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File metadata and controls

160 lines (125 loc) · 12.7 KB

Datamodel prototype

A visual representation of the datamodel can be found in the following link

Relationships between tables are specified by the lines connecting multiple tables. In the diagram its specified the type of matching expected, where 1:1 represents a one to one matching, m:1 many to one, and m:m many to many.

The datamodel is composed of the following tables:

  • Demographics
  • TransitStation
  • TransitRoute
  • StationRouteRelation
  • RidershipRoute
  • RidershipStation
  • BikeStation
  • BikeRidership
  • SurveyUser
  • SurveyResponse


The Demographics table contains demographic information at the Census Tract level obtained from the American Community Survey, containing information for the following variables: Population, Median Household Income, Means of Transportation to Work, Time of Departure to Go to Work, Travel Time to Work, Vehicles Available and Disability Status. The table is structured in the following way:

Name Type Description
census_tract string Census tract at which demographic data is aggregated
state string State the census tract is part of
county string County the census tract is part of
population integer Population in census tract
median_income integer Median income in census tract
transportation_to_work_total integer Total number of people considered for mean of transportation to work question
transportation_to_work_car integer Number of people that use cars as mean of transportation to work
transportation_to_work_public integer Number of people that use public transportation as mean of transportation to work
work_commute_time_less_15 integer Number of people that take less than 15' commuting to work
work_commute_time_15_29 integer Number of people that take between 15 and 30 minutes commuting to work
work_commute_time_30_45 integer Number of people that take between 30 and 45 minutes commuting to work
work_commute_time_45_60 integer Number of people that take between 45 and 60 minutes commuting to work
work_commute_time_60_90 integer Number of people that take between 60 and 90 minutes commuting to work
work_commute_time_over_90 integer Number of people that take over 90' commuting to work
geographic_representation Polygon Geographic representation of census tract

Public Transportation

The public transportation system information from each city is stored in the TransitStation and TransitRoute tables. The TransitStation represent each bus stop and subway station while TransitRoute represents each bus route, subway line or any other route (i.e. rail line). The TransitStation table is structured of the following way:

Name Type Description
id Primary Key Identificator autogenerated by Django
city string City where the station is located
station_id string Station identificator for bus stop or subway station
station_name string Station identificator for bus stop or subway station
location Geos Point Location of the station/bus stop
mode integer Mode of transportation (bus, subway, train)

For this table, as a constraint, there must be uniqueness in the combination of the fields station_id and city

The TransitRoute table is represented by the following table:

Name Type Description
id Primary Key Identificator autogenerated by Django
city string City where the route is located
route_id string Identificator for the route/line
route_name string Name of the route/line
geo_representation MultiLineString Geographic representation of the route/line
color string Color of the station
mode integer Mode of transportation (bus, subway, train)

For this table, as a constraint, there must be uniqueness in the combination of the fields route_id and city

The relations between Stations and Routes are stored in the StationRouteRelation table which maps an Station to every route it serves and is represented by:

Name Type Description
id Primary Key Identificator autogenerated by Django
station ForeignKey(TransitStation) Station/Stop instance
route ForeignKey(TransitStation) Route/Line instance

The ridership information for Stations and Routes are stored in the RidershipRoute and RidershipStations tables. The RidershipRoute stores information of daily ridership data for a Route and is represented by:

Name Type Description
id Primary Key Identificator autogenerated by Django
route_id ForeignKey(TransitRoute) Route/Line instance
date datetime Date of ridership
ridership integer Number of riders

For this table, as a constraint, there must be uniqueness in the combination of the fields route_id and date

The RidershipStation stores information of daily ridership data for a Station/Stop and is represented by:

Name Type Description
id Primary Key Identificator autogenerated by Django
station_id ForeignKey(TransitStation) Station/Stop instance
date datetime Date of ridership
ridership integer Number of riders

For this table, as a constraint, there must be uniqueness in the combination of the fields station_id and date

Bike data

The BikeStations and BikeRidership represent the stations and ridership data for publicly available bikes for rent (CitiBikes,Divvy and BIKETOWN). The BikeStation table is represented in the following way:

Name Type Description
id Primary Key Identificator autogenerated by Django
city string City where the station is located
station_id string ID of the bike docking station
station_name string Name of the bike docking station
short_name string Alternative id for the station
location Point Location of the bike docking station
n_docks integer Capacity of the bike station

For this table, as a constraint, there must be uniqueness in the combination of the fields station_id and city

The BikeRidership table is structured in the following way:

Name Type Description
id Primary Key Identificator autogenerated by Django
station_id ForeignKey(BikeStation) Bike station for which ridership is reported
date Datetime object Date of the reported ridership
n_started integer Number of trips started at the station
n_ended integer Number of trips ended at the station

For this table, as a constraint, there must be uniqueness in the combination of the fields station_id and date


For the survey information there are two tables that represent the necessary information SurveyUser and SurveyResponse. SurveyUser stores a user id and basic transit information.

The SurveyUser table is represented by the following structure:

Name Type Description
user_id Primary Key Identificator generated for each user (session)
city string City of residence of the user
frequent_transit Bool True if the user answer to use transit frequently, False otherwise
car_owner Bool True if the user answer to own a car, False otherwise

The SurveyResponse table represents each response to the survey associated to one trip submitted

Name Type Description
id Primary Key Identificator autogenerated by Django
user_id ForeignKey(SurveyUser) User associated with the response
city string City of residence of the user
route LineString Geoetric representation of the submitted route
starting_point Point Starting point of the submitted route
end_point Point Endinging point of the submitted route
trip_frequency Integer Frequency on how often a user take the submitted route
trip_tod Integer Time of day of when the user takes the submitted route
trip_time Integer Time it takes the user to complete the submitted route
mode_of_transportation Integer Mode of transportation used to take the submitted route
satisfied Integer Date and time of when the answer was submitted
transit_improvement Integer Choice of how to improve the submitted route
transit_improvement_open Integer Open answer on hot to improve the submitted route
switch_to_transit Integer Factor that would make a user switch to transit