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158 lines (114 loc) · 5.49 KB

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158 lines (114 loc) · 5.49 KB


An installable SLTT app (Sign Language Translation Tool) for Windows (todo: macOS)

Recommended IDE Setup

Project Setup


$ npm install


$ npm run dev

Setup the certificate for code signing

For those authorized to sign the code

# For windows (ask the "Eric Pyle"<[email protected]> for the pfx file and password, or if needed, it can be gotten from "Jeff Klassen"<[email protected]>)
$ set CSC_LINK={pfx path}
$ set CSC_KEY_PASSWORD={pfx password}

If you're not able to sign the code, the steps below should still work, but the installer will not be signed, and so should not be used in a published release.

Build the SLTT client source pages from the repo

NOTE: is a separate, private repository

  1. Clone the sltt repository
$ git clone sltt
  1. Build the sltt client source pages
$ cd sltt/client
$ yarn install
$ yarn build:sltt-app:client
  1. Set the SLTT_CLIENT_PATH environment variable to the sltt/client directory
$ set SLTT_CLIENT_PATH={path to sltt repo sltt/client} # For windows 
  1. Copy the build sltt/client/build to the sltt-app out/client directory
$ yarn rmdir:build:client # remove the existing build
$ yarn copy:build:client # uses the `%SLTT_CLIENT_PATH%` environment variable from step 1.3
  1. Bump the package.json version number

The package.json version number is used to create the release tag and version number in the file name. For example, if the version number is 1.0.6, the release tag will be v1.0.6 and the file name will be sltt-app Setup 1.0.6.exe. For example:

  "version": "1.0.6"
  1. Add a commit message that summarizes the release

Since the release will associate the release with a commit that's already been pushed to the remote, make to include a commit message that you want to be associated with the release. For example:

$ git commit -am "bump(1.0.6) add auto update"
$ git push
  1. Test the new installer

Before publishing the new installer, test the new installer to make sure it works as expected. For example:

# For windows
$ npm run build:win:norelease

The installer will be located in the dist directory. For example, dist/sltt-app Setup 1.0.6.exe.

Publish release to Github

  1. Set the personal access token (PAT) for the Github account

$ set SLTT_APP_PAT={}

  1. Run the build:win:release script For example:
$ yarn build:win:release   
yarn run v1.22.19
warning package.json: No license field
$ npm run build && cross-env GH_TOKEN=%SLTT_APP_PAT% electron-builder --win --config --publish always

> [email protected] build
> npm run typecheck && electron-vite build

> [email protected] typecheck
> npm run typecheck:node && npm run typecheck:web

> [email protected] typecheck:node
> tsc --noEmit -p tsconfig.node.json --composite false

> [email protected] typecheck:web
> tsc --noEmit -p tsconfig.web.json --composite false

vite v4.3.3 building for production...
✓ 2 modules transformed.
out/main/index.js  1.59 kB
✓ built in 72ms
vite v4.3.3 building for production...
✓ 1 modules transformed.
out/preload/index.js  0.42 kB
✓ built in 8ms
vite v4.3.3 building for production...
✓ 33 modules transformed.
../../out/renderer/index.html                   0.53 kB
../../out/renderer/assets/icons-6e56aee6.svg    9.10 kB
../../out/renderer/assets/index-3d722ea0.css    3.00 kB
../../out/renderer/assets/index-45827464.js   227.91 kB
✓ built in 458ms
  • electron-builder  version=23.6.0 os=10.0.22631
  • loaded configuration  file=package.json ("build" field)
  • writing effective config  file=dist\builder-effective-config.yaml
  • packaging       platform=win32 arch=x64 electron=22.3.7 appOutDir=dist\win-unpacked
  • cannot decode PKCS 12 data using Go pure implementation, openssl will be used  error=pkcs12: unknown digest algorithm: 2.16.840.
  • signing         file=dist\win-unpacked\resources\app.asar.unpacked\node_modules\ffmpeg-static\ffmpeg.exe certificateFile={%CSC_LINK%}
  • building        target=nsis file=dist\sltt-app Setup 1.0.6.exe archs=x64 oneClick=true perMachine=false
  • signing         file=dist\win-unpacked\resources\elevate.exe certificateFile={%CSC_LINK%}
  •   Signing NSIS uninstaller  file=dist\__uninstaller-nsis-sltt-app.exe certificateFile={%CSC_LINK%}
  • signing         file=dist\sltt-app Setup 1.0.6.exe certificateFile={%CSC_LINK%}
  • building block map  blockMapFile=dist\sltt-app Setup 1.0.6.exe.blockmap
  • publishing      publisher=Github (owner: ubsicap, project: sltt-app, version: 1.0.6)
  • uploading       file=sltt-app-Setup-1.0.6.exe.blockmap provider=github
  • uploading       file=sltt-app-Setup-1.0.6.exe provider=github
  • creating GitHub release  reason=release doesn't exist tag=v1.0.6 version=1.0.6
    [====================] 100% 0.0s | sltt-app-Setup-1.0.6.exe to github
Done in 55.90s.

Building Releases for Mac

Discussion of process HERE