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Everyone needs +words of wisdom+. When we're +learning the ropes+ or things +are going wrong+, we all need help. Sometimes it's +the wise words of our mentors+ that set us free. But we also +need to watch out for+ advice that sounds good, but doesn't work. The +trick is to know+ the difference between the two.
Rubem Alves, educator, writer. In the 1960s, I was in the United States doing +post-graduate work+. Although I never +explicitly criticised+ the +government+, I came +under attack for+ my +political sentiments+. My professor then gave me +the following advice+: 'Rubem,' he said, 'never explain yourself. For your friends, it's +unnecessary+. For your +enemies+, it's +pointless+.'
May Chen, web designer. When I was +starting out in+ my twenties, I did some +really boring jobs+ because people +kept telling me+, 'It'll +look good on+ your CV.' Had I been +more confident+, I wouldn't +have listened+. I could have done more interesting things if I'd +trusted my instincts+. So I got a nice CV, but now I +regret wasting+ my twenties. If only I'd known then +what I know now+.
Jane Goodall, primatologist and conservationist. When I was about ten years old and +dreaming of going to+ Africa, living with animals and +writing books about them+, everyone +laughed at+ me. Africa was far away and +full of dangerous+ animals, and only boys could +expect to do those+ kinds of things. But my mother said, 'If you really want something and you +work hard+ and you +take advantage of opportunities+ - and you never, ever give up - you will find a way.' The opportunity was +a letter from a friend+ inviting me to Kenya. The hard work was waitressing +at+ a hotel to earn money for the trip - and +spending hours reading+ books about Africa and animals, so I was ready when Dr Louis Leakey +offered me+ the opportunity to +study chimpanzees+.
Felipe Massa, Formula 1 driver. In 2006, I +became team-mates with+ Michael Schumacher. I knew Schumacher +as a legend+, the man who had broken +practically every record+ in Formula 1. But +the most profound effect+ Schumacher had on me was when the great champion said, 'People will speak badly about +you one day+ and well about +you the next+. Ignore them. The important thing +is to do+ your work as well as you can.'
David Satcher MD, US Surgeon General. When I left home +to attend+ Morehouse College, my father - who did not even have +the privilege of completing elementary+ school - +accompanied me to+ the bus stop and gave me +the most important advice+ I ever +received+: 'Son, when you get there, you're going to meet a lot of people that +have a whole lot+ more than you. You may even meet some that have less than you do. But +no matter+ who you meet, +treat everybody with+ respect.' Those are words I still live by.
Stefan Orogovitz, brain surgeon. A journalist once asked me, 'Why do brain surgeons have +such large egos+?' I told her, 'We need them. We lose ninety-five +percent of+ our +patients+.' If I'd known +that statistic+ when I was learning the ropes, I'd be +selling insurance+ today. How can you keep working with figures like that? There's only one way: do all you can, never +apologise+, +believe in+ yourself and always tell the truth.
Xhang Li, businesswoman. When my husband and I first began in the real +estate business+, we were +on a steep learning curve+ and it +caused some friction+. Everyone told us, '+Marriage+ and +business+ don't mix.' I wish we hadn't listened to their advice. They were +so wrong+! We're a great team because of our great marriage. But +for our trust+ in each other, we would never have become so successful.