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277 lines (193 loc) · 12.1 KB

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277 lines (193 loc) · 12.1 KB

Tips for Contributors


For non-doc fixes:

  • Provide changelog entry in the unreleased section of the
  • Ensure CI passes and that you added a test that passes with the fix and fails without the fix.
  • Squash all commits down to one with a nice commit message ONLY once final review is given. Make sure this single commit is rebased on top of master.
  • Please address all code review comments.
  • Ensure that docs are updated accordingly if a feature is added.

Commit Messages

From How to Write a Git Commit Message

The seven rules of a great git commit message

Keep in mind: This has all been said before.

  1. Separate subject from body with a blank line
  2. Limit the subject line to 50 characters
  3. Capitalize the subject line
  4. Do not end the subject line with a period
  5. Use the imperative mood in the subject line
  6. Wrap the body at 72 characters
  7. Use the body to explain what and why vs. how

Doc Changes

When making doc changes, we want the change to work on both the gitbook and the regular github site. The issue is that non-doc files will not go to the gitbook site, so doc references to non doc files must use the github URL.

Links to other docs:

  • When making references to doc files, use a relative URL path like: [Installation Overview](docs/basics/

  • When making references to source code files, use a full url path like: [spec/dummy/config/initializers/react_on_rails.rb](

To run tests:

  • After updating code via git, to prepare all examples and run all tests:
cd react_on_rails/
bundle && yarn && rake examples:prepare_all && rake node_package && rake

In order to run tests in browser

yarn global add  browserify babelify tape-run faucet
browserify -t babelify node_package/tests/*.js | tape-run | faucet

See Dev Initial Setup, below for, well... initial setup.


It's critical to configure your IDE/editor to ignore certain directories. Otherwise your IDE might slow to a crawl!

  • /coverage
  • /tmp
  • /gen-examples
  • /node_package/lib
  • /node_modules
  • /spec/dummy/app/assets/webpack
  • /spec/dummy/log
  • /spec/dummy/node_modules
  • /spec/dummy/client/node_modules
  • /spec/dummy/tmp
  • /spec/react_on_rails/dummy-for-generators

Configuring your test app to use your local fork

You can test the react-on-rails gem using your own external test app or the gem's internal spec/dummy app. The spec/dummy app is an example of the various setup techniques you can use with the gem.

├── test
|    └── client
└── react_on_rails
    └── spec
        └── dummy

Testing the Ruby Gem

If you want to test the ruby parts of the gem with an application before you release a new version of the gem, you can specify the path to your local version via your test app's Gemfile:

gem "react_on_rails", path: "../path-to-react-on-rails"

Note that you will need to bundle install after making this change, but also that you will need to restart your Rails application if you make any changes to the gem.

Testing the Node package for react-on-rails

In addition to testing the Ruby parts out, you can also test the node package parts of the gem with an external application. First, be sure to build the NPM package:

cd react_on_rails/
yarn run build

Install the local package by using a relative path in your test/client app's package.json, like this:

cd test/client
rm -rf node_modules/react-on-rails && npm i 'file:../path-to-react-on-rails-top-package.json'

Note: You must use npm here till yarn stops preferring cached packages over local. see issue #2649

When you use a relative path, be sure to run the above yarn command whenever you change the node package for react-on-rails.

Example: Testing NPM changes with the dummy app

  1. Add console.log('Hello!') here in react_on_rails/node_package/src/clientStartup.js to confirm we're getting an update to the node package.
  2. Run the install script npm run install-react-on-rails in react_on_rails/spec/dummy to copy over our changes to the dummy app. Alternatively, you can run rm -rf node_modules/react-on-rails && npm i 'file:../../../' in react_on_rails/spec/dummy/client. Our NPM changes are now available in the dummy app.
  3. Refresh the browser if the server is already running or start the server using foreman start from react_on_rails/spec/dummy and navigate to http://localhost:5000/. You will now see the Hello! message printed in the browser's console.

Note: running npm i automatically builds the npm package before installing. However, when using yarn you will need to run yarn run build in the root directory before the install script. This will be updated when yarn issue #2649 (above) is resolved.

Development Setup for Gem and Node Package Contributors

Checklist before Committing

  1. rake: runs all linters and specs (you need Docker setup, see below)
  2. Did you need any more tests for your change?
  3. Did you document your change? Update the

Dev Initial Setup


After checking out the repo, making sure you have rvm and nvm setup (setup ruby and node), cd to spec/dummy and run bin/setup to install ruby dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

Additionally, our RSpec tests use the poltergeist web driver. You will need to install the phantomjs node module:

yarn global add phantomjs

Note this must be installed globally for the dummy test project rspec runner to see it properly.

Local Node Package

Because the example and dummy apps rely on the react-on-rails node package, they should link directly to your local version to pick up any changes you may have made to that package. To achieve this, switch to the dummy app's root directory and run this command below which runs something like this script

cd react_on_rails/spec/dummy
yarn run install-react-on-rails

Note: this runs npm under the hood as explained in Test NPM for react-on-rails section above

From now on, the example and dummy apps will use your local node_package folder as the react-on-rails node package. This will also be done automatically for you via the rake examples:prepare_all rake task.

Side note: It's critical to use the alias section of the webpack config to avoid a double inclusion error. This has already been done for you in the example and dummy apps, but for reference:

  resolve: {
    alias: {
      react: path.resolve('./node_modules/react'),
      'react-dom': path.resolve('./node_modules/react-dom'),

Install NPM dependencies and build the NPM package for react-on-rails

cd react_on_rails/
yarn build

Or run this which builds the yarn package, then the webpack files for spec/dummy, and runs tests in spec/dummy.

# Optionally change default selenium_firefox driver
export DRIVER=poltergeist
cd react_on_rails/
yarn run dummy:spec

Run NPM JS tests

cd react_on_rails/
yarn test

Run spec/dummy tests

cd react_on_rails/spec/dummy

Eventually, we may have JS tests:

cd react_on_rails/spec/dummy/client
yarn run test

Run most tests and linting

cd react_on_rails/
yarn run check

Starting the Dummy App

To run the dummy app, it's CRITICAL to not just run rails s. You have to run foreman start. If you don't do this, then webpack will not generate a new bundle, and you will be seriously confused when you change JavaScript and the app does not change. If you change the webpack configs, then you need to restart foreman. If you change the JS code for react-on-rails, you need to run yarn run build. Since the react-on-rails package should be sym linked, you don't have to yarn react-on-rails after every change.

RSpec Testing

Run rake for testing the gem and spec/dummy. Otherwise, the rspec command only works for testing within the sample apps, like spec/dummy.

If you run rspec at the top level, you'll see this message: require': cannot load such file -- rails_helper (LoadError)

After running a test, you can view the coverage results SimpleCov reports by opening coverage/index.html.

To test spec/dummy against Turbolinks 2, install the gem by running ENABLE_TURBOLINKS_2=TRUE bundle install in the spec/dummy directory before running rake. Turbolinks 5 is the default.

Run rake -T or rake -D to see testing options.

rake all_but_examples is typically best for developers, except if any generators changed.

See below for verifying changes to the generators.


Start the sample app like this for some debug printing:

TRACE_REACT_ON_RAILS=true && foreman start

Install Generator

In your Rails app add this gem with a path to your fork.

gem 'react_on_rails', path: '../relative/path/to/react_on_rails'

The main installer can be run with rails generate react_on_rails:install

Testing the Generator

The generators are covered by generator tests using Rails's generator testing helpers, but it never hurts to do a sanity check and explore the API. See for a script on how to run the generator on a fresh project.

rake run_rspec:example_basic is a great way to run tests on one generator. Once that works, you should run rake run_rspec:examples. Be aware that this will create a hug number of files under a /gen-examples directory. You should be sure to exclude this directory from your IDE and delete it once your testing is done.


All linting is performed from the docker container for CI. You will need docker and docker-compose installed locally to lint code changes via the lint container. You can lint locally by running npm run lint && npm run flow

Once you have docker and docker-compose running locally, run docker-compose build lint. This will build the reactonrails_lint docker image and docker-compose lint container. The initial build is slow, but after the install, startup is very quick.

Linting Commands

Run rake lint.

Alternately with Docker:

Run rake -D docker to see all docker linting commands for rake. rake docker:lint will run all linters. For individual rake linting commands please refer to rake -D docker for the list.

You can run specific linting for directories or files by using docker-compose run lint rubocop (file path or directory), etc.

docker-compose run lint bash sets you up to run from the container command line.

Docker CI - Test and Linting

Docker CI and Tests containers have a xvfd server automatically started for headless browser testing with selenium and Firefox.

Run docker-compose build ci to build the CI container. Run docker-compose run ci to start all rspec tests and linting. docker-compose run --entrypoint=/bin/bash will override the default CI action and place you inside the CI container in a bash session. This is what is run on Travis-CI.

Run docker-compose build tests to build the tests container. Run docker-compose run tests to start all RSpec tests.

Advice for Project Maintainers and Contributors

What do project maintainers do? What sort of work is involved? sstephenson wrote in the turbolinks repo:

Why this is not still fully merged?