Just testing graphql.
Playground: http://localhost:9998/graphql
Used Docker to setup Postgres. Pull the postgres container and then use this command to set up basic instance:
docker run --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<password for superuser> -d -p 5432:5432 -v <folder to store db data> <postgres super username>
Then logged into the Docker container and created a database:
create database <db name>;
Created .env file under the server directory that contains:
- SECRET=a random string to seed web auth tokens
- DATABASE=your postgres database name
- DATABASE_USER=postgres super user eg: postgres
- DATABASE_PASSWORD=password for super user
Go into the server folder and execute:
npm start
That will start the ExpressJs server and host GraphQL at http://localhost:9998/graphql
Go into the client/jikan-ga-nai folder and execute:
ember serve
That will host it at http://localhost:4200