Wechat is a middleware and SDK of Wechat Official Account Admin Platform (mp.weixin.qq.com).
This wechat document is translated by Guo Yu, if you have some understanding problems, please feel free open an issue here.
- Auto reply (text, image, videos, music, thumbnails posts are supported)
- CRM message (text, image, videos, music, thumbnails posts are supported)
- Menu settings (CRD are supported)
- QR codes (CR are supported, both temporary and permanent)
- Group settings (CRUD are supported)
- Followers infomation (fetching user's info or followers list)
- Media (upload or download)
- Reply Waiter (good for surveys)
- Sessions
- OAuth API
- Payment (deliver notify and order query)
API details located here
npm install wechat
var wechat = require('wechat');
app.use(connect.query()); // Or app.use(express.query());
app.use('/wechat', wechat('some token', function (req, res, next) {
// message is located in req.weixin
var message = req.weixin;
if (message.FromUserName === 'diaosi') {
// reply with text
} else if (message.FromUserName === 'text') {
// another way to reply with text
content: 'text object',
type: 'text'
} else if (message.FromUserName === 'hehe') {
// reply with music
type: "music",
content: {
title: "Just some music",
description: "I have nothing to lose",
musicUrl: "http://mp3.com/xx.mp3",
hqMusicUrl: "http://mp3.com/xx.mp3"
} else {
// reply with thumbnails posts
title: 'Come to fetch me',
description: 'or you want to play in another way ?',
picurl: 'http://nodeapi.cloudfoundry.com/qrcode.jpg',
url: 'http://nodeapi.cloudfoundry.com/'
Tips: you'll have to apply token
at Wechat platform (this page is in Chinese)
auto reply a message when your followers send a message to you. also text, image, videos, music, thumbnails posts are supported. details API goes here (official documents)
res.reply('Hello world!');
// or
res.reply({type: "text", content: 'Hello world!'});
type: "image",
content: {
mediaId: 'mediaId'
type: "voice",
content: {
mediaId: 'mediaId'
type: "video",
content: {
mediaId: 'mediaId',
thumbMediaId: 'thumbMediaId'
title: "Just some music",
description: "I have nothing to lose",
musicUrl: "http://mp3.com/xx.mp3",
hqMusicUrl: "http://mp3.com/xx.mp3"
title: 'Come to fetch me',
description: 'or you want to play in another way ?',
picurl: 'http://nodeapi.cloudfoundry.com/qrcode.jpg',
url: 'http://nodeapi.cloudfoundry.com/'
Wechat messages are not communicate like traditional C/S model, therefore nothing Cookies will be store in Wechat client. this WXSession is designed to support access user's infomation via req.wxsession
, with connect.session
It's a simple demo:
app.use(connect.session({secret: 'keyboard cat', cookie: {maxAge: 60000}}));
app.use('/wechat', wechat('some token', wechat.text(function (info, req, res, next) {
if (info.Content === '=') {
var exp = req.wxsession.text.join('');
req.wxsession.text = '';
} else {
req.wxsession.text = req.wxsession.text || [];
res.reply('Message got ' + info.Content);
and req.session
shares same store. width redis
as persistence database, across processes sharing are supportd.
a reply waiter is seems like a telephone menu system. it must be setup before activation. this function is supported upon WXSession.
var List = require('wechat').List;
List.add('view', [
['reply {a}', function (info, req, res) {
res.reply('Im Answer A');
['reply {b}', function (info, req, res) {
res.reply('Im Answer B');
['reply {c}', 'Im Answer C (the shorthand method)']
active the reply waiter we setuped before:
var app = connect();
app.use(connect.session({secret: 'keyboard cat', cookie: {maxAge: 60000}}));
app.use('/wechat', wechat('some token', wechat.text(function (info, req, res, next) {
if (info.Content === 'list') {
res.wait('view'); // view is the very waiter we setuped before.
} else {
// or stop the waiter and quit.
// res.nowait('hehe');
if waiter view
actived, user will receive messages below:
reply a
reply b
reply c
reply waiter acquires both function and text as a callback
List.add('view', [
['reply {a}', function (info, req, res, next) {
// we callback as a function
res.reply('Answer A');
// or text as shorthand
['reply {c}', 'Answer C']
if user's message is not in waiter's trigger texts. this message will be processd in the else
way and can be stoped by res.nowait()
, res.nowait
method actions like reply
Codes here https://github.com/JacksonTian/api-doc-service
robots can be setup in PAASs like CloudFoundry, appfog or BAE.
official document locates here Messages API Guide (in Chinese)。
wachat 0.6.x supports shorthand methods below:
app.use('/wechat', wechat('some token', wechat.text(function (message, req, res, next) {
// reply with text
// { ToUserName: 'gh_d3e07d51b513',
// FromUserName: 'oPKu7jgOibOA-De4u8J2RuNKpZRw',
// CreateTime: '1359125035',
// MsgType: 'text',
// Content: 'http',
// MsgId: '5837397576500011341' }
}).image(function (message, req, res, next) {
// message为图片内容
// { ToUserName: 'gh_d3e07d51b513',
// FromUserName: 'oPKu7jgOibOA-De4u8J2RuNKpZRw',
// CreateTime: '1359124971',
// MsgType: 'image',
// PicUrl: 'http://mmsns.qpic.cn/mmsns/bfc815ygvIWcaaZlEXJV7NzhmA3Y2fc4eBOxLjpPI60Q1Q6ibYicwg/0',
// MediaId: 'media_id',
// MsgId: '5837397301622104395' }
}).voice(function (message, req, res, next) {
// Reply with Voice
// { ToUserName: 'gh_d3e07d51b513',
// FromUserName: 'oPKu7jgOibOA-De4u8J2RuNKpZRw',
// CreateTime: '1359125022',
// MsgType: 'voice',
// MediaId: 'OMYnpghh8fRfzHL8obuboDN9rmLig4s0xdpoNT6a5BoFZWufbE6srbCKc_bxduzS',
// Format: 'amr',
// MsgId: '5837397520665436492' }
}).video(function (message, req, res, next) {
// Reply with Video
// { ToUserName: 'gh_d3e07d51b513',
// FromUserName: 'oPKu7jgOibOA-De4u8J2RuNKpZRw',
// CreateTime: '1359125022',
// MsgType: 'video',
// MediaId: 'OMYnpghh8fRfzHL8obuboDN9rmLig4s0xdpoNT6a5BoFZWufbE6srbCKc_bxduzS',
// ThumbMediaId: 'media_id',
// MsgId: '5837397520665436492' }
}).location(function (message, req, res, next) {
// Reply with Location (geo)
// { ToUserName: 'gh_d3e07d51b513',
// FromUserName: 'oPKu7jgOibOA-De4u8J2RuNKpZRw',
// CreateTime: '1359125311',
// MsgType: 'location',
// Location_X: '30.283950',
// Location_Y: '120.063139',
// Scale: '15',
// Label: {},
// MsgId: '5837398761910985062' }
}).link(function (message, req, res, next) {
// Reply with Link
// { ToUserName: 'gh_d3e07d51b513',
// FromUserName: 'oPKu7jgOibOA-De4u8J2RuNKpZRw',
// CreateTime: '1359125022',
// MsgType: 'link',
// Title: 'A link',
// Description: 'A link has its desc',
// Url: 'http://1024.com/',
// MsgId: '5837397520665436492' }
}).event(function (message, req, res, next) {
// Reply with Event
// { ToUserName: 'gh_d3e07d51b513',
// FromUserName: 'oPKu7jgOibOA-De4u8J2RuNKpZRw',
// CreateTime: '1359125022',
// MsgType: 'event',
// Event: 'LOCATION',
// Latitude: '23.137466',
// Longitude: '113.352425',
// Precision: '119.385040',
// MsgId: '5837397520665436492' }
Tips: text
, image
, voice
, video
, location
, link
, event
must be set at least one.
Supported in 0.3.x and above.
app.use('/wechat', wechat('some token').text(function (message, req, res, next) {
}).image(function (message, req, res, next) {
}).voice(function (message, req, res, next) {
}).video(function (message, req, res, next) {
}).location(function (message, req, res, next) {
}).link(function (message, req, res, next) {
}).event(function (message, req, res, next) {
Tips: Business logic in blue lines.
The MIT license.
buy me a cup of coffee please.