The tool allows to spin-up blockchain environment(emulator) with pre-deployed UNS(including CNS) smart contracts. It is useful for unit/integration testing. In order to simplify test setup, the state of the environment can be restored to initial state of the sandbox.
- URL: http://localhost:7545
- CHAIN_ID: 1337
The emulator uses mnemonic for preparing list of accounts. It always has strict list of accounts:
Available Accounts
(0) 0xfe84Ab89b7Fc902Ff3CfD756403a8f085B1639Aa (1000 ETH) // CNS & UNS deployer
(1) 0x9DC64b2558b458A15C7f01c192D874Ef460f0A29 (1000 ETH) // Minter
(2) 0x94F57ed7e9af03A10e8EB23CE1B3c7914a182b0f (1000 ETH)
(3) 0x936188f2C3C8E8c95e425b6fe41c2ac9E701585e (1000 ETH)
(4) 0x95f29431AEb52C0D5DbEEEC36010b8e2CA69CB3D (1000 ETH)
(5) 0x19356cc2300833E690088a5a09A2044A3CC2A1E2 (1000 ETH)
(6) 0x8861CdFa38838531275cE12F9e795C3b9fF29cBE (1000 ETH)
(7) 0x0712e8e819712C3bfdb098CE51C87a4Ac0296fd8 (1000 ETH)
(8) 0xAA33d7188Eb4b4A51C37199eaaD2f73cf2bF0204 (1000 ETH)
(9) 0xead34b583404E3Cb0C9b97C2d1C486BE67Be9F30 (1000 ETH) // Funding account
Private Keys
(0) 0x6b657c280147dd393162442cda5f55b8af7c59986237f4c602531d1e994d5a6d
(1) 0x6c9ad2b70a3ca6e989a0715b710f3ed689b1cfe4c1494ede70241762ffb76c9b
(2) 0x50f58d79e0b89e2f4070721184eaa96fd5c3d096d4885969cf3fac70aaf522cd
(3) 0xfa30d0923973acd541d3dd3e9f8c2d253b7ecd52b316478f9dd24c88d7eff16d
(4) 0x407a6090c4b168dab2680cba8c4e6ff54b9d58ada126607b4451c9a4646f029b
(5) 0xe820b165e308ac2a2b32cc2fd4d694373b9910ce216ebeddcec10dbc2091c618
(6) 0x0402143af3ed84c7d05ce13b8601733a6e9c01d287f30e481f180bb38174aae7
(7) 0x5ca5f7763a6b5d49deca6620803ec47c4dd910380e8e9cf7780857b95318a1a3
(8) 0x6708567060a74fe47d7f9b9e7a5af1bc30ffbc641566c96f6413323591042a3c
(9) 0xf15dabfb20f3e891e7a9308bb3acb5498200b968ca4feebf8e2e9e561ee71778
HD Wallet
Mnemonic: mimic dune forward party defy island absorb insane deputy obvious brother immense
Base HD Path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/{account_index}
import { Sandbox } from 'uns';
describe('Test', async () => {
let sandbox: Sandbox;
before(async () => {
sandbox = await Sandbox.create();
await sandbox.start();
beforeEach(async () => {
await sandbox.reset();
after(async () => {
await sandbox.stop();
it('test1', async () => {
it('test2', async () => {
Sandbox has database snapshot of blockchain in order to spin-up the environment. The snapshot is prebuilded and included in a package with the sandbox. A new deployment script might be a reason to rebuild the sandbox snapshot. In order to do this there is a yarn command:
yarn rebuild:sandbox