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- What is ordered and unordered search. In what way are they different?
- What is the difference between a local and global maxima?
- What is the drawback of greedy search?
- Why do you think SA was so popular in 1950s?
- Is SA a single objective or a multiojective optimization algorithm?
- How would you terminate a stochastic algorithms such as SA sooner?
- What is mutation? Give an example.
- What type of surfaces(objective spaces) will SA find hard to optimize?
- What is a metaheurestic? State 2 properties of meta-heurestics.
- When finding a solution, you can either mutate towards ''Heaven'' (A better spot) or you can choose to mutate away from "Hell" (A worse spot). Why would you choose one over the other? (HINT: One of them has a better diversity of search.)
- In about 10 lines, write down the pseudo-code for SA. Number each line.
- In the pseudo-code for SA, you used a neighbourhood function Neighbour(). Code up the Neighbour function.
- In the pseudo-code for SA, you used a probability function P(e_new, e_old, t). What would be a valid mathematical expression for this? How would you change this for a maximization problem?