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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
412 lines (312 loc) · 12.7 KB

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Review, week9


Write the following in Smalltalk, then LISP:

(1..5).each do |counter|
  puts "iteration #{counter}"
array = [1,2,3,4,5]
doubled = do |element|
  element * 2
puts doubled

In the following,

  • list the instance variables, the class variables, the defined methods and the called methods.
  • Exactly when is @@instance created?
class SimpleLogger

  # Lots of code deleted...
  @@instance =

  def self.instance
    return @@instance


Rewrite the following in Python. Hint, @level is instance variable you will need to create in an init method and you'll have to add in some self references.

class SimpleLogger
  def warning(msg)
    @log.puts(msg) if @level >= WARNING

  def info(msg)
    @log.puts(msg) if @level >= INFO


  • Q:"Expert are experts sicne they see patterns that novices do not". Explain.
  • Q: "Patterns + macros = new language". Discuss
  • Q: Discuss the merits of designning using the Composite pattern for a class hierarchy browser (single-parent) and disk file browser .
    • In your answer, make sure you define what is a composite pattern
    • What else could a composite be used for?
  • Q:For Abstract Factory : learn more
    • Is it creational, strutural or behavioural? Justify your answer.
  • Q: Consider the Signelton Pattern: learn more
    • What invariant does Singleton maintain?
    • Singletons have recenly inspred much strong hatred. What do some people as the problem with Singletons?
    • How does the following Ruby code maintain the Singleton invariant?


class SimpleLogger

  # Lots of code deleted...
  @@instance =

  def self.instance
    return @@instance

  private_class_method :new
  • Q: Consider the Adapter Pattern:
    • The following code allows for a uniform access protocol to strings and files. Define the methods that make up that uniform access protocol.
    • With this protocol in place, and the following code, what can you now do with a string that is the same as a file.
class Encrypter
  def initialize(key)
    @key = key

  def encrypt(reader, writer)
    key_index = 0
    while not reader.eof?
      clear_char = reader.getc
      encrypted_char = clear_char ^ @key[key_index]
      key_index = (key_index + 1) % @key.size

class StringIOAdapter
  def initialize(string)
    @string = string
    @position = 0

  def getc
    if @position >= @string.length
      raise EOFError
    ch = @string[@position]
    @position += 1
    return ch

  def eof?
    return @position >= @string.length

encrypter ='XYZZY')
reader='We attack at dawn')'out.txt', 'w')
encrypter.encrypt(reader, writer)

The Pipeline


Q: What is the purpose of the Monte Carlo function?
A: Provide a range of poissibiltiies, selected at random, for control parameters of a simulation?

  • Q:What is the input to the monte\_carlo carlo function? (Hint: n and s).
  • Q:What is the output?
  • Q:What is a psuedo-number generator and why is useful for debugging?
  • Q:What is the seed of the psuedo-number generator?

Compartmental Model

Q:What is the puprose of the compartmental model brooks2 code in the pipe?

In the following:

  • Q:What are the payloads?
  • Q:What are the stocks in the following?
  • Q:What is invariant about i and j? What is different about i and j?
  • Q:When this runs, what does it output to the next step in the pipe?
  • Q:What is its input (from the pipe).
 def step(self, dt, t, i, j):
        def _co(x):
            "Communication overhead"
            myTeam = i.ts - 1   # talk to everyone in my team
            others = x / i.ts - 1  # talk to every other team
            return self.params.pomposity * (myTeam**2 + others**2)  # pomposity
        j.aR = / self.params.learning_curve  # 20 = Learning curve = self.params.optimism * t  # Optimism = _co(i.ep +
        # Don't touch 6 and zero.
        j.paR = 6 if (
   - i.d) < self.params.atleast and t < int(self.params.done_percent * t / 100) else 0
        j.sdR = i.nprod * (1 - / 100) * (self.params.productivity_new
                                              * + self.params.productivity_exp * (i.ep - i.ept))
        j.ept = * / 100
        j.ep += i.aR * dt += (i.paR - i.aR) * dt
        j.d += i.sdR * dt
        j.r -= i.sdR * dt
        return j

In the code that calls step, there is some additional functionality. Why is there a restrain method?

    def restrain(i, x):
        return max(i.lo, min(i.hi, x))


One abstraction used to connect all the filters in the pipe are tables. Tables are read from a csv file.

  • Q:What is different about the first row and all the other rows?
  • Q:What are the special characters in that first row? (Hint ><$!)
  • Q:Using that first row, how to distinguish a dependent from an independent column?
  • Q:Using that first row, how to distinguish a numeric from a symbolic column?

Here is the code inside the Num header. What does it do? When is it called? What is the point of the test for ? in the first line?

function numInc(t,x,    d) 
  if x == "?" then return x end
  t.n  = t.n + 1
  d    = x - = + d/t.n
  t.m2 = t.m2 + d*(x -
  if x > t.hi then t.hi = x end
  if x < t.lo then t.lo = x end
  if (t.n>=2) then = (t.m2/(t.n - 1 + 10^-32))^0.5 end
  return x  


  • Q:What is the purpose of the dom part of the pipleine?
  • Q:Imagine the dependent variables in two rows of data. We say these variables have a weight of -1 or 1. What does -1 indicate?
  • Q:Here is the dom function for those two rows. What is a,b normalized before we look at their difference?
function dom(t,row1,row2,     n,a0,a,b0,b,s1,s2)
  s1,s2,n = 0,0, 0
  for _ in pairs(t.w) do n=n+1 end
  for c,w in pairs(t.w) do
    a0 = row1[c]
    b0 = row2[c]
    a  = numNorm( t.nums[c], a0)
    b  = numNorm( t.nums[c], b0)
    s1 = s1 - 10^(w * (a-b)/n)
    s2 = s2 - 10^(w * (b-a)/n)
  return s1/n < s2/n 

Using this function, we can compute the dom for a row by checking how often it dominates other rows.
In my dom.lua, I don't compare it each row to all others. Instead I only comapre it to Lean.dom.samples others

  • Q:How are those other samples selected?
  • Q:Why don't I comapre against all?
  • Q:My Dom score is 1/n where n=Lean.dom.samples. Why?


Q: What is the purpose of bestrest? A: Replace all numbers in the goal column with two synbols: best or rest

Q:What are the inputs, outputs of the BestRest part of the pipe?

  • A: Input, a table with all numerics
  • A: Output, same table, with the last column split into best and rest using the following rules.

Note that the output has no numerics in the goal column.

About Discretization:

  • Q:What is discretization?
    • Why not discretize with (e.g.) (max-min)/10?
  • Q:If we have 900 numbers and we declare that enough best examples is square root of the number of rows, who many bests and rests exampels are there?
    • If that number is too small, there are two ways to increase it. Name them.

Aside: time for some theory. To split a list of numbers into a set of bins:

  • Before doing anything else, determine:
    • run = Minimum bin size. My code assumes sqrt(examples)
    • rise = Minimum acceptable difference between bin start and bin end. My code sets hieght to 0.3*standardDeviation of examples
    • what a measure of diversity? My code uses standard deviation.
    • what is a trivial difference in diversity? My code says les than 1%.
  • Then, first
    • Sort the numbers
    • set run, rise
  • Second,
    • We say a cut is a split of those n numbers into bins of size n1,n2 with diversity d1,d2 and expected value of the diversity after the cut of n1/nd1 + n2/nd2.
    • We say a good cut is a split where n1 > run and n2 > run and the (max-min) value of each cut is over rise..
    • Find the good cut that minimizies the expected diverity (and we say that two expected diversities are the same if they are only trivially different).
    • If it exists, take each half and recurse (start this second step again)

The resulting devisions are then labelled:

  • ..m for the bottom cut
  • m.. for the top cut
  • m..n for the in-between cuts


Q: What is the purpose of super? A: Replace all numbers in the goal column with two synbols: best or rest

  • Q: What is the purpose of the super part of the pipeline?
  • Q: What are its inputs and outputs:
    • A: Input, a table with independent numerics
    • A: Output, same table, independent numerics discretize such that each bin minimizes the diversity of that attribute (providing that split also reduces the diversity of the goal column).
    • This is called supervised discretization sicne it takes the goal column into account.

Note that there are no numbers in the indpendent or depedent columns... just lots of bins.

Note: this works as with bestrest but now we reflect on the goal well. Also, since out goal is now two symbols best and rest, our measure for goal diversity is now entropy which for sample contain n1 this and n2 that is

  • p1=n1/(n1+n2)
  • p2=n2/(n1+n2)
  • entropy = -p1log2(p1) - p2log2(p2)


Q: What is the purpose of rank? A: List all the independent bins in order of how well they select for the best goal.

The main function of rank first generates all and both, which are both tables, but

  • all assumes are the rows are in one class
  • both assumes the rows are divided into best and rest

Then the rows holding best and rest are extracted from both. These are stored in the best and rest lists, which are of length nb and nr respectively.

Next, we run over all the independent bins and ask how many b best and r rest rows are found in each bin. From that we can generate the score for that bn:

  • pb = b/nb
  • pr = r/nr
  • score = 0 if pb <= pr else pb^2/(pb+pr)

(The pb^2 terms rewards things most common in best. And of pb <= pr then we don't want to know about that range.)


In the following:

  • List the variables
  • List the targets that are files
  • List the targets that are phonies; i.e. not targets
  • In the rule all: monte_pi_sprng what is the value of $@ and $<?
  • In the monte_pi_sprng.o rule , what is the target, the prerequisties and the command.
  • What is the default target executed if you just type make?
  • If you track pack through all the dependancies there is an opportunity to speed up (a small part of) the following. Which part of the following could benefit from having two cores on one machine?
CFLAGS=  -O3 -I /usr/local/lib/sprng/include -I /usr/local/lib/pgplot -g
OBJECTS= monte_pi_sprng.o plot.o
LIBS = -L/usr/local/lib/sprng/lib -llcg -L/usr/local/lib/pgplot -lcpgplot -lpgplot -lX11 -lftn -lm

# --- targets
all:    monte_pi_sprng
monte_pi_sprng:   $(OBJECTS) 
       $(CC)  -o monte_pi_sprng  $(OBJECTS) $(LIBS)
monte_pi_sprng.o: /usr/local/lib/sprng/include/sprng.h /usr/local/lib/pgplot/cpgplot.h monte_pi_sprng.c
       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c monte_pi_sprng.c
plot.o: /usr/local/lib/pgplot/cpgplot.h plot.c
       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c plot.c 

# --- remove binary and executable files
       rm -f monte_pi_sprng $(OBJECTS)

In the following, the goal is to find all the soruce files (in $(Src) and extract the comments from each. But there is a subtle error. What is it? How to fix it?

	cd $(Src)
	echo -n "$(PWD)'s number of files is:"
	ls | wc -l

In the following:

  • What is the role of the % character?
  • What does the patsubst do on the first line?
  • If I changed directories and want to build object files from my c code in that new directory, what would need to be changed? (Hint: trick question).
FILENAME:=  $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard *.c))

    @echo $(FILENAME)

%.o : %.c
    gcc -c   $< -o $@