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LISP Macros

What is a Macro and Why Should I Care?

A macro (short for "macroinstruction") is a program called at runtime to write other programs.

They are used to expand shorthand into longhand.

;; example in Clojure
(defmacro on-error [default-value code]
  `(try ~code (catch Exception ~'e ~default-value)))

(on-error 0 (+ nil nil))               ;; would normally throw NullPointerException
=> 0                                   ;l; but we get the default value

There are simple lexical text-substitution macro languages like the "C" pre-processor or ye olde M4. Note that these simple macro systems have no access to the semantics of the underlying language.

# example in M4
define(`ALPHA', `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
define(`ROT13', `nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm')

translit(`abc ebg13', ALPHA, ALPHA_UPR)
# -> ABC EBG13
# -> ABC EBG13

translit(`abc ebg13', ALPHA, ROT13)
# -> nop rot13
substr(`engineer',0,3)           # -> eng -> engineering
translit(`rat', ALPHA, ROT13)    # -> eng -> engineering

Then there are somewhat clean macro languages that offer a declarative view of the semantics, like the Mustache library available in Python, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, Lua, etc etc

# example is mustache
  "beatles": [
    { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Lennon" },
    { "firstName": "Paul", "lastName": "McCartney" },
    { "firstName": "George", "lastName": "Harrison" },
    { "firstName": "Ringo", "lastName": "Starr" }
  "name": function () {
    return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;


* {{name}}

Note that the first line is actually a condition. If #beatles returns a zero count, nothing is generated.


* John Lennon
* Paul McCartney
* George Harrison
* Ringo Starr

I've written whole web sites that are just Mustache expansions.

Most Macro languages offer only a tiny subset of a full language. A notable exception is the defmacro operator of LISP that offer the whole power of the underlying language as part of the macro system. defmacros are LISP functions that return a list which the compiler then compiles as "real lisp".

This is particularly nice since

  • LISP manipulates lists (LISP= list processing)
  • LISP programs are lists (in fact, in ye olde times, a LISP function was just a list starting with lambda.
  • LISP macros rewrite lists to add in the required details.

For decades, LISP was the king of macros. Now, finally, other languages have caught on. So CLOJURE, ELIXR, Prolog, Dylan, Scala, Nemerle, Rust, Julia, etc, etc have macro systems that are (nearly) as powerful as LISP. So macros flourish!

But the more powerful the macro language, the more skill required to use them wisely. Beginners have a lot of trouble with macros. For example, here is an example in the GNU C pre-processor that goes terrible wrong due to "variable capture"

#define LOG(msg) ({ \
    int state = get_log_state(); \
    if (state > 0) { \
        printf("log(%d): %s\n", state, msg); \
    } \

Here’s a simple use case that goes terribly wrong:

const char *state = "reticulating splines";

This expands to

const char *state = "reticulating splines";
    int state = get_log_state();
    if (state > 0) {
        printf("log(%d): %s\n", state, state);

Note the double call the state in the last line. To avoid variable capture, we need "hygienic macros" (see below) that are guaranteed not to cause the accidental capture of identifiers.

But experienced programmers use them, a lot. For the absolute best book on macros in LISP, see the amazing Let Over Lambda ( book by Doug Hotter. Absolutely not for beginners.

Note that there is much more to writing macros than shown below. For more details, see

Macros in Julia

What is Julia? Think "next generation Python". Fast as heck. Scales. A language to watch.

From Julua:

  • Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for numerical computing. It provides a sophisticated compiler, distributed parallel execution, numerical accuracy, and an extensive mathematical function library. Julia’s Base library, largely written in Julia itself, also integrates mature, best-of-breed open source C and FORTRAN libraries for linear algebra, random number generation, signal processing, and string processing.

But right now, our focus is on one part of Julia- its type system. Julia has a nice type system, with some limits. E.g. default Julia does not let you define types with default variables.

So here's a macro that generates a type and function $(name).

# example in Julia
# define types and a constructor that drops in the
# right default values
# e.g. @def emp age=0 salary=10000
macro has(typename, pairs...)
    name = esc(symbol(string(typename,0))) # hygiene
    x    = esc(symbol("x"))                # hygiene 
    ones = [  x.args[1]  for x in pairs ]
    twos = [  x.args[2]  for x in pairs ]
    sets = [ :($x.$y=$y) for y in ones  ]
    :(type $(typename)
      function $(name)(; $(pairs...) )
        $x = $(typename)($(twos...))


@has aa bb=1 cc=10+1

First, we get the results of the macro

    type aa # /Users/timm/gits/timm/15/jl/one.jl, line 18:
    function aa0() # /Users/timm/gits/timm/15/jl/one.jl, line 21:
        aa(1,10 + 1)

Julia programs are organized around multiple dispatch, which allows built-in and user-defined functions to be overloaded for different combinations of argument types.

someFun(x::Any) = println(1000000)
someFun(x::aa)  = println(

So if this code rules, we can use aa0 to build a type that auto-assigns some fields to something of type aa, and initialize its fields to 1 and 10+1.

x    = aa0() = 200


Running results:


LISP Macros: the Details


Back ticks create a toggle mode within which things are not evaluated unless they are proceeded by a comma.

This allows for the simple definition of nested list structures.

(let ((a 1)
      (b 2)
      (c '(10 20 30 40)))
   (print '(a a b b))          ; ==> (A A B B)
   (print `(a ,a b ,b))        ; ==> (A 1 B 2)
   (print `(a ,a b ,b c ,c))   ; ==> (a 1 b 2 c (10 20 30 40))
   (print `(a ,a b ,b c ,@c))) ; ==> (a 1 b 2 c 10 20 30 40)

(Note: so back tick is a DSL for specifying nested lists).

For example, the following tells LISP to convert all calls to

(time-it 10 (run-this-long-function))

with code that runs some slow function ten times, then returns the mean time times across those ten calls.

(defmacro time-it (n &body body)
  "Run 'body' 'n' times."
  (let ((n1 (gensym))
        (i  (gensym))
        (t1 (gensym)))
    `(let ((,n1 ,n)
           (,t1 (get-internal-run-time)))
       (dotimes (,i ,n1) ,@body)
       (float (/ (- (get-internal-run-time) ,t1)
                 (* ,n1 internal-time-units-per-second))))))

Pretty neat, heh? Less typing for you, more auto-generated code.

To explain the above, we need to know about macros

What are Macros ?

Macros in Lisp provide a very powerful and flexible method of extending Lisp syntax.

Macros are programs to write programs. They are called when a program is first loaded from file into LISP. They expand succinct expressions into longer, executable, forms. Since the expansion happens only once at load time, they have zero runtime cost after that.

Lisp functions take Lisp values as input and return Lisp values. They are executed at run-time.

Lisp macros take Lisp code as input, and return Lisp code. They are executed at compiler pre-processor time, just like in C. The resultant code gets executed at run-time.

Basic Idea

Macros take unevaluated Lisp code and return a Lisp form. This form should be code that calculates the proper value. Example:

(defmacro Square-1 (X)
    `(* ,X ,X))

That is, wherever LISP reads (Square-1 XXX), it replaces it with (* XXX XXX).

The resultant code is what the compiler sees.

Traps For Beginners

  1. Trying to evaluate arguments at compile time
  2. Evaluating arguments too many times
  3. Variable name capture (not being hygienic).

Compile Time Eval Error

Macros are expanded at compiler pre-processor time. So this is an error:

(defmacro Square-2 (X)
    (* X X))

This would indeed work for (Square-2 4), but would crash for (Square-2 X), since X is probably a variable whose value is not known until run-time.

Evaluating arguments too many times

(defmacro Square-1 (X) `(* ,X ,X))

This looks OK on first blush. However, try macroexpand-1'ing a form, and you notice that it evaluates its arguments twice:

(macroexpand-1 '(Square-1 (Foo 2)))
==> (* (Foo 2) (Foo 2))

Foo gets called twice, but it should only be called once. Inefficient.

Also, returns the wrong value if Foo does not always return the same value.

(Square-1 (incf X))
(Square-1 (random 10))

So, to fix this, we eval the argument once, cache the result, and use it many times.

(defmacro Square-3 (X)
    `(let ((Temp ,X))
     (* Temp Temp)))

How does that look?

(macroexpand-1 '(Square-3 (Foo 2)))
==> (let ((Temp (Foo 2)))
             (* Temp Temp))

Which is nearly what we want.... except for variable name clashes.

Variable name capture (not being hygienic)

Square-3 is perfectly safe, but consider instead the following macro, which takes two numbers and squares the sum of them:

(defmacro Square-Sum-1 (X Y)
    `(let* ((First ,X)
            (Second ,Y)
        (Sum (+ First Second)))
      (* Sum Sum)) )

This looks pretty good, even after macroexpansion:

(macroexpand-1 '(Square-Sum-1 3 4))

==> (LET* ((FIRST 3)
           (SECOND 4)
           (SUM (+ FIRST SECOND)))
      (* SUM SUM))

which seems ok. BUT the local variables we chose would conflict with existing local variable names if a variable named First already existed. E.g.

(macroexpand-1 '(Square-Sum-1 1 First))
==> (LET* ((FIRST 1)
           (SECOND FIRST)
           (SUM (+ FIRST SECOND)))
      (* SUM SUM))

The problem here is that (SECOND FIRST) gets the value of the new local variable FIRST, not the one you passed in. Thus

(let ((First 9)) (Square-Sum-1 1 First))

returns 4, not 100!

Solution: need to create a variable name inside the macro that cannot exist anywhere else in the code. Now the macro is "hygienic".

(defmacro Square-Sum (X Y)
    (let ((First (gensym "FIRST-"))
          (Second (gensym "SECOND-"))
          (Sum (gensym "SUM-")))
      '(let* ((,First ,X)
              (,Second ,Y)
              (,Sum (+ ,First ,Second)))
           (* ,Sum ,Sum))


(macroexpand-1 '(Square-Sum 1 First))
==> (LET* ((#:FIRST-590 1)
           (#:SECOND-591 FIRST)
           (#:SUM-592 (+ #:FIRST-590 #:SECOND-591)))
       (* #:SUM-592 #:SUM-592))

This expansion has no dependence on any local variable names in the macro definition itself, and since the generated ones are guaranteed to be unique, is safe from name collisions.

Just to complete the picture, there is the "real" definition of square:

(defmacro square (x)
    (let ((temp (gensym)))
    `(let ((,temp ,x))

Other Examples


(defmacro while (test &body body)
  "implements 'while' (which is not standard in LISP)"
  `(do ()
       ((not ,test))


(macroexpand-1 '(while (> (decf n) 0) 
                  (print n)))

    ((NOT (> (DECF N) 0))) 
       (PRINT N))

Until (defined using While)

(defmacro until (test &body body)
  "implements 'until' (which is not standard in LISP)"
  `(while (not ,test)


(macroexpand-1 '(until (> (decf n) 0) 
                  (print n)))

(WHILE (NOT (> (DECF N) 0)) 
       (PRINT N)) 

Nested Slot Access

Example of a recursive macros. Very slick.

Fixes a problem in LISP, not chains of "." to handle nested object attributes:

(defmacro ? (obj first-slot &rest more-slots)
  (if (null more-slots)
      `(slot-value ,obj ',first-slot)
      `(? (slot-value ,obj ',first-slot) ,@more-slots)))


(macroexpand '(? obj a b c d))

      (SLOT-VALUE OBJ 'A) 


Loop 0..9, return n:

(macroexpand '(dotimes (i 10 n) (Incf n i)))

  (LET ((I 0))
      (GO #:G620)
      (TAGBODY (INCF N I))
      (PSETQ I (1+ I))
      (UNLESS (>= I 10) (GO #:G619))

Aren't you glad that you've never seen this before and you'll never have to see it again?

Anaphoric Macros

This one is really famous. Can you guess what it does?

(defmacro aif (test then &optional else)
  `(let ((it ,test))
     (if it ,then ,else)))

From Graham's On LISP book:

In natural language, an anaphor is an expression which refers back in the conversation. The most common anaphor in English is probably "it," as in "Get the wrench and put it on the table." Anaphor are a great convenience in everyday language-imagine trying to get along without them-but they don't appear much in programming languages. For the most part, this is good. Anaphoric expressions are often genuinely ambiguous, and present-day programming languages are not designed to handle ambiguity.

However, it is possible to introduce a very limited form of anaphor into Lisp programs without causing ambiguity. An anaphor, it turns out, is a lot like a captured symbol. We can use anaphor in programs by designating certain symbols to serve as pronouns, and then writing macros intentionally to capture these symbols.

Example use:

(aif (big-long-calculation)
     (foo it))

When you use an aif, the symbol it is bound to the result returned by the test clause. This can be reused without repeating some long expensive test.

Timing Execution

Now we can explain the time-it code that started this lecture.

(defmacro time-it (n &body body)
  "Run 'body' 'n' times."
  (let ((n1 (gensym)) ; hygiene
        (i  (gensym)) ; hygiene
        (t1 (gensym))) ; hygiene
    `(let ((,n1 ,n)
           (,t1 (get-internal-run-time)))
       (dotimes (,i ,n1) ,@body)
       (float (/ (- (get-internal-run-time) ,t1)
                 (* ,n1 internal-time-units-per-second))))))

Compile-time evaluation is avoided by returning a list that defines a let environment inside of which we can run or code.

Extra evaluations are avoided by computing n once and caching that result in n1.

And the gensyms avoid variable name clashes.