- Verbosity (up to -vvv)-V
- Version - show version-S
- Run Client as a Rest Server-p
- Port to run Rest Server on, default 8888
When the client is run without a -S
arg, it will default to the CLI implementation.
Running with -S
to initiate REST server
Where mdata
refers to the binary installed in /usr/bin/mdata
- List all existing products
mdata list
- Show existing product
mdata show <gtin>
- Create a new product
mdata create <gtin>
- Requires attributes
- Attributes supplied to update will overwrite existing attributes
- Can provide any number of key:value pair of attributes. Keep appending with the -a flag.
- Requires existing product
mdata update <gtin> -a "<key>:<value>" [-a "<key>:<value>" -a "<key>:<value>" ...]
- Set the state of an existing product to one of ACTIVE, INACTIVE, DISCONTINUED
mdata set <gtin> ["ACTIVE", "INACTIVE", "DISCONTINUED"]
- Requires product to be in INACTIVE state
mdata delete <gtin>
Run the exact same commands against a rest interface
curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/products
curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/products/<gtin>
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"Gtin":"25825825825825", "Attributes": {"uom": "cases", "name": "chicken wings"}}' \
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/products/<gtin>
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"Gtin":"25825825825825", "State": "ACTIVE"}' \
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"Gtin":"25825825825825", "Attributes": {"uom": "lbs", "name": "chicken wings"}}' \