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Theorem Provers

"Anyone who thinks modeling is easy, hasn't done it." -- timm
"Manual modeling is why I ran away to data mining." -- timm

Given data, then data miners let us divide that space, and optimizers tells us how to jump around that space.

  • Which begs the question: how do we generate that space in the first place?
  • Welcome to the wonderful world of modeling; i.e.:

What is modeling:

  • take all you know or imagine or guess about a domain;
  • then committing that to some executable, then checking that code;
  • then running that code;
  • then trusting the conclusions that come from that code.

Modeling is Hard

Now this approach is not cheap. There are many such costs:

There is the modeling cost to build a systems model(summarizing some situation) then a properties models (the invariant that must hold in a domain)

  • Note that building the properties model can be outrageously expensive, slow, tedious since this requires committing to what is true and important in a domain.
  • Probabilistic programming is an interesting method to reduce the systems modeling cost (you do not need to specify everything exactly-- near enough is good enough). But this approach is still highly experimental.
  • Some recent work suggests that we can get these models for free, in Cloud environments.
    In that world, users are always writing configuration files describing how to set up and run their systems. Those descriptions must be right (otherwise the cloud won't run) and automatic tools can derive properties models automatically from those descriptions.
  • Also, sometimes, we can generate formal models from other software artifacts.

There there is the execution cost of searching through the models.

  • If those models are very simple, then the execution cost can be small e.g. milliseconds.
  • But in the usual case, an exhaustive search is impractical for anything more that just trivially small models.
  • Sequential model optimization can sometimes reduce this execution cost.
  • Monte Carlo methods let us sample across a space of possibilities. Sometimes, stable conclusions can be found within that space.
    • And tools like probabilistic programming might be ways to better guide those Monte Carlo simes

Also there is

  • The verification cost associated with checking if the model is adequate. Note that such a test of adequacy requires a working properties model and an working execution engine
  • See the recursive problem here?
  • The personnel cost required to find and train the analysts who can work in the formal modeling languages. Note that such analysts are hard to find and retain.
    • To reduce this cost, sometimes it is possible to use lightweight notations that reduce the training time required to build that models.
    • E.g. see the statechart representations of Fig1, Fig9, Fig12.
    • But even if the notation is lightweight, analysts still need the business knowledge required to write the right models.
  • The development brake. The above costs can be so high that the requirements can be frozen for some time before we perform the analysis. Note that slowing down requirements in this way can be unacceptable.

Modeling in software engineering is an old problem with many solutions such as lightweight modeling languages, domain specific languages, general-purpose modeling tools, etc.

Here we talk about one specific kind of modeling language, which comes with its own execution tools. Its a modeling language many of us have some familiarity with. Welcome to formal logical models.

Feature Models to Clauses



Other examples

More complex (with temporal operators):

So Now we Have Clauses, What Next?

Welcome to DIAMCS CNF:

An example of CNF is:

  (x1 | -x5 | x4) & 
  (-x1 | x5 | x3 | x4) & 
  (-x3 | x4).

The DIMACS CNF format for the above set of expressions could be:

 c Here is a comment. 
 p cnf 5 3 
 1 -5 4 0 
 -1 5 3 4 0 
 -3 -4 0

The p cnf line above means that this is SAT problem in CNF format with 5 variables and 3 clauses. The first line after it is the first clause, meaning x1 | -x5 | x4.

CNFs with conflicting requirements are not satisfiable. For example, the following DIMACS CNF formatted data is not satisfiable, because it requires that variable 1 always be true and also always be false:

 c This is not satisfiable. 
 p cnf 2 2 
 -1 0 
 1 0


PicoSAT is a popular SAT solver written by Armin Biere in pure C. This package provides Python bindings to picosat on the C level, i.e. when importing pycosat, the picosat solver becomes part of the Python process itself. For ease of deployment, the picosat source (namely picosat.c and picosat.h) is included in this project. These files have been extracted from the picosat source (picosat-965.tar.gz).

Another example (note picosat knows DIMACS):

   p cnf 5 3
   1 -5 4 0
   -1 5 3 4 0
   -3 -4 0

Here, we have 5 variables and 3 clauses, the first clause being (x1 or not x5 or x4). Note that the variable x2 is not used in any of the clauses, which means that for each solution with x2 = True, we must also have a solution with x2 = False. In Python, each clause is most conveniently represented as a list of integers. Naturally, it makes sense to represent each solution also as a list of integers, where the sign corresponds to the Boolean value (+ for True and - for False) and the absolute value corresponds to i-th variable::

   >>> import pycosat
   >>> cnf = [[1, -5, 4], [-1, 5, 3, 4], [-3, -4]]
   >>> pycosat.solve(cnf)
   [1, -2, -3, -4, 5]

This solution translates to: x1=x5=True and x2=x3=x4=False.

To find all solutions, use itersolve::

   >>> for sol in pycosat.itersolve(cnf):
   ...     print sol
   [1, -2, -3, -4, 5]
   [1, -2, -3, 4, -5]
   [1, -2, -3, 4, 5]
   >>> len(list(pycosat.itersolve(cnf)))

In this example, there are a total of 18 possible solutions, which had to be an even number because `x2`` was left unspecified in the clauses.

Using the itertools module from the standard library, here is how one would construct a list of (up to) 3 solutions::

   >>> import itertools
   >>> list(itertools.islice(pycosat.itersolve(cnf), 3))
   [[1, -2, -3, -4, 5], [1, -2, -3, 4, -5], [1, -2, -3, 4, 5]]

Note that when a satsolver generates mulitple solutions, they are not randomly distributed. So that raises an issue when using satsolvers to build some solutions to initialize a multi-objective search.

Implementation of itersolve

How does one go from having found one solution to another solution? The answer is surprisingly simple. One adds the inverse of the already found solution as a new clause. This new clause ensures that another solution is searched for, as it excludes the already found solution. Here is basically a pure Python implementation of itersolve in terms of solve::

   def py_itersolve(clauses): # don't use this function!
       while True:            # (it is only here to explain things)
           sol = pycosat.solve(clauses)
           if isinstance(sol, list):
               yield sol
               clauses.append([-x for x in sol])
           else: # no more solutions -- stop iteration

This implementation has several problems. Firstly, it is quite slow as pycosat.solve has to convert the list of clauses over and over and over again. Secondly, after calling py_itersolve the list of clauses will be modified. In pycosat, itersolve is implemented on the C level, making use of the picosat C interface (which makes it much, much faster than the naive Python implementation above).


Note that the above is useful, in conjunction with other methods. Begin overlap of theorem provers and optimizers and data mining:

e.g. for complex feature models:

  • use sat solvers to generate generation0
  • then explore variants via multi-objective optimizers to (say) select variants that use features that cost less to build, have less of a history of defects, etc.

Note that there is no guarantee that the above is efficient. But, for certain applications (e.g. optimizing

So in practice we have tricks. Warning, research bleeding edge starts here:

  • Mutate new things from pairs of existing valid things.
  • Do verification more than repair than generate
    • verification is fast since we give the satsolver settings to all the variables
    • generation is slow slow since we go to the model with no settings
      • and ask what setting work across that model
    • repair is halfway in the middle
      • given parents old1 and old2
      • and a mutant generated from combations of old1 and old2.
      • then anything in the mutant not in old1 and old2 is a candidate for repair points
      • so cut out the candidates, then ask the satsolver to fill in the missing buts
  • To do very little generation:
    • Let α = a small set of m examples
    • Generate large m2 mutations (by finding all differences between all pairs of α).
      • Score the mutants by their frequency
      • And the more frequent the mutant, the more we will use it.
    • For k centroids of α:
      • N times,
        • β = apply mutants to centroids (selected, favoring score).
        • if sat solver verifies(β),
          • then print it
        • else
      • α = α + [repairs(β)]
    • Magic numbers (N,k) = (100,5).