Date Range: 05/01/21 - 05/09/22:
- Update copyrights for 2021
- Ensure mappers are consistent with URBANopt CLI and add better error handling to baseline mapper
- Utilize ASHRAE 90.1 Laboratory prototype model
- Add new example PV feature file to example files folder
- Update example project to make use of commercial hours of operation customization
- Skip detailed model creation workflow if create bar workflow selected and detailed osm present
- Default the GCR (ground coverage ratio) for PV to 1 in all example assumptions files
- Add support for custom user HPXML files in example project
- update feature-file for electrical projects
- Updated dependencies to work with OpenStudio 3.3
- Updated dependencies to work with OpenStudio 3.2
- Updated dependencies to work with OpenStudio 3.1
- Updated dependencies to work with OpenStudio 3.x and Ruby 2.5.x
- Updated mappers to process project-level features (weather file, climate zone)
- Changes to what measures are run by default
- Updated mappers to process detailed model workflow and regular urbanopt workflow
- Updated mappers to handle DEER template and vintage
- Updated default project to run a full year
- Added comfort measure to base workflow
- Initial release of example project.