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File metadata and controls

96 lines (68 loc) · 3.44 KB


Readit brings simple announcements to your application. It uses cookie to store read announcements data and does not require authentication gems. Cookie contains content hash for each read announcement so if model was edited when user already read its content, he will see updated announcement again.

Currently announcements use Bootstrap layout, but you can override default partial according to your needs.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'readit', github: 'udovenko/readit'

And then execute:

$ bundle install
$ rails g readit:install

Last command will mount engine route and copy required migrations. When install generator will finish its work, migrate your database:

$ rake db:migrate

Now you can update your code to use announcements in your application.


Use Readit::Announcement model for CRUD operations with your announcements:

Readit::Announcement.create {
  content: "<p><b>Warning!</b> We're temporary stopping sales due to coming Armageddon!</p>",
  stop_at: 100.days.from_now,
  is_active: true }

As you can see, content can contain HTML tags. start_at and stop_at determine time range during which your announcement will be showed if it is active.

To add announcements partial into your template you need to set a collection of active unread announcements in the controller. To do so include Readit::Announcements module in it:

class SomeController < ApplicationController
  include Readit::Announcements

This will make @announcements collection available in your views. By default it queries data before each action of controller, so if you have any actions which do not render templates and just redirect user away, it is a good idea to skip callback for them:

  include Readit::Announcements
  skip_before_action :set_announcements, only: [:create, :update]

Having collection available, you can render announcement partial:

<%= render partial: 'readit/announcement', collection: @announcements %>

Registering in ActiveAdmin

If you want to register Readit announcements as an ActiveAdmin resource, you need to fix resource name in configuration, otherwise you will not be able to create and update models form ActiveAdmin form. This issue is related to returning value of param_key method which is specific for isolated namespaces. See activeadmin/activeadmin#3161 for details.

Add the following to your resource definition and resource actions should work correctly:

ActiveAdmin.register Readit::Announcement do

  controller do
    resources_configuration[:self][:instance_name] = 'announcement'


Gem initially contains some English and Russian translations. Since Readit classes are typical models, controllers and views, you can add your own and overwrite existing translations by following Rails I18n conventions:

      hide_announcement: "I've read it, don't show again"

See config/locales/en.yml and config/locales/ru.yml form more examples.


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request