source code or the HTML response, i18n allows you to define your own sequences for the markup which you know are not going to clash. You can configure these in web.config as follows:

    <add key="i18n.NuggetBeginToken" value="[&[" />
    <add key="i18n.NuggetEndToken" value="]&]" />
    <add key="i18n.NuggetDelimiterToken" value="||||" />
    <add key="i18n.NuggetCommentToken" value="////" />
    <add key="i18n.NuggetParameterBeginToken" value="(((" />
    <add key="i18n.NuggetParameterEndToken" value=")))" />

Message Visualization

i18n can be configured to visualize all processed messages. This is useful when testing your app to verify that all messages are tagged correctly. To enable this feature:

    <add key="i18n.VisualizeMessages" value="true" />
    <add key="i18n.NuggetVisualizeToken" value="!" />

When VisualizeMessages is active the NuggetVisualizeToken will be inserted at start and end of each translated message.

Two more optional parameters can be used to further customize the message visualization.


This enables display of the language tag that was use to localize each message. The language tag will be shown before each message, separated from the message by this parameter value. If the value is a blank string or the parameter is not present then language tags are not shown in message visualizations.


This allows for using different start and end tokens for visualizing messages. When this value is specified then the NuggetVisualizeToken will be inserted at start of each translated message and the NuggetVisualizeEndToken will be inserted at end of each translated message.

For example, to display language tags separated from messages by a colon, and add brackets to enclose the visualized messages, use the following message visualization configuration.

    <add key="i18n.VisualizeMessages" value="true" />
    <add key="i18n.VisualizeLanguageSeparator" value=":" />
    <add key="i18n.NuggetVisualizeToken" value="![" />
    <add key="i18n.NuggetVisualizeEndToken" value="]!" />
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