To ease the execution of toolkit, we have provided the steps to build an image which encloses the code base and its package dependencies. Follow the steps provided below to clone the repo, build the image and finally launch the container.
- Open your terminal and change the directory to the one where you want to download the git repo.
- Run the git clone command as shown below:
git clone
- Once the cloning command completes successfully, the repo will replicate to the local directory.
- Change directory to 'cd3-automation-toolkit'(i.e. the cloned repo in your local).
- Run
docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t cd3toolkit:${image_tag} -f Dockerfile --pull --no-cache .
Note : ${image_tag} should be replaced with suitable tag as per your requirements/standards.
The period (.) at the end of the docker build command is required.
- Run
docker save cd3toolkit:${image_tag} | gzip > cd3toolkit_${image_tag}.tar.gz
Connect to the VPN.
Make sure you are using version 1.9 for Rancher deskop, if not please install the latest.
Make sure to Enable Networking Tunnel under Rancher settings as shown in the screenshot below,
Login to the CD3 docker container using next section and set the proxies which helps to connect internet(if any) from container.
- Run
docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it -d -v <directory_in_local_system_where_the_files_must_be_generated>:/cd3user/tenancies <image_name>:<image_tag>
- Run
docker ps