Core components in the implementation are copied from, thanks for the great work of
- Differential filter functions that can zoom in and zoom out an image to get a glimpse
- Q Sampler
- Differential sampling function to get a sample from distributions
- Prior distribution P_z
- This distribution generates latent variables used in image generation
- mean and deviation transform networks
- These two networks transform inputs to mean and deviation vectors to form a distribution Q(z|x)
- The goal for training these two network is to make Q(z|x) close to prior P_z
- KL(Q(z|x) || P_z) is to evaluate how close these two distributions are
- But if we sample a latent variable from Q(z|x), another goal is to restore the original input x from z
- So this means the model try to map any input to a similar latent vector
- but it has to maintain a tiny difference so as to decode it back to x
- Then if we sample from P_z, we are sampling from Q(z|x) which we don't know what the x is