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File metadata and controls

215 lines (151 loc) · 8.67 KB

SELogger Data Format

A program execution with SELogger produces two types of data: weaving result and runtime events.

SELogger supports various types of runtime events. The types are listed in EventType class. Each event is recorded before/after a particular bytecode instruction is executed. Hence, SELogger assigns data ID to each event based on the bytecode location (class, method, and instruction position in the method). Using the data ID, users can distinguish events generated by different bytecode instructions. Those static attributes are stored in the weaving result files.

The dynamic information, e.g. runtime values of variables recorded with events are stored in execution trace files. The contents and format are dependent on the format= option.

Weaving Result

The weaver component of SELogger analyzes a target program and injects logging instructions into code. The component produces the following files including the result.

  • The configuration options recognized by the weaver.
  • log.txt: Recording errors encountered during bytecode manipulation.
  • classes.txt: A list of woven classes. The content is defined in the ClassInfo class.
  • methods .txt: A list of methods in the woven classes. The content is defined in the MethodInfo class.
  • dataids.txt: A list of Data IDs.


Each line of this file represents a Java class manipulated by SELogger. The file is a CSV having the following columns without a header line.

Column Name Content
ClassID A sequential number assigned to the class
Container The name of a JAR file or directory from which the class is loaded
Filename The class file name
Classname The name of the class
Level The level of inserted logging code. Normal indicates the weaving has been successfully finished.
Hash SHA-1 hash of the class bytecode
LoaderID A string representing a class loader that loaded the original class

The data format is represented by ClassInfo class. You can parse a line using its parse(String) method.


Each line of this file represents a Java method defined in a class included in classes.txt. The file is a CSV having the following columns without a header line.

Column Name Content
ClassID The ClassID in classes.txt of the class including the method
MethodID A sequential number assigned to this method
ClassName The name of the class. This is redundant but for ease of use.
MethodName The name of the method
MethodDesc The descriptor of the method containing parameter and return value types.
Access The access modifiers of the method
SourceFileName The source file name embedded by a compiler
MethodHash SHA-1 hash of the byte array of the method body (before weaving)


Each line of this file represents a runtime event corresponding to a Java bytecode instruction. The file is a CSV having the following columns without a header line.

Column Name Content
DataID A sequential number assigned to an event
ClassID ClassID for classes.txt
MethodID MethodID for methods.txt
Line Line number including the bytecode instruction
InstructionIndex This points to an AbstractInsnNode object in InsnList of the ASM library.
EventType Event type name
ValueDesc The type of a "Recorded Data" value of the event
Attributes Extra columns representing additional information about the bytecode instruction

Execution Trace

The injected logging code calls recordEvent methods defined in class Logging. It internally uses different logging implementations depending on the format option.

Near-Omniscient Execution Trace (format=nearomni)


The default nearomni mode produces a file named recentdata.txt. Each line of the file includes the following data items in a CSV format:

  • Data ID representing an event
  • The number of the events observed in the execution
  • The number of the events recorded in the file
  • A list of recorded values (triples of a data value, a sequential number representing the order of recording, and a thread ID) for the events


The json=true option generates a file in a JSON format. The JSON object has a events field including an array of objects. Each object has the following fields:

  • dataid representing an event
  • freq represents the number of the events observed in the execution
  • record represents the number of the events recorded in the file
  • type represents the data type of values. objectid is long integer recorded in ObjectTypes.txt.
  • values is an array of data values for each event.
    • In case of object, it is a Json object having id. The Json object also has a string field if it is a string object.
  • seqnum is an array of sequential numbers representing the order of events.
  • thread is an array of thread-id values for each event.

Frequency of events (format=freq)

The freq mode produces a csv named eventfreq.txt. The file has two columns:

  • The first column represents dataID defined in dataids.txt.
  • The second column represents the number of occurrences of the event.

The file does not include dataIDs that never occurred at runtime.

Omniscient Execuion Trace (format=omni)

In this mode, the logging class produces .slg files with a sequential number recording all runtime events observed during a program execution.

The LogPrinter class is to translate the binary format into a text format.

java -classpath selogger-0.2.3.jar LogPrinter selogger-output

The command accepts the following options.

  • -from=N skips the first N events.
  • -num=M terminates the program after printing M events.
  • -thread= specifies a list of thread ID separated with commas. The program ignores events in other threads.
  • -processparams links parameter events to its METHOD ENTRY/CALL events.

The output format is like this:


Each line includes the following attributes.

  • Event ID
  • Event Type
  • Thread ID
  • DataID (to refer dataids.txt to its static information)
  • Value associated with the event (in case of CALL, it is an object ID)
  • objectType is the class name represented by an object ID (if the value points to an object)
  • attributes recorded in dataids.txt
  • Class Name,
  • File Name, Line Number (recorded as debug symbols)
  • Instruction Index of the bytecode in the method (it is useful when you analyze the bytecode with the ASM library)

The object types and string contents are seperately stored in the following files.


The file records object types. It is a CSV file including 6 columns.

  • Type ID
  • Type Name
  • Class file location
  • The superclass type ID
  • The component type ID (available for an array type)
  • A string representation of class loader that loaded the type and followed by the class name. This text is linked to the weaving information (classes.txt) described below.


This CSV file includes two columns. Each row represents an object.

  • The first column shows the object ID.
  • The second column shows the type ID.


This is a semi-structured CSV file records messages and stack traces of exceptions thrown during a program execution. Each exception is recorded by the following lines.

  • Message line including three columns
    • Object ID of the Throwable object
    • A literal "M"
    • Textual message returned by Throwable.getMessage()
  • Cause Object
    • Object ID of the Throwable object
    • A literal "CS"
    • Object ID of the cause object returned by Throwable.getCause()
    • If the object has suppressed exceptions (returned by getSuppressed()), their object IDs
  • Stack Trace Elements (Each line corresponds to a single line of a stack trace)
    • Object ID of the Throwable object
    • A literal "S"
    • A literal "T" or "F": "T" represents the method is a native method.
    • Class Name
    • Method Name
    • File Name
    • Line Number


The file records the contents of string objects used in an execution. It is a CSV file format; each line has three fields.

  • The object ID of the string
  • The length of the string
  • The content escaped as a JSON string