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Development setup

What is provided

Once setup for development, it is possible to almost fully emulate a production deployment:

  • OpenShift accessible via:
    • Web UI
    • oc command for CLI access
  • Shepherd accessible via Web UI provides:
    • Deploy new Drupal or Wordpress sites
    • Add/Remove environments
    • Promote/Demote environments from their production url
    • Environments accessible directly regardless of dev/uat/prod status
    • Instant terminal & logs of any running environment
    • Backup and restore environments

Not similar to a production deployment:

  • No real backing store for the PV's
  • No front end router providing real traffic direction


All systems

  • Either Minishift virtual machine - which provides an OpenShift cluster for local development or
  • OpenShift running in docker - rather than in a virtual machine.
  • oc command line tool enables interaction with the OpenShift cluster.
  • PHP 7+
  • Composer
  • Docker
  • An ssh key for builds that is not password protected.


Additional tools are required for development on macOS. docker for mac will work and the ./dsh script has built in support for nfs setup for mac.

Minishift configuration (recommended for macOS only)

Minishift provides an OpenShift environment that Shepherd can use to deploy sites.

Increase memory from the default 2048M & increase cpus to more than the default, if you have spare cores.

minishift config set memory 4096
minishift config set cpus 4

Start Minishift, ready for the next step.

minishift start

Either add the Minishift oc command to your $PATH temporarily or

eval $(minishift oc-env)

Alternatively, permanently add oc command to /usr/local/bin that is packaged with Minishift.

sudo ln -sf $(find ~/.minishift -name oc -type f | head -1) /usr/local/bin/

OpenShift in Docker configuration (Linux only)

OpenShift itself can provide an environment that Shepherd can use to deploy sites. OpenShift will directlly provide the Shepherd deployed sites on port 80/443.

This setup is considerably faster and the recommended development method, but does require Linux and configuring a few things before running ./dsh. Putting these into ~/.bashrc is recommended for ongoing development.

  • Set the OPENSHIFT_TYPE env var to something other than 'minishift' export OPENSHIFT_TYPE=openshift
  • Set the domain for accessing shepherd to the ip of local docker export DOMAIN=$(ip addr show docker0 | grep "inet\b" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1)
  • Set the default minishift vm driver. export MINISHIFT_DRIVER=virtualbox
  • Start the oc cluster with ./openshift start.
  • Now run the ./dsh etc commands as per normal.


Before proceeding, please configure either Minishift or OpenShift in Docker as above.

# Setup
composer install

# Bring up containers, runs any configuration tasks
./dsh start

# Drop into a utility shell ( this creates a ssh-agent container for macOS )

# Build Shepherd
robo build

Login to the Shepherd UI with xdg-open http://${DOMAIN}:8000

Login to OpenShift Web UI with xdg-open https://${OPENSHIFT}:8443 using the developer:developer credentials and check that MariaDB is running before executing the next command.

robo dev:drupal-content-generate
robo dev:wordpress-content-generate

Follow the Configure Backup/Restore operators section in to set up Backup/Restore functionality.

Thats it; visit the OpenShift web interface to see a build running and a deployment ready to occur when the build finishes.

For Minishift, the URL to the OpenShift web interface can be found in the terminal log when Minishift starts. Alternatively, execute the following command to open the Minishift console in a browser.

minishift console

Repository details

The Shepherd repository uses Composers project functionality to provide the base repository layout. There are some Composer plugins to make the create-project functionality work with Drupal:

Shepherd also has its own Composer plugins to further extend the create-project functionality:

Shepherd is sort of a monorepo as it has the base system, but the modules are also made available separately for use by other projects:

Development with Shepherd

As Shepherd is a monorepo, development is done using the git flow branching model A successful Git branching model with the git-flow Git extension.

Working on the Shepherd modules

Development should proceed as normal, typically with:

  • Start new git flow branch, commit, publish
    git flow feature start my-fantastic-feature
    git commit
    git flow feature publish
  • Submit pull request through GitHub
  • Merge into develop
  • Update the shepherd-modules repo.

Note: Only people with sufficient access can perform the last two steps.

Using this repository as an upstream

Changes that are not UA specific should be done as Pull requests on the public repo to minimise/avoid conflicts.

Setup the repository

Basically setup a new repository on your own infrastructure, then add in the shepherd remote with:

git remote add shepherd

You should end up with something like:

origin      [email protected]:web-team/ua-shepherd.git (fetch)
origin	    [email protected]:web-team/ua-shepherd.git (push)
shepherd (fetch)
shepherd (push)

Merge in changes from public shepherd repo

git fetch shepherd -p git merge shepherd/develop

As soon as you start adding things to your composer.json, then the composer.lock file will start to give merge conflicts, and you will probably need to do:

git checkout --theirs composer.lock

Then you can finalise the merge and you're all caught up.

git commit -m"Merging changes in from upstream public repository."

Working with Shepherd

Exporting Drupal configuration

Shepherd has switched to using the PreviousNext drush cimy tools,

robo config:export-plus

Configuring xdebug to run on the container ( CLI scripts )

The PHP_IDE_CONFIG var will be set automatically from the docker-compose.* file.

Updating scaffolds

Anything using the master branch is going to be cached by composer. To unsure you get the latest, clear the composer cache before running an update. There are some custom scripts that run during the update, see the scripts section of composer.json for more information.

composer clear-cache
composer update

To update packages using composer update, you will first need run composer install - otherwise wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin will fail to discover the OpenShift client dependency.


  • mysql host is db, database is drupal, user is user and password is password

  • You may need to make dsh executable after a composer update - chmod +x dsh

  • If performing a site install using drush ensure you have removed the web/sites/default/files/ web/sites/default/settings.php and web/sites/default/services.yml files and checked permissions on the web/sites/default directory.

  • composer update will NOT overwrite/update /web/sites/default/settings.php. if you require it to be updated, remove the file first and it will be re-created.

  • If you receive a connection refused error when running minishift start the DNS settings out of the box for minishift are incorrect.

  • Change to a working DNS server .. try google :

    minishift ssh "echo 'nameserver' | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf"
  • Test connection to API:

    curl --insecure -H "Authorization: Bearer $(oc login -u developer -p developer >/dev/null && oc whoami -t)" $(minishift console --url)/oapi/v1
  • Updating OpenShift auth token in the dsh shell:

    bin/drush -r /code/web cset shp_orchestration.openshift.openshift token ${NEW_TOKEN}
  • If you get the following error when creating content: An error occurred while communicating with OpenShift. cURL error 28: Failed to connect to port 8443

    This can be due to a network collision with other docker networks. Make sure all other containers are stopped, and then:

    docker network prune -f

Working with OpenShift

Purging without destroying OpenShift itself

Purging all the example generated content on OpenShift. This removes everything with the example namespace that was generated with the robo dev:drupal-content-generate command.

name=example; for type in is dc bc svc pvc route pods cronjobs jobs secrets; do for item in $(oc get "${type}" | grep ${name} | awk '{ print $1 }'); do oc delete ${type} ${item}; done; done

Destroy and re-create OpenShift and ALL deployed test sites.


minishift delete


./openshift purge