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Sometimes you can achieve on one goal and fail on another. So
- not everything wins on every goal
- the goals we set determines the conclusions we condone.
But what are the goals often seen in practice?
Usual practice (strongly recommended) is the train on some data and test on some other.
- e.g. given a data set, shuffle its order 5 times
- each time, divide into 5 bins
- train on four bins, test on the remaining
- 25 repeated results
- e.g. given data divided into times T1, T2, T3,... (e.g. software relased as different versions)
- train on the past (time Ti) and test on the future (time Tj>i)
For any algorithm with a stochastic component, it is got practice to repeat mulitple times,w ith different random seeds
- e.g. 20 repeats (if algorithm not too slow)
- strive for at least 10
This means that when we compare different learners/ optimizers,w e are mot compare one value but rather ranges of values from each treatment.
For example, if our data came from normal bell shaped curves, we would apply statistical tests called Hedges and ttests to check the overlap between the curves
- and if that overlap was small, then we could say the distributions are different
- after which point, we can compare the median/mean values.
If doubt the normality assumption, then use tests that do not assume normal bell shaped curves like Cliff's Delta and bootstrap. These are sampling methods that draw values from one distributions, then see where these values fall in other distribution.
- residual = RE = predicted - actual
- magnitude of RE = MRE= abs(predicted - actual)
- PRED(N) = how may estimates are less than N
- e.g. PRED(30) is standard (how many estimates within 30% of actual)
- medianRE = median of lots of RE
- meanRE = mean of lots of RE (not recommended)
Some argue that these numbers need to be baselined as a ratio against "do the dumbest thing you can":
- let
= mean of the training set - let
= your numeric estimate from the more - Standardised accuracy = (1- x/y) * 100
- Larger values are better
In the above diagram, the left-hand-side rank column comes from statistical tests over each row. After sorting on the median score, we compare row i with _i+1_L
- Rows that are statistically indistinguishable are ranked together,
- Otherwise, the rank of row i+1 is one plus the rank of the row before it.
This ranking trick is a great way to simplify reasoning about complex problems. It turns out that many treatments have indistinguishable performance (to say that another way, data sneers at excessive cleverness).
- E.g. see figure 3c and 3d of Yan et al. where dozens of treatments form just 4-5 ranks.
(For code to implement the following, see abcd.
Consider the output stream,
%are you a dog?
predicted truth
--------- -----
yes no
yes yes
no no
yes yes
no no
... ...
Note that sometimes dog
s are correctly predicted and sometimes
they ain't (line one).
How do we convert these pairs into evaluation measures?
Discrete detectors can be assessed according to the following measures:
| truth |
| no yes |
| a | b | classifer predicts = no
| c | d | classifier predicts = yes
- accuracy = acc = (a+d)/(a+b+c+d
- probability of detection = pd = recall = d/(b+d)
- probability of false alarm = pf = c/(a+c)
- precision = prec = d/(c+d)
- distance2heaven = d2h = sqrt( (1-pd)^2 + pf^2 )
- pos/neg = = (b+d) / (a+c)
(We'll use pos/neg later on, see below.)
no, yes, <-- classified as
120, 20, no
20, 20, yes
For more that two classes, need to build one table per class of e.g. (a,nota), (b,notb), (c,notc) then report seperately for each.
a, b, c, <-- classifieed as
50, 10, 5, a
5, 80, 10, b
20, 30, 100, c
Ideally, detectors have high PDs, low PFs, and low effort. This ideal state rarely happens:
- PD and effort are linked. The more modules that trigger the detector, the higher the PD. However, effort also gets increases
- High PD or low PF comes at the cost of high PF or low PD (respectively).
These links can be seen in a standard receiver operator curve (ROC). Suppose, for example, LOC<x is used as the detector (i.e. we assume large modules have more errors). LOC<x represents a family of detectors:
- At x=0, EVERY module is predicted to have errors. This detector has a high PD but also a high false alarm rate.
- At x=0, NO module is predicted to have errors. This detector has a low false alarm rate but won't detect anything at all. At 0<x<1, a set of detectors are generated as shown below:
1 | x x x KEY:
| x . "." denotes the line PD=PF
| x . "x" denotes the roc curve
| x . for a set of detectors
| x .
| x .
| x .
|x .
x------------------ pf
0 1
Note that:
- The only way to make no mistakes (PF=0) is to do nothing (PD=0)
- The only way to catch more detects is to make more mistakes (increasing PD means increasing PF).
- Our detector bends towards the "sweet spot" of <PD=1,PF=0> but does not reach it.
- The line pf=pd on the above graph represents the "no information" line. If pf=pd then the detector is pretty useless. The better the detector, the more it rises above PF=PD towards the "sweet spot".
For more on the connection of pd,pf,precision, etc, see Problems with Precision where it is derived that
pf = pos / neg * (1-prec)/prec * recall
For single objective problems, measures such as absolute residual or rank-difference can be very useful but cannot be used for multi-objective problems. The following are the measures used for such problems.
First, we need a pareto frontier "P".
- The frontier are the solutions that "dominate" the rest
- Informally, the dominating solutions are those with a clear line of sight to heaven (the point of best goals)
- More formally, for binary domination,
- None worse: X dominates Y if none of X's objectives are worst than in Y,
- One better: And at least one objective score in X is better than Y.
- More formally, for indicator domination, X dominates Y if we sum the difference in the goals, raised to some power.
- see RowDom.
Given multiple optimizers which achieved frontiers of A1, A2, ....
- the reference frontier is the dominating examples of R=dom(⋃Ai)
- i.e. you throw together all the Ai together and discard anything worse than anything else.
Generational Distance: Generational distance is the measure of convergence: how close is the predicted Pareto front Ai is to the actual Pareto front. It is defined to measure (using Euclidean distance) how far are the solutions that exist in R to the nearest solutions in Ai.
- In an ideal case, the GD is 0, which means the predicted fronter is a subset of the actual reference froniter.
- Note that GD ignores how well the solutions are spread out.
Spread: Spread is a measure of diversity—how well the solutions in Ai are spread. This measure reports the gap distance Di between nearest solutions on the froniter Ai.
- An ideal case is when the solutions in are spread evenly across the Predicted Pareto Front; i.e. there are no large gaps in the members of Ai.
- So smaller values of Spread and better.
Inverted Generational Distance: Inverted Generational distance measures both convergence as well as the diversity of the solutions—measures the shortest distance from each solution in the Actual frontier Ai to the closest solution in R. Like Generational distance, the distance is measured in Euclidean space.
- In an ideal case, IGD is 0, which means the frontier found by this optimizer is the same as the one found by all optimizers.
_Hypervolume:- Hypervolume measures both convergence as well as the diversity of the solutions— hypervolume is the union of the cuboids w.r.t. to a reference point. Note that the hypervolume implicitly defines an arbitrary aim of optimization. Also, it is not efficiently computable when the number of dimensions is large, however, approximations exist.
- And many other ways, as well.
Software engineering, we might have some other measures.
In 2011, Parnin and Orso noted that developers are not using debugging tools since they grow impatient when they generate false alarms.
So one measure of success of a defect predictor is to minimize
(see section V of Supervised vs Unsupervised
Models: A Holistic Look at Effort-Aware Just-in-Time Defect
i.e. number of initial false alarms encountered before we find the
first defect.
Another measure of success is "how little do you need to read to find most bugs". The usual rule is you want find 20% of the code to find 80% of the defects.
For exaple, if we know how many locs of code are seen in the methods
in the above cells a,b,c,d
, then we can define how many lines of
code we need to read to find the bugs (and our goal is read less
and find more bugs):
- build a defect predictor
- find the code where the prediction = yes, no
- Build
as follows:tmp1
= sort the yes ascending on lines of codeS(m)
= sort the no ascending on lines of code, append totmp1
- Build
as follows:tmp2
= sort the yes descending on lines of codeS(worst)
= sort the no descedning on lines of code, append totmp2
- Build
as follows:- Sort all code descending on number of defects
- Walk the curves left to right, recording what defects we find
Popt = 1 - ( S(optimal) - S(m) ) / (S(optional) - S(worst) )
- Usually, we report the recall when Popt = 20%
Different business contexts need different goals.
So what we need are goal-aware learners.
End data mining.
Begin multi-objective optimization.