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File metadata and controls

321 lines (247 loc) · 12.2 KB

EasyAdmin Upgrade Guide

This document describes the backwards incompatible changes introduced by each EasyAdminBundle version and the needed changes to be made before upgrading to the next version.

Upgrade to 2.3.1

Upgrade to 2.2.2

  • The Bootstrap CSS/JavaScript contents are no longer divided into two files, one with the code used by EasyAdmin and the other one with the rest of Bootstrap contents. Now, there is only one file for the entire CSS and another one for the entire JavaScript.

    Most users don't have to do anything about this change. However, if you loaded bootstrap-all.css/.js in your backend explicitly to have access to the entire Bootstrap framework, you should stop including them because they no longer exist.

  • The HTML structure of the paginator has been updated to match the official Bootstrap pagination component. This change only affects you if you have defined custom CSS styles for the pagination of the backend. Even in that case, most CSS classes have been maintained, so the changes should be minimal.

Upgrade to 2.0.0

  • Read the document at the root of this repository to learn how to upgrade your application from EasyAdmin 1.x to 2.x.

Upgrade to 1.16.4 (22/January/2017)

  • The BaseException class has changed the signature of its constructor. It now receives a single argument of type ExceptionContext (this class was also added in this new version). Your applications should not be affected because it's highly uncommon to use these built-in exceptions directly.

Upgrade to 1.15.2 (9/October/2016)

  • The template fragments used to render each property value (e.g. field_array.html.twig, label_null.html.twig, etc.) now receive two new variables called entity_config and backend_config, which are useful for advanced backends.
  • The image fields and the VichUploader files and images now are rendered using the asset() Twig function. Depending on your configuration, you may need to change or remove EasyAdmin's base_path option and define the proper base path using Symfony's asset configuration.

Upgrade to 1.13.0 (11/May/2016)

  • The configuration of the backend is no longer processed in a compiler pass but generated with a cache warmer. This is done to avoid issues with Doctrine and Twig services, which are needed to process the configuration but they are not fully available during the container compilation.

  • In the development environment, the backend config is fully processed for each request, so you might notice a slight performance impact. In exchange, you won't suffer any cache problem or any outdated config problem. In production the backend config is fully processed in the cache warmer or, if any problem happened, during the first request. Then the config is cached in the file system and reused in the following requests.

  • The easyadmin.configurator service has been renamed to easyadmin.config.manager

  • The easyadmin.config container parameter no longer contains the fully processed backend configuration. Now it only contains the configuration that the developer defined in their YAML files. The equivalent way to get the fully processed backend config is to use the easyadmin.config.manager service:

    // Before $backendConfig = $this->getParameter('easyadmin.config');

    // After $backendConfig = $this->get('easyadmin.config.manager')->getBackendConfig();

Upgrade to 1.12.6 (15/April/2016)

  • Web assets are now combined and minified to improve frontend performance. In previous versions, CSS and JS were included by loading lots of small files. Starting from this version, the backend only loads one CSS file (called easyadmin-all.min.css) and one JS file (called easyadmin-all.min.js). The individual CSS/JS files are still available in case you override the backend design and want to pick some of them individually. The new CSS/JSS files should be available in your application after upgrading this version bundle. If you have any problem, install the new assets executing the assets:install --symlinks console command.

Upgrade to 1.12.5 (03/March/2016)

  • The renderCssAction() method of the AdminController has been deprecated and its associated route @Route("/_css/easyadmin.css", name="_easyadmin_render_css") has been removed. The custom CSS now is preprocessed during container compilation and the result is stored in the _internal.custom_css option of the processed backend configuration.

Upgrade to 1.11.6 (26/February/2016)

  • findBy() and createSearchQueryBuilder() methods now receive two new parameters called $sortField and $sortDirection to allow sorting the search results.

Upgrade to 1.9.5 (13/December/2015)

  • The isReadable and isWritable options are no longer available for each property metadata. These options were needed when we introspected the getters and setters of the properties ourselves. We now use the Symfony PropertyAccessor component to get and set values for entity properties.

  • The Configurator::introspectGettersAndSetters() method, the Reflection/ClassPropertyReflector class and the easyadmin.property_reflector service have been deleted and replaced by the use of the PropertyAccessor class, its getValue() and setValue() methods and the @property_accessor service.

Upgrade to 1.9.2 (24/November/2015)

  • The render404error() utility method has been removed from AdminController. This method was no longer used since we started throwing custom exceptions when an error occurs.

  • The ajaxEdit() method of the AdminController has been removed. This method had nothing to do with editing an entity via Ajax. It was just used to toggle the value of boolean properties. It has been replaced by a private method called updateEntityProperty().

Upgrade to 1.8.0 (8/November/2015)

  • The options that define if a entity property is readable and/or writable have changed their name to match the names used by Symfony:

    // Before
    // After

    This only affects you if you make a very advance use of the bundle and override lots of its functionalities.

  • The form.html.twig template has been removed and therefore, you cannot define the to override it by your own template. If you want to customize the forms of the backend, use a proper Symfony form theme and enable it in the option.

Upgrade to 1.5.5 (22/June/2015)

In order to improve the consistency of the backend design, all CSS class names have been updated to use dashes instead of underscores, to match the syntax used by Bootstrap classes. This means that field_date is now field-date, theme_boostrap... is now theme-bootstrap..., etc.

Moreover, the global css class applied to the <body> element of each view has changed:

View OLD <body> CSS class NEW <body> CSS class
edit admin edit <entity name> easyadmin edit edit-<entity name>
list admin list <entity name> easyadmin list list-<entity name>
new admin new <entity name> easyadmin new new-<entity name>
show admin show <entity name> easyadmin show show-<entity name>

All these changes only affect you if your backend uses a custom stylesheet.

Upgrade to 1.5.3 (26/May/2015)

The class option has been renamed to css_class.


        # ...
            - { name: 'edit', class: 'danger' }
        # ...
            - { property: 'id', class: 'col-md-12' }


        # ...
            - { name: 'edit', css_class: 'danger' }
        # ...
            - { property: 'id', css_class: 'col-md-12' }

Upgrade to 1.5.0 (17/May/2015)

Some methods used to tweak AdminController behaviour have changed

// Before
protected function prepareNewEntityForPersist($entity) { ... }

// After
protected function prePersistEntity($entity) { ... }

// You can also create custom methods for each entity
protected function prePersistUserEntity($entity) { ... }
protected function prePersistProductEntity($entity) { ... }
// ...
// Before
protected function prepareEditEntityForPersist($entity) { ... }

// After
protected function preUpdateEntity($entity) { ... }

// You can also create custom methods for each entity
protected function preUpdateUserEntity($entity) { ... }
protected function preUpdateProductEntity($entity) { ... }
// ...

New strategy to determine the entity name

The strategy used to determine the entity name has change in preparation for some planned features.

Previously, the entity name was infered from the entity class name. Now the entity name is the value used as the YAML key of the configuration file:

# Before (label = name = TestEntity)
        MyEntity: 'AppBundle\Entity\TestEntity'

# After (label = name = MyEntity)
        MyEntity: 'AppBundle\Entity\TestEntity'

This change probably doesn't affect your backend, because so far the entity name is mostly an internal thing used as part as the URL of the backend pages. In the next version of the bundle this value will be used as some PHP method name. Therefore, developer must have absolute control over the entity name and EasyAdmin should not autogenerate it.

Entity names no longer can include unsafe characters

Previously, the YAML key of the configuration file was used to set the entity label for the entities which didn't define the label option. This label is used in some buttons, the main menu and the page title. Therefore, you could use any character for the entity name, including white spaces.

Now entity names can only contain numbers, characters and underscores, and the first character cannot be a number. This allows to use the entity name as part of the name of some PHP methods. In order to use a fancy entity label, just define the label option:

# this will throw an exception in the new bundle version
        'My Fancy Entity!': 'AppBundle\Entity\TestEntity'

            class: 'AppBundle\Entity\TestEntity'
            label: 'My Fancy Entity!'

Changed variables names in twig views

The former _entity variable was used to retrieve the current entity configuration. This variable has been renamed to _entity_config for convenience and readability reasons.

The old item variable was used to carry the currently created/edited entity. This variable has been renamed to entity for better understandability.

Be sure that you did not override these variables, if so, you just have to change the name.

Upgrade to 1.4.0 (1/May/2015)

These changes affect you only if you have customized any of the following templates in your backend:

  1. form/entity_form.html.twig template has been renamed to form.html.twig
  2. _list_paginator.html.twig template has been renamed to _paginator.html.twig
  3. _flashes.html.twig template has been removed because it wasn't used in any other template

Full version details: