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Prolog (ish) in LISP

Prolog-in-LISP is a LISP program that lets us better understand our prior work on Prolog while learning more about LISP.

The system is in two parts:

  1. A knowledge-base;
  2. An inference engine.


Facts are list with a predicate followed by zero or more arguments; e.g.

(parent donald nancy)

tells us that donald's parent is nancy. Rules tell us what we can infer:

(<- head body)

where head is the "consequence" and "body" is the "antesecendat".

Variables are symbols beginning with question marks; e.g. ?x:

(defun var? (x)
  (and (symbolp x) 
       (eql (char (symbol-name x) 0) #\?)))

For example,

(<- (child ?x ?y) (parent ?y ?x))

says that:

  • if y is the parent of x, then x is the child of y

or more precisely, that we can prove any fact of the form (child x v) by proving (parent y x). Bodies can contain complex expressions (and, or, not) e.g.

(<- (father ?x ?y) (and (parent ?x ?y) (male ?x)))

Bodies can mention facts or rules (recursively); e.g.

(<- (daughter ?x ?y) (and (child ?x ?y) (female ?x)))

Proving something means chaining back through rules until we terminte at facts. Each step of that requires the unification of two lists (which might have variables). This means search for bindings to variables that makes the two lists equal. For example, to unify two lists:

(p ?x ?y c ?x) 
(p a b c a)

then use ?x = a and ?y = b, and the lists

(p ?x b ?y a) 
(p ?y b c a)

unify when ?x = ?y = c.

Interpreting the Knowledge


The function unify takes two tries and returns nil (if unification is imposible) or an association list containing the required bindings.

(defun unify (x y &optional binds)
    ((eql x y)        (values binds t))
    ((assoc x binds)  (unify (known x binds) y binds))
    ((assoc y binds)  (unify x (known y binds) binds))
    ((var? x)         (values (cons (cons x y) binds) t))
    ((var? y)         (values (cons (cons y x) binds) t))
      (when (and (consp x) (consp y))
        (multiple-value-bind (b2 yes) 
          (unify (car x) (car y) binds)
          (and yes (unify (cdr x) (cdr y) b2)))))))

where the known function looks up bindings within the binds association list.

There are six cases within (unify x y):

  1. If x and y are eql they unify. Else:
  2. If x has a binding, then try unifying that binding to y. Else:
  3. If y has a binding, then try unifying that binding to x. Else:
  4. If x is a variable (without a binding), then it can unify to anything at all, so we just create a new binding to y. Else:
  5. If y is a variable (without a binding), then it can unify to anything at all, so we just create a new binding to x. Else:
  6. Else, if x and y are list then if their car unifies, try unifying the cdrs.

Here are some examples of unify in action:

 > (unify '(p  a  b c  a) 
          '(p ?x ?y c ?x)) 
 ==> ((?Y . B) (?X . A))
 > (unify '(p ?x b ?y a) 
          '(p ?y b  c a))
 ((?Y . C) (?X . ?Y))
 > (unify '(a b c) 
          '(a a a)) 

Since not all successful unifications generate any bindings, unify, like gethash, returns a second value to show that the unify succeeded:

 > (unify ' (p ?x) »(p ?x)) 

Now we can make our little Prolog work. For example, if we have just the fact

 (parent donald nancy)

and we ask the program to prove "(parent ?x ?y)" it should return something like

(((?x . donald) (?y . nancy)))

which says that there is exactly one way for the expression to be true: if ?x is donald and ?y is nancy.

Defining Knowledge

The following macro defines a macro for writing rules and storing them into the *rules* hash table (indexed by the predicated in the head... so predicates can't be variables):

(defvar *rules* (make-hash-table))

(defmacro <- (con &optional ant)
     (push (cons (cdr ',con) ',ant)
           (gethash (car ',con) *rules*))))

This macro defines both facts and rules:

  • Facts are rules with a head but no body. I.e. to prove this head, there is nothing else to do (so nothing is needed for the body).

For example

 > (<- (parent donald nancy)) ; this is a fact
 > (<- (child ?x ?y) (parent ?y ?x)) ; this is a rule

Note that "<-" returns a number (using "length") just to stop a high-level form returning a tediously long list.

Answering Queries

The prove function peeks at the expr and calls different sub-provers for conjuctnion, disjuction, negation and basic unifications.

(defun prove (expr &optional binds)
  (case (car expr)
    (and  (ands        (reverse (cdr expr))   binds))
    (or   (ors         (cdr  expr)            binds))
    (not  (negation    (cadr expr)            binds))
    (t    (prove1      (car  expr) (cdr expr) binds))))

(defun prove1 (pred args binds)
    (lambda (r)
        (multiple-value-bind (b2 yes) 
          (unify args (car r) 
          (when yes
            (if (cdr r)  
              (prove (cdr r) b2) 
              (list b2)))))
    (mapcar #'renames
            (gethash pred *rules*))))

(defun renames (r)
  (sublis (mapcar (lambda (v) (cons v (gensym "?")))
                  (has-vars r))

For each head that unifies, it calls "prove" on the body, with the new bindings generated by the unification. For example:

 > (prove1 'parent (donald nancy) nil) 

 > (prove-simple 'child ' (?x ?y) nil )
 (((#:?6 . NANCY) (#:?5 . DONALD) 
   (?Y   . #:?5)  (?X   . #:?6)))

Both of the return values above indicate that there is one way to prove what we asked about. (A failed proof would return nil.) The first example generated one empty set of bindings, and the second generated one set of bindings in which ?x and ?y were (indirectly) bound to nancy and donald.

If we are going to use rules containing variables, we need to avoid the possibility of two rules accidentally containing the same variable. If we define two rules as follows

 (<- (child ?x ?y) (parent ?y ?x))
 (<- (daughter ?y ?x) (and (child ?y ?x) (female ?y)))

then we mean that for any x and y, x is the child of y if y is the parent of x, and for any x and y, y is the daughter of x if y is the child of x and female. The relationship of the variables within each rule is significant, but the fact that the two rules happen to use the same variables is entirely coincidental.

If we used these rules as written, they would not work that way. If we tried to prove that a was b's daughter, unifying against the head of the second rule would leave ?y bound to a and ?x to b. We could not then unify the head of the first rule with these bindings:

 > (unify '(child ?y ?x) '(child ?x ?y)
 '((?y . a) (?x . b)))

To ensure that the variables in a rule imply only something about the relations of arguments within that rule, we replace all the variables in a rule with gensyms. This is the purpose of the function "renames". A gensym could not possibly turn up as a variable in another rule. But because rules can be recursive, we also have to guard against the possibility of a rule clashing with itself, so change-vars has to be called not just when a rule is defined, but each time it is used.

(defun renames (r)
  (sublis (mapcar (lambda (v) (cons v (gensym "?")))
                  (has-vars r))

The sub-provers that handle conjunction/ disjunction/ negation are shown below.

(defun ands (goals binds)
  (if (null goals)
      (list binds)
      (mapcan (lambda (b)
                  (prove (car goals) b))
              (ands (cdr goals) binds))))

(defun ors(goals binds)
  (mapcan (lambda (c) (prove c binds))

(defun negation (goal binds)
  (unless (prove goal binds)
    (list binds)))

Note that:

  • The disjunction function returns lists of differnt bindings.
  • the "negation" function returns nil if the recursive proof fails.

Finally, we need a top-level driver:

(defmacro query (question &body body)
  (let ((binds (gensym)))
    `(dolist (,binds (prove ',question))
       (let ,(mapcar (lambda (v)
                         `(,v (known ',v ,binds)))
             (has-vars question))

(where "has-vars" returns the variables in the "question").

For example, this:

 (query  (p ?x ?y) (f ?x ?y))

macroexpands into:

 (dolist (#:gl (prove (P ?x ?y)))
     (let ((?x (binding '?x #:gD) 
               (?y (binding ' #:gl)))
    (f ?x ?y)))

A "query" expression will take a query (not evaluated) and a body of expressions, and will evaluate its body once for each set of bindings generated by the query, with each pattern variable bound to the value it has in the bindings.

 > (query (parent ?x ?y)
      (format t "~A is the parent of ~A.~°/0" ?x ?y))
 DONALD is the parent of NANCY.