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- Watch the video
- Go go https://moodle-projects.wolfware.ncsu.edu/enrol/index.php?id=827
- Click on the "Shots Fired On Campus: When Lightning Strikes" button (at bottom). Go to next page.
- Click on the "Enroll me" button. Go to next page.
- Find the text Shots Fired - Student Edition Please click here in order to veiw the training video. It will take about 50 seconds to load.
- Click on the "here" and watch the 25 minute video
- Answer these questions
- List two things not to do during an active shooter event.
- List two things best to do during an active shooter event.
Read chapters one to four of Think like a Computer Scientist
- The way of the program
- Variables, expressions and statements
- Functions
- Case study: interface design
Then do:
- All the exercises 3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,3.5 + In your own directory, have a file called think3.py
- Exercises 4.2, 4.3: but make sure you first follow the install instructions.
+ Yes, there is a full worked solution available, but try iut out yourself first.
+ In your directory, add figures
showing screen snaps generated from these figures.
This part of the homework has nothing to hand in.
Take a large cup of coffee, drink it, then reflect on fsm.py. We will talk to this code in class.
Note that fsm.py implements a "domain-specific language" (DSL) for finite state machines (FSM) written in Python.
Optional reading:
- For more on DSLs, see
- For more on FSMs, see