#imgix.js Documentation
is the root namespace for all imgix client code.
- imgix
- imgix.onready
- imgix.isImageElement(el)
- imgix.setElementImageAfterLoad(el, url, callback)
- imgix.setElementImage(el, url)
- imgix.getEmptyImage()
- imgix.getElementImage(el)
- imgix.getBackgroundImage(el)
- imgix.getColorBrightness(color)
- imgix.applyAlphaToRGB(color, alpha)
- imgix.hexToRGB(color)
- imgix.getElementsWithImages()
- imgix.hasImage(el)
- imgix.hasClass(elem, name)
- imgix.rgbToHex(color)
- imgix.getFontLookup()
- imgix.getFonts()
- imgix.fluid(config)
- imgix.helpers
- class: imgix.URL
- new imgix.URL(url, imgParams, token)
- URL.setSepia(val)
- URL.setCrop(val)
- URL.setFit(val)
- URL.setHeight(val)
- URL.setWidth(val)
- URL.setRotate(val)
- URL.setFlip(val)
- URL.setOrient(val)
- URL.setDPR(val)
- URL.setHue(val)
- URL.setSaturation(val)
- URL.setBrightness(val)
- URL.setContrast(val)
- URL.setExposure(val)
- URL.setHighlight(val)
- URL.setShadow(val)
- URL.setGamma(val)
- URL.setVibrance(val)
- URL.setSharpness(val)
- URL.setSepia(val)
- URL.setHalftone(val)
- URL.setBlur(val)
- URL.setMonochrome(val)
- URL.setPixelate(val)
- URL.setBlend(val)
- URL.setBlendWidth(val)
- URL.setBlendHeight(val)
- URL.setBlendPadding(val)
- URL.setBlendFit(val)
- URL.setBlendAlign(val)
- URL.setBlendAlpha(val)
- URL.setBlendMode(val)
- URL.setBlendCrop(val)
- URL.setBlendSize(val)
- URL.setText(val)
- URL.setTextFont(val)
- URL.setTextSize(val)
- URL.setTextColor(val)
- URL.setTextAlign(val)
- URL.setTextShadow(val)
- URL.setTextPad(val)
- URL.setTextLine(val)
- URL.setTextLineColor(val)
- URL.setTextFit(val)
- URL.setFormat(val)
- URL.setQuality(val)
- URL.setWatermark(val)
- URL.setWatermarkWidth(val)
- URL.setWatermarkHeight(val)
- URL.setWatermarkFit(val)
- URL.setWatermarkScale(val)
- URL.setWatermarkAlign(val)
- URL.setWatermarkAlpha(val)
- URL.setWatermarkPadding(val)
- URL.setPalette(val)
- URL.setPaletteClass(val)
- URL.setPaletteColorNumber(val)
- URL.setAuto(val)
- URL.setMask(val)
- URL.setBackground(val)
- URL.getCrop(val)
- URL.getFit()
- URL.getHeight()
- URL.getWidth()
- URL.getRotate()
- URL.getFlip()
- URL.getOrient()
- URL.getDPR()
- URL.getHue()
- URL.getSaturation()
- URL.getBrightness()
- URL.getContrast()
- URL.getExposure()
- URL.getHighlight()
- URL.getShadow()
- URL.getGamma()
- URL.getVibrance()
- URL.getSharpness()
- URL.getSepia()
- URL.getHalftone()
- URL.getBlur()
- URL.getMonochrome()
- URL.getPixelate()
- URL.getBlend()
- URL.getBlendWidth()
- URL.getBlendHeight()
- URL.getBlendPadding()
- URL.getBlendFit()
- URL.getBlendAlign()
- URL.getBlendAlpha()
- URL.getBlendMode()
- URL.getBlendCrop()
- URL.getBlendSize()
- URL.getText()
- URL.getTextFont()
- URL.getTextSize()
- URL.getTextColor()
- URL.getTextAlign()
- URL.getTextShadow()
- URL.getTextPad()
- URL.getTextLine()
- URL.getTextLineColor()
- URL.getTextFit()
- URL.getFormat()
- URL.getQuality()
- URL.getWatermark()
- URL.getWatermarkWidth()
- URL.getWatermarkHeight()
- URL.getWatermarkFit()
- URL.getWatermarkScale()
- URL.getWatermarkAlign()
- URL.getWatermarkAlpha()
- URL.getWatermarkPadding()
- URL.getPalette()
- URL.getPaletteClass()
- URL.getPaletteColorNumber()
- URL.getAuto()
- URL.getMask()
- URL.getBackground()
- URL.getInvert()
- URL.attachGradientTo(elemOrSel, baseColor)
- URL.attachImageTo(elemOrSel, callback)
- URL.setToken(token)
- URL.getColors(num, callback)
- URL.autoUpdateImg(sel, callback)
- URL.getUrl()
- URL.removeParam(param)
- URL.clearThenSetParams(params)
- URL.clearParams(runUpdate)
- URL.setParams(dict, doOverride)
- URL.setParam(param, value, doOverride, noUpdate)
- URL.getParam(param)
- URL.getParams()
- URL.getBaseUrl()
- URL.getQueryString()
##imgix.onready Runs a function when the DOM is ready (similar to jQuery.ready)
- ready
- the function to run when the DOM is ready.
##imgix.isImageElement(el) Reports if an element is an image tag
- el
- the element to check
Returns: boolean
- true if the element is an img tag
##imgix.setElementImageAfterLoad(el, url, callback)
Intelligently sets an image on an element after the image has been cached.
- el
- the element to place the image on - url
- the url of the image to set - callback
- called once image has been preloaded and set
##imgix.setElementImage(el, url) Intelligently sets an image on an element.
- el
- the element to check - url
- the url of the image to set
Returns: boolean
- true on success
An empty 1x1 transparent image
Returns: string
- url of an empty image
Intelligently returns the image on the element
- el
- the element to check
Returns: string
- url of the image on the element
Returns the background image for an element
- el
- the element to check
Returns: string
- url of the image on the element
Gives a brightness score for a given color (higher is brighter)
- color
- a color in rgb(r, g, b) format
Returns: Number
- brightness score for the passed color
##imgix.applyAlphaToRGB(color, alpha)
Apply alpha to a RGB color string
- color
- a color in rgb(r, g, b) format - alpha
- aplpha amount 1=opaque 0=transparent
Returns: string
- color in rgba format rgb(255, 0, 255, 0.5)
Converts a hex color to rgb (#ff00ff -> rgb(255, 0, 255)
- color
- a color in hex format (#ff00ff)
Returns: string
- color in rgb format rgb(255, 0, 255)
Gives all elements on the page that have images (or could img). Does NOT support IE8
Returns: NodeList
- html elements with images
Does an element have an image attached
- el
- element to check for images
Returns: boolean
- true if passed element has an image
##imgix.hasClass(elem, name)
Checks if an element has a class applied (via jquery)
- elem
- element to check for class - name
- class name to look for
Returns: boolean
- true if element has the class
Helper method to turn rgb(255, 255, 255) style colors to hex (ffffff)
- color
- in rgb(255, 255, 255) format
Returns: string
- passed color converted to hex
Returns a font lookup. Pretty Name => name to use with imgix
Example: "American Typewriter Bold" => "American Typewriter,bold",
Returns: object
- pretty font name to imgix font param value
Get a list of all the fonts supported by imgix
Returns: array
- An array of strings of the supported font names
Enables fluid (responsive) images for any element(s) with the "imgix-fluid" class
#####Option Descriptions
string all elements with this class will have responsive images
boolean should it request a new bigger image when container grows
boolean should it request a new smaller image when container shrinks
boolean should it request a new image when pinching on a mobile
boolean should it automatically use a lower quality image on high DPR devices. This is usually nearly undetectable by a human, but offers a significant decrease in file size.
function if defined the following are passed (number h, number w, object params, HTMLElement element). When an object of params is returned they are applied to the image
boolean should it automatically add backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat
; elem.style.backgroundSize = 'cover'
elem.style.backgroundPosition = '50% 50%'
to elements with a background image
boolean should it fit img tag elements to their container's width. Does not apply to background images.
boolean should it fit img tag elements to their container's height. Does not apply to background images.
number image dimensions are rounded to this (e.g. for 10 the value 333 would be rounded to 340)
string the secure URL token to use to sign an image. when this is set URLs are automatically signed using this token
boolean when true the dpr
param is not set on the image.
number postpones resize/lazy load execution until after this many milliseconds have elapsed since the last time it was invoked.
boolean when true the image is not actually loaded until it is viewable (or within the offset)
number when lazyLoad
is true this allows you to set how far above and below the viewport (in pixels) you want before imgix.js starts to load the images.
number when lazyLoad
is true this allows you to set how far to the left and right of the viewport (in pixels) you want before imgix.js starts to load the images.
boolean or number or function When defined the image container's background is set to a color in the image. When value is true
use first color in the color array, when value is a number
use that index from the color array, when value is a function
it uses whatever color is returned by the function(HTMLElement' el,
Array` colors)
number Never set the width parameter higher than this value.
number Never set the height parameter higher than this value.
function Called when an image is loaded. It's passed the HTMLElement
that contains the image that was just loaded and the URL of that image (HTMLElement' el,
String` imageURL)
Default values (passed config will extend these values)
fluidClass: "imgix-fluid",
updateOnResize: true,
updateOnResizeDown : false,
updateOnPinchZoom: false,
highDPRAutoScaleQuality: true,
onChangeParamOverride: null,
autoInsertCSSBestPractices: false,
fitImgTagToContainerWidth: true,
fitImgTagToContainerHeight: false,
pixelStep: 10,
token: null,
debounce: 200,
ignoreDPR: false,
lazyLoad: false,
lazyLoadOffsetVertical: 20,
lazyLoadOffsetHorizontal: 20,
maxWidth: 5000,
maxHeight: 5000,
onLoad: null
- config
- options for fluid (this extends the defaults)
##imgix.helpers The helper namespace for lower-level functions
- class: imgix.URL
- new imgix.URL(url, imgParams, token)
- URL.setSepia(val)
- URL.setCrop(val)
- URL.setFit(val)
- URL.setHeight(val)
- URL.setWidth(val)
- URL.setRotate(val)
- URL.setFlip(val)
- URL.setOrient(val)
- URL.setDPR(val)
- URL.setHue(val)
- URL.setSaturation(val)
- URL.setBrightness(val)
- URL.setContrast(val)
- URL.setExposure(val)
- URL.setHighlight(val)
- URL.setShadow(val)
- URL.setGamma(val)
- URL.setVibrance(val)
- URL.setSharpness(val)
- URL.setSepia(val)
- URL.setHalftone(val)
- URL.setBlur(val)
- URL.setMonochrome(val)
- URL.setPixelate(val)
- URL.setBlend(val)
- URL.setBlendWidth(val)
- URL.setBlendHeight(val)
- URL.setBlendPadding(val)
- URL.setBlendFit(val)
- URL.setBlendAlign(val)
- URL.setBlendAlpha(val)
- URL.setBlendMode(val)
- URL.setBlendCrop(val)
- URL.setBlendSize(val)
- URL.setText(val)
- URL.setTextFont(val)
- URL.setTextSize(val)
- URL.setTextColor(val)
- URL.setTextAlign(val)
- URL.setTextShadow(val)
- URL.setTextPad(val)
- URL.setTextLine(val)
- URL.setTextLineColor(val)
- URL.setTextFit(val)
- URL.setFormat(val)
- URL.setQuality(val)
- URL.setWatermark(val)
- URL.setWatermarkWidth(val)
- URL.setWatermarkHeight(val)
- URL.setWatermarkFit(val)
- URL.setWatermarkScale(val)
- URL.setWatermarkAlign(val)
- URL.setWatermarkAlpha(val)
- URL.setWatermarkPadding(val)
- URL.setPalette(val)
- URL.setPaletteClass(val)
- URL.setPaletteColorNumber(val)
- URL.setAuto(val)
- URL.setMask(val)
- URL.setBackground(val)
- URL.getCrop(val)
- URL.getFit()
- URL.getHeight()
- URL.getWidth()
- URL.getRotate()
- URL.getFlip()
- URL.getOrient()
- URL.getDPR()
- URL.getHue()
- URL.getSaturation()
- URL.getBrightness()
- URL.getContrast()
- URL.getExposure()
- URL.getHighlight()
- URL.getShadow()
- URL.getGamma()
- URL.getVibrance()
- URL.getSharpness()
- URL.getSepia()
- URL.getHalftone()
- URL.getBlur()
- URL.getMonochrome()
- URL.getPixelate()
- URL.getBlend()
- URL.getBlendWidth()
- URL.getBlendHeight()
- URL.getBlendPadding()
- URL.getBlendFit()
- URL.getBlendAlign()
- URL.getBlendAlpha()
- URL.getBlendMode()
- URL.getBlendCrop()
- URL.getBlendSize()
- URL.getText()
- URL.getTextFont()
- URL.getTextSize()
- URL.getTextColor()
- URL.getTextAlign()
- URL.getTextShadow()
- URL.getTextPad()
- URL.getTextLine()
- URL.getTextLineColor()
- URL.getTextFit()
- URL.getFormat()
- URL.getQuality()
- URL.getWatermark()
- URL.getWatermarkWidth()
- URL.getWatermarkHeight()
- URL.getWatermarkFit()
- URL.getWatermarkScale()
- URL.getWatermarkAlign()
- URL.getWatermarkAlpha()
- URL.getWatermarkPadding()
- URL.getPalette()
- URL.getPaletteClass()
- URL.getPaletteColorNumber()
- URL.getAuto()
- URL.getMask()
- URL.getBackground()
- URL.getInvert()
- URL.attachGradientTo(elemOrSel, baseColor)
- URL.attachImageTo(elemOrSel, callback)
- URL.setToken(token)
- URL.getColors(num, callback)
- URL.autoUpdateImg(sel, callback)
- URL.getUrl()
- URL.removeParam(param)
- URL.clearThenSetParams(params)
- URL.clearParams(runUpdate)
- URL.setParams(dict, doOverride)
- URL.setParam(param, value, doOverride, noUpdate)
- URL.getParam(param)
- URL.getParams()
- URL.getBaseUrl()
- URL.getQueryString()
###new imgix.URL(url, imgParams, token) Represents an imgix url
- url
- An imgix url to start with (optional) - imgParams
- imgix query string params (optional) - token
- secure url token for signing images (optional)
###URL.setSepia(val) Apply the speia imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('sepia', val);
- val - the value to set for sepia
###URL.setCrop(val) Apply the "crop" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('crop', val)
- val - the value to set for crop
###URL.setFit(val) Apply the "fit" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('fit', val)
- val - the value to set for fit
###URL.setHeight(val) Apply the "h" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('h', val)
- val - the value to set for h
###URL.setWidth(val) Apply the "w" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('w', val)
- val - the value to set for w
###URL.setRotate(val) Apply the "rot" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('rot', val)
- val - the value to set for rot
###URL.setFlip(val) Apply the "flip" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('flip', val)
- val - the value to set for flip
###URL.setOrient(val) Apply the "or" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('or', val)
- val - the value to set for or
###URL.setDPR(val) Apply the "dpr" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('dpr', val)
- val - the value to set for dpr
###URL.setHue(val) Apply the "hue" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('hue', val)
- val - the value to set for hue
###URL.setSaturation(val) Apply the "sat" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('sat', val)
- val - the value to set for sat
###URL.setBrightness(val) Apply the "bri" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('bri', val)
- val - the value to set for bri
###URL.setContrast(val) Apply the "con" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('con', val)
- val - the value to set for con
###URL.setExposure(val) Apply the "exp" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('exp', val)
- val - the value to set for exp
###URL.setHighlight(val) Apply the "high" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('high', val)
- val - the value to set for high
###URL.setShadow(val) Apply the "shad" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('shad', val)
- val - the value to set for shad
###URL.setGamma(val) Apply the "gam" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('gam', val)
- val - the value to set for gam
###URL.setVibrance(val) Apply the "vib" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('vib', val)
- val - the value to set for vib
###URL.setSharpness(val) Apply the "sharp" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('sharp', val)
- val - the value to set for sharp
###URL.setSepia(val) Apply the "sepia" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('sepia', val)
- val - the value to set for sepia
###URL.setHalftone(val) Apply the "htn" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('htn', val)
- val - the value to set for htn
###URL.setBlur(val) Apply the "blur" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('blur', val)
- val - the value to set for blur
###URL.setMonochrome(val) Apply the "mono" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('mono', val)
- val - the value to set for mono
###URL.setPixelate(val) Apply the "px" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('px', val)
- val - the value to set for px
###URL.setBlend(val) Apply the "blend" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('blend', val)
- val - the value to set for blend
###URL.setBlendWidth(val) Apply the "bw" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('bw', val)
- val - the value to set for bw
###URL.setBlendHeight(val) Apply the "bh" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('bh', val)
- val - the value to set for bh
###URL.setBlendPadding(val) Apply the "bp" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('bp', val)
- val - the value to set for bp
###URL.setBlendFit(val) Apply the "bf" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('bf', val)
- val - the value to set for bf
###URL.setBlendAlign(val) Apply the "ba" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('ba', val)
- val - the value to set for ba
###URL.setBlendAlpha(val) Apply the "balph" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('balph', val)
- val - the value to set for balph
###URL.setBlendMode(val) Apply the "bm" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('bm', val)
- val - the value to set for bm
###URL.setBlendCrop(val) Apply the "bc" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('bc', val)
- val - the value to set for bc
###URL.setBlendSize(val) Apply the "bs" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('bs', val)
- val - the value to set for bs
###URL.setText(val) Apply the "txt" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('txt', val)
- val - the value to set for txt
###URL.setTextFont(val) Apply the "txtfont" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('txtfont', val)
- val - the value to set for txtfont
###URL.setTextSize(val) Apply the "txtsize" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('txtsize', val)
- val - the value to set for txtsize
###URL.setTextColor(val) Apply the "txtclr" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('txtclr', val)
- val - the value to set for txtclr
###URL.setTextAlign(val) Apply the "txtalign" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('txtalign', val)
- val - the value to set for txtalign
###URL.setTextShadow(val) Apply the "txtshad" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('txtshad', val)
- val - the value to set for txtshad
###URL.setTextPad(val) Apply the "txtpad" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('txtpad', val)
- val - the value to set for txtpad
###URL.setTextLine(val) Apply the "txtline" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('txtline', val)
- val - the value to set for txtline
###URL.setTextLineColor(val) Apply the "txtlineclr" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('txtlineclr', val)
- val - the value to set for txtlineclr
###URL.setTextFit(val) Apply the "txtfit" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('txtfit', val)
- val - the value to set for txtfit
###URL.setFormat(val) Apply the "fm" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('fm', val)
- val - the value to set for fm
###URL.setQuality(val) Apply the "q" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('q', val)
- val - the value to set for q
###URL.setWatermark(val) Apply the "mark" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('mark', val)
- val - the value to set for mark
###URL.setWatermarkWidth(val) Apply the "markw" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('markw', val)
- val - the value to set for markw
###URL.setWatermarkHeight(val) Apply the "markh" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('markh', val)
- val - the value to set for markh
###URL.setWatermarkFit(val) Apply the "markfit" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('markfit', val)
- val - the value to set for markfit
###URL.setWatermarkScale(val) Apply the "markscale" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('markscale', val)
- val - the value to set for markscale
###URL.setWatermarkAlign(val) Apply the "markalign" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('markalign', val)
- val - the value to set for markalign
###URL.setWatermarkAlpha(val) Apply the "markalpha" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('markalpha', val)
- val - the value to set for markalpha
###URL.setWatermarkPadding(val) Apply the "markpad" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('markpad', val)
- val - the value to set for markpad
###URL.setPalette(val) Apply the "palette" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('palette', val)
- val - the value to set for palette
###URL.setPaletteClass(val) Apply the "class" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('class', val)
- val - the value to set for class
###URL.setPaletteColorNumber(val) Apply the "colors" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('colors', val)
- val - the value to set for colors
###URL.setAuto(val) Apply the "auto" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('auto', val)
- val - the value to set for auto
###URL.setMask(val) Apply the "mask" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('mask', val)
- val - the value to set for mask
###URL.setBackground(val) Apply the "bg" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('bg', val)
- val - the value to set for bg
###URL.getCrop(val) Apply the "invert" imgix param to the image url. Same as doing .setParam('invert', val)
- val - the value to set for invert
###URL.getFit() Get the value of the "fit" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('fit')
###URL.getHeight() Get the value of the "h" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('h')
###URL.getWidth() Get the value of the "w" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('w')
###URL.getRotate() Get the value of the "rot" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('rot')
###URL.getFlip() Get the value of the "flip" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('flip')
###URL.getOrient() Get the value of the "or" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('or')
###URL.getDPR() Get the value of the "dpr" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('dpr')
###URL.getHue() Get the value of the "hue" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('hue')
###URL.getSaturation() Get the value of the "sat" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('sat')
###URL.getBrightness() Get the value of the "bri" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('bri')
###URL.getContrast() Get the value of the "con" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('con')
###URL.getExposure() Get the value of the "exp" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('exp')
###URL.getHighlight() Get the value of the "high" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('high')
###URL.getShadow() Get the value of the "shad" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('shad')
###URL.getGamma() Get the value of the "gam" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('gam')
###URL.getVibrance() Get the value of the "vib" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('vib')
###URL.getSharpness() Get the value of the "sharp" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('sharp')
###URL.getSepia() Get the value of the "sepia" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('sepia')
###URL.getHalftone() Get the value of the "htn" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('htn')
###URL.getBlur() Get the value of the "blur" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('blur')
###URL.getMonochrome() Get the value of the "mono" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('mono')
###URL.getPixelate() Get the value of the "px" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('px')
###URL.getBlend() Get the value of the "blend" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('blend')
###URL.getBlendWidth() Get the value of the "bw" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('bw')
###URL.getBlendHeight() Get the value of the "bh" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('bh')
###URL.getBlendPadding() Get the value of the "bp" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('bp')
###URL.getBlendFit() Get the value of the "bf" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('bf')
###URL.getBlendAlign() Get the value of the "ba" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('ba')
###URL.getBlendAlpha() Get the value of the "balph" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('balph')
###URL.getBlendMode() Get the value of the "bm" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('bm')
###URL.getBlendCrop() Get the value of the "bc" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('bc')
###URL.getBlendSize() Get the value of the "bs" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('bs')
###URL.getText() Get the value of the "txt" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('txt')
###URL.getTextFont() Get the value of the "txtfont" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('txtfont')
###URL.getTextSize() Get the value of the "txtsize" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('txtsize')
###URL.getTextColor() Get the value of the "txtclr" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('txtclr')
###URL.getTextAlign() Get the value of the "txtalign" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('txtalign')
###URL.getTextShadow() Get the value of the "txtshad" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('txtshad')
###URL.getTextPad() Get the value of the "txtpad" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('txtpad')
###URL.getTextLine() Get the value of the "txtline" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('txtline')
###URL.getTextLineColor() Get the value of the "txtlineclr" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('txtlineclr')
###URL.getTextFit() Get the value of the "txtfit" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('txtfit')
###URL.getFormat() Get the value of the "fm" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('fm')
###URL.getQuality() Get the value of the "q" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('q')
###URL.getWatermark() Get the value of the "mark" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('mark')
###URL.getWatermarkWidth() Get the value of the "markw" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('markw')
###URL.getWatermarkHeight() Get the value of the "markh" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('markh')
###URL.getWatermarkFit() Get the value of the "markfit" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('markfit')
###URL.getWatermarkScale() Get the value of the "markscale" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('markscale')
###URL.getWatermarkAlign() Get the value of the "markalign" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('markalign')
###URL.getWatermarkAlpha() Get the value of the "markalpha" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('markalpha')
###URL.getWatermarkPadding() Get the value of the "markpad" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('markpad')
###URL.getPalette() Get the value of the "palette" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('palette')
###URL.getPaletteClass() Get the value of the "class" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('class')
###URL.getPaletteColorNumber() Get the value of the "colors" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('colors')
###URL.getAuto() Get the value of the "auto" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('auto')
###URL.getMask() Get the value of the "mask" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('mask')
###URL.getBackground() Get the value of the "bg" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('bg')
###URL.getInvert() Get the value of the "invert" imgix param currently on the image url. Same as doing .getParam('invert')
###URL.attachGradientTo(elemOrSel, baseColor) Attach a gradient of colors from the imgix image URL to the passed html element (or selector for that element)
- elemOrSel
- html elment or css selector for the element - baseColor
- color in rgb or hex
###URL.attachImageTo(elemOrSel, callback) Attach the image url (.getUrl() value) to the passed html element (or selector for that element)
- elemOrSel
- html elment or css selector for the element - callback
- optional callback to be called when image is set on the element
###URL.setToken(token) Set the token for signing images. If a token is set it will always sign the generated urls
- token
- secure url token from your imgix source
###URL.getColors(num, callback) Get an array of the colors in the image
- num
- Desired number of colors - callback
- handles the response of colors
###URL.autoUpdateImg(sel, callback) When/if the url changes it will auto re-set the image on the element of the css selector passed
- sel
- css selector for an element on the page - callback
- fires whenever the img element is updated
###URL.getUrl() The generated imgix image url
Returns: string
- the generated url
Remove an imgix param
- param
- the imgix param to remove (e.g. txtfont)
###URL.clearThenSetParams(params) Remove an imgix param then immediately set new params. This only triggers one update if used with autoUpdateImg.
- params
- object of params to set
###URL.clearParams(runUpdate) Clear all imgix params attached to the image
- runUpdate
- (optional) iff using autoUpdateImg should callback be called (defaults to true)
###URL.setParams(dict, doOverride) Set multiple params using using an object (e.g. {txt: "hello", txtclr: "f00"})
- dict
- an object of imgix params and their values - doOverride
- should the value(s) be overridden if they already exist (defaults to true)
###URL.setParam(param, value, doOverride, noUpdate) Set a single imgix param value
- param
- the imgix param to set (e.g. txtclr) - value
- the value to set for the param - doOverride
- (optional) should the value(s) be overridden if they already exist (defaults to true) - noUpdate
- (optional) iff using autoUpdateImg should callback be called (defaults to false)
###URL.getParam(param) Get the value of an imgix param in the query string
- param
- the imgix param that you want the value of (e.g. txtclr)
Returns: string
- the value of the param in the current url
Get an object of all the params and their values on the current image
Returns: object
- an object of params and their values (e.g. {txt: "hello", txtclr: "f00"})
Get the base url. This is getUrl() without the query string
Returns: string
- the base url
Get the query string only. This is getUrl() with ONLY the query string (e.g. ?txt=hello&txtclr=f00)
Returns: string
- the query string for the url
#callback: colorsCallback
This callback receives the colors in the image.
- colors
- an array of colors
Type: function
#callback: autoUpdateElementCallback
- obj
- information about element and image
Type: function