diff --git a/book/src/reference/data_dictionary.md b/book/src/reference/data_dictionary.md
index e2287934..aedfee31 100644
--- a/book/src/reference/data_dictionary.md
+++ b/book/src/reference/data_dictionary.md
@@ -10,174 +10,394 @@ The following list represent the already implemented events. These data structur
### `RollBack` Event
-- block_slot: u64,
-- block_hash: String,
+Data on chain rollback(The result of the local node switching to the consensus chains).
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| block_slot | u64 | Slot of the rolled back block. |
+| block_hash | String | Hash of the rolled back block. |
### `Block` Event
-- body_size: usize,
-- issuer_vkey: String,
-- context:
- - block_number: Option,
- - slot: Option,
+Data on an issued block.
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| body_size | usize | Size of the block. |
+| issuer_vkey | String | Block issuer Public verification key. |
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| block_number | Option\ | Height of block from genesis. |
+| slot | Option\ | Current slot. |
### `Transaction` Event
-- fee: u64,
-- ttl: Option,
-- validity_interval_start: Option,
-- network_id: Option,
-- context:
- - block_number: Option,
- - slot: Option,
- - tx_idx: Option,
- - tx_hash: Option,
+Data on a transaction.
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| fee | u64 | Transaction fees in lovelace. |
+| ttl | Option\ | Transaction time to live. |
+| validity_interval_start | Option\ | Start of transaction validity interval |
+| network_id | Option\ | Network ID. |
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| block_number | Option\ | Height of block from genesis. |
+| slot | Option\ | Current slot. |
+| tx_idx | Option\ | Transaction ID. |
+| tx_hash | Option\ | Transaction hash. |
### `TxInput` Event
-- tx_id: String,
-- index: u64,
-- context:
- - block_number: Option,
- - slot: Option,
- - tx_idx: Option,
- - tx_hash: Option,
- - input_idx: Option,
+Data on a transaction input.
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| tx_id | String | Transaction ID. |
+| index | u64 | Index of input in transaction inputs. |
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| block_number | Option\ | Height of block from genesis. |
+| slot | Option\ | Current slot. |
+| tx_idx | Option\ | Transaction ID. |
+| tx_hash | Option\ | Transaction hash. |
+| input_idx | Option\ | Input ID. |
### `TxOutput` Event
-- address: String,
-- amount: u64,
-- context:
- - block_number: Option,
- - slot: Option,
- - tx_idx: Option,
- - tx_hash: Option,
- - output_idx: Option,
+Data on a transaction output (UTXO).
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| address | String | Address of UTXO. |
+| amount | u64 | Amount of lovelace in UTXO. |
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| block_number | Option\ | Height of block from genesis. |
+| slot | Option\ | Current slot. |
+| tx_idx | Option\ | Transaction ID. |
+| tx_hash | Option\ | Transaction hash. |
+| output_idx | Option\ | Output ID. |
### `OutputAsset` Event
-- policy: String,
-- asset: String,
-- amount: u64,
-- context:
- - block_number: Option,
- - slot: Option,
- - tx_idx: Option,
- - tx_hash: Option,
- - output_idx: Option,
+Data on a non-ADA asset in a UTXO.
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| policy | String | Minting policy of asset. |
+| asset | String | Asset ID. |
+| amount | u64 | Amount of asset. |
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| block_number | Option\ | Height of block from genesis. |
+| slot | Option\ | Current slot. |
+| tx_idx | Option\ | Transaction ID. |
+| tx_hash | Option\ | Transaction hash. |
+| output_idx | Option\ | Output ID. |
### `Metadata` Event
-- key: String,
-- subkey: Option,
-- value: Option,
-- context:
- - block_number: Option,
- - slot: Option,
- - tx_idx: Option,
- - tx_hash: Option,
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| key | String | .... |
+| subkey | Option\ | .... |
+| value | Option\ | .... |
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| block_number | Option\ | Height of block from genesis. |
+| slot | Option\ | Current slot. |
+| tx_idx | Option\ | Transaction ID. |
+| tx_hash | Option\ | Transaction hash. |
### `Mint` Event
-- policy: String,
-- asset: String,
-- quantity: i64,
-- context:
- - block_number: Option,
- - slot: Option,
- - tx_idx: Option,
- - tx_hash: Option,
+Data on the minting of a non-ADA asset.
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| policy | String | Minting policy of asset. |
+| asset | String | Asset ID. |
+| quantity | i64 | Quantity of asset minted. |
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| block_number | Option\ | Height of block from genesis. |
+| slot | Option\ | Current slot. |
+| tx_idx | Option\ | Transaction ID. |
+| tx_hash | Option\ | Transaction hash. |
### `Collateral` Event
-- tx_id: String,
-- index: u64,
-- context:
- - block_number: Option,
- - slot: Option,
- - tx_idx: Option,
- - tx_hash: Option,
+Data on [collateral inputs](https://docs.cardano.org/plutus/collateral-mechanism).
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| tx_id | String | Transaction ID. |
+| index | u64 | Index of transaction input in inputs. |
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| block_number | Option\ | Height of block from genesis. |
+| slot | Option\ | Current slot. |
+| tx_idx | Option\ | Transaction ID. |
+| tx_hash | Option\ | Transaction hash. |
### `PlutusScriptRef` Event
-- data: String
-- context:
- - block_number: Option,
- - slot: Option,
- - tx_idx: Option,
- - tx_hash: Option,
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| data | String | .... |
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| block_number | Option\ | Height of block from genesis. |
+| slot | Option\ | Current slot. |
+| tx_idx | Option\ | Transaction ID. |
+| tx_hash | Option\ | Transaction hash. |
### `StakeRegistration` Event
-- credential: StakeCredential
-- context:
- - block_number: Option,
- - slot: Option,
- - tx_idx: Option,
- - tx_hash: Option,
+Data on stake registration event.
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| credential | [StakeCredential](https://docs.rs/oura/1.4.1/oura/model/enum.StakeCredential.html) | Staking credentials. |
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| block_number | Option\ | Height of block from genesis. |
+| slot | Option\ | Current slot. |
+| tx_idx | Option\ | Transaction ID. |
+| tx_hash | Option\ | Transaction hash. |
### `StakeDeregistration` Event
-- credential: StakeCredential
-- context:
- - block_number: Option,
- - slot: Option,
- - tx_idx: Option,
- - tx_hash: Option,
+Data on stake deregistration event.
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| credential | [StakeCredential](https://docs.rs/oura/1.4.1/oura/model/enum.StakeCredential.html) | Staking credentials. |
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| block_number | Option\ | Height of block from genesis. |
+| slot | Option\ | Current slot. |
+| tx_idx | Option\ | Transaction ID. |
+| tx_hash | Option\ | Transaction hash. |
### `StakeDelegation` Event
-- credential: StakeCredential,
-- pool_hash: String,
-- context:
- - block_number: Option,
- - slot: Option,
- - tx_idx: Option,
- - tx_hash: Option,
+Data on [stake delegation](https://docs.cardano.org/core-concepts/delegation) event.
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| credential | [StakeCredential](https://docs.rs/oura/1.4.1/oura/model/enum.StakeCredential.html) | Stake credentials. |
+| pool_hash | String | Hash of stake pool ID. |
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| block_number | Option\ | Height of block from genesis. |
+| slot | Option\ | Current slot. |
+| tx_idx | Option\ | Transaction ID. |
+| tx_hash | Option\ | Transaction hash. |
### `PoolRegistration` Event
-- operator: String,
-- vrf_keyhash: String,
-- pledge: u64,
-- cost: u64,
-- margin: f64,
-- reward_account: String,
-- pool_owners: Vec,
-- relays: Vec,
-- pool_metadata: Option,
-- context:
- - block_number: Option,
- - slot: Option,
- - tx_idx: Option,
- - tx_hash: Option,
+Data on the stake [registration event](https://developers.cardano.org/docs/stake-pool-course/handbook/register-stake-pool-metadata/).
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| operator | String | Stake pool operator ID. |
+| vrf_keyhash | String | Kehash of node VRF operational key. |
+| pledge | u64 | Stake pool pledge (lovelace). |
+| cost | u64 | Operational costs per epoch (lovelace).|
+| margin | f64 | Operator margin. |
+| reward_account | String | Account to receive stake pool rewards. |
+| pool_owners | Vec\ | Stake pool owners. |
+| relays | Vec\ | .... |
+| pool_metadata | Option\ | .... |
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| block_number | Option\ | Height of block from genesis. |
+| slot | Option\ | Current slot. |
+| tx_idx | Option\ | Transaction ID. |
+| tx_hash | Option\ | Transaction hash. |
### `PoolRetirement` Event
-- pool: String,
-- epoch: u64,
-- context:
- - block_number: Option,
- - slot: Option,
- - tx_idx: Option,
- - tx_hash: Option,
+Data on [stake pool retirement](https://cardano-foundation.gitbook.io/stake-pool-course/stake-pool-guide/stake-pool/retire_stakepool) event.
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| pool | String | Pool ID. |
+| epoch | u64 | Current epoch. |
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| block_number | Option\ | Height of block from genesis. |
+| slot | Option\ | Current slot. |
+| tx_idx | Option\ | Transaction ID. |
+| tx_hash | Option\ | Transaction hash. |
### `GenesisKeyDelegation` Event
-- context:
- - block_number: Option,
- - slot: Option,
- - tx_idx: Option,
- - tx_hash: Option,
+Data on genesis key delegation.
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| block_number | Option\ | Height of block from genesis. |
+| slot | Option\ | Current slot. |
+| tx_idx | Option\ | Transaction ID. |
+| tx_hash | Option\ | Transaction hash. |
### `MoveInstantaneousRewardsCert` Event
-- from_reserves: bool,
-- from_treasury: bool,
-- to_stake_credentials: Option>,
-- to_other_pot: Option,
-- context:
- - block_number: Option,
- - slot: Option,
- - tx_idx: Option,
- - tx_hash: Option,
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| from_reserves | bool | .... |
+| from_treasury | bool | .... |
+| to_stake_credentials | Option\> | .... |
+| to_other_pot | Option\ | .... |
+| Name | DataType | Description |
+| :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| block_number | Option\ | Height of block from genesis. |
+| slot | Option\ | Blockchain slot. |
+| tx_idx | Option\ | Transaction ID. |
+| tx_hash | Option\ | Transaction hash. |