description |
Let us take a deep dive into some of the concepts involving the cryptography under the hood which enables the confidential transfers |
Pedersen commitments
The cryptographic commitments are perfectly hiding, which makes them distinct from encryptions. They do not contain any information that can be decrypted by someone with a key. Rather, they serve as a hidden fingerprint for the committed information, similar to how a server can send a hash of a file before sharing the file. The hash is a unique fingerprint that can be measured from the file, but the file cannot be obtained from the hash. Cryptographic commitments can only be “opened” or “unblinded” given the unique information that was committed and a secret value called the blinding factor. If
As before, let
Findora uses the Ristretto group, which is a quotient group built from the elliptic curve group on Curve25519. This group has order
The Ristretto quotient group is the unique quotient group of order
$$\langle \mathbf{a}L;,; \mathbf{2}^n \rangle = v$$ , which shows that$$v = \sum{i=0}^n a_i\cdot 2^i$$ -
$$\mathbf{a}_L \circ (\mathbf{1}^n - \mathbf{a}_L) = \mathbf{0}^n$$ , which shows that the entries of$$\mathbf{a}_L$$ lie in$${0,1 }^n$$ .
In other words, this shows that the
For randomly generated challenges
The XfrProofs
data structure contains a zero-knowledge proof that the blinded output records are valid with respect to the blinded input records. Since the fees are denominated in the FRA token, it is necessary to prove in zero-knowledge that:
- for every asset type other than FRA, the sum of the inputs is the same as the sum of the outputs
- the sum of the inputs corresponding to the FRA asset is the same as the sum of the outputs plus the fees for the transaction.
Note that for some particular asset types, there might be fees, thus for that cases it proves that sum of output amounts for that asset type in the output asset records plus fees equals the sum of input amounts for the same asset type in the input records). To be more precise, if there are n
$$\alpha_i$$ is the amount in the $$i$$th input record -
$$\beta_j$$ is the amount in the $$j$$th output record -
$$Input[\tau]$$ the set of input indices with asset type matching$$\tau$$ -
$$Output[\tau]$$ the set of output indices with asset type matching$$\tau$$ -
$$\mathcal{T}$$ is the complete set of types other than FRA in output records
Then XfrProofs prove that
for all
when asset type matches
The randomness in the Pedersen commitments is communicated to the receiver in the form of text encrypted with the receiver's public key. The receiver then decrypts this text using his private key. The security of this scheme hinges on the hardness of the Discrete logarithm problem (DLP). The proof of the amount-sum equality relies on the homomorphic property of Pedersen commitments.
A confidential transaction can - and usually does - have multiple associated Pedersen commitments to (asset type, amount) pairs. To prove the so-called amount-sum equality, it is necessary to verifiably reveal which of the commitments correspond to the same asset type, without actually revealing this asset type. To show that two Pedersen commitments
Given input commitments
To prevent double-spends on the blockchain in tandem with maintaining confidentiality, it is necessary for the sender of a transaction to prove in zero-knowledge that the amounts committed are all non-negative. This requires a zero-knowledge range proof to convince a Verifier that the amounts are non-negative. Findora's confidential transfer is accompanied by proofs that the committed amounts lie in the range
Bulletproofs are particularly suited for range proofs on small ranges: the proof for a
During the verification of confidential transfer at the validators' end, the validity of the XfrNote
is checked. This is done in batches to increase the efficiency. The following is the hierarchy of the steps:
- Verifying if the signatures associated with the transaction are valid
- Batch verifying the bodies
- Verifying the Asset Records if the amounts and asset types are correct
- Verifying the batched range proof for the confidential amounts
- Verifying the delegated Schnorr proofs for the confidential asset types
- Verifying the batched asset mixing proofs for checking the amount sum equality for multiple assets
- Verifying the Asset Tracing proofs
- Verifying the Asset Records if the amounts and asset types are correct
For the equality of committed asset types, the Verifier's task boils down to verifying Schnorr proofs of knowledge of discrete logarithms. The proofs are batched so that the communication complexity and the verification time stay constant.
To verify the range proofs, the Verifier performs a sequence of inner product checks. The Verifier uses the same hashing algorithm as the Prover to get the independent group generators in