// build/webpack.client.config.js
const { join } = require('path');
const { merge } = require('webpack-merge');
const getClientConfig = require('vue-ssr-build/build/webpack.client.config');
// Configuration options that can be passed to getClientConfig
const configOpts = {
type: 'client', // required (client|server)
rootDir: null, // required - root directory of the repo,
// used for aliases
extractCss: false, // Used to extract CSS files during production builds
enablePostCss: false, // Enable postcss-loader
postCssOpts: null, // options for postcss-loader
i18nBlocks: false, // Boolean - include support for <i18n> blocks
// in components
theme: null, // Theme for vue-themed-style-loader
sassLoaderData: null, // Data to pass to sass-loader
babelLoader: true, // Include babel-loader for transpilation
module.exports = merge(getClientConfig(configOpts), {
// Additional customizations here
// build/webpack.server.config.js
const { join } = require('path');
const { merge } = require('webpack-merge');
const getServerConfig = require('vue-ssr-build/build/webpack.server.config');
// Configuration options that can be passed to getServerConfig
const configOpts = {
type: 'client', // required (client|server)
rootDir: null, // required - root directory of the repo,
// used for aliases
extractCss: false, // Used to extract CSS files during production builds
enablePostCss: false, // Enable postcss-loader
postCssOpts: null, // options for postcss-loader
i18nBlocks: false, // Boolean - include support for <i18n> blocks
// in components
theme: null, // Theme for vue-themed-style-loader
sassLoaderData: null, // Data to pass to sass-loader
babelLoader: false, // Include babel-loader for transpilation
module.exports = merge(getServerConfig(configOpts), {
// Additional customizations here
import initializeClient from 'vue-ssr-build/src/entry-client';
import createApp from './path/to/your/create/app';
initializeClient(createApp, {
// The following are all available options and their default values:
// selector for where to mount the app
appSelector: '#app',
// Include HMR support?
hmr: true,
// Any existing initial vuex state, otherwise
initialState: null,
// Name of the meta tag where state is stringified
initialStateMetaTag: 'initial-state',
// Wire up logic for route-level vuex modules?
vuexModules: true,
// Logger instance
logger: console
import initializeServer from 'vue-ssr-build/src/entry-server';
import createApp from '@js/create-app';
export default initializeServer(createApp, {
// The following are all available options and their default values:
// Wire up logic for route-level vuex modules?
vuexModules: true,
// Logger instance
logger: console
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const rootPath = path.join(__dirname, '../..');
app.use('*', vueRenderer(app, {
// The following are all available options and their default values:
// Local build
isLocal: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'local',
// Dev build
isDev: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
// Prod build
isProd: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
// Enable HMR?
hmr: false,
// Additional options to pass to createBundleRenderer
rendererOpts: null,
// The remaining must be specified as absolute paths:
templatePath: path.join(rootDir, 'src/index.tpl.html'),
clientConfig: path.join(rootDir, 'build/webpack.client.config.js'),
serverConfig: path.join(rootDir, 'build/webpack.server.config.js'),
clientManifest: path.join(rootDir, 'dist/vue-ssr-client-manifest.json'),
serverBundle: path.join(rootDir, 'dist/vue-ssr-server-bundle.json'),
For ease of use, this repository also provides .babelrc.js
, .eslintrc.js
and jest.config.js
files that should work with the default configurations. Simply import them into your configs and extend as needed.
This repository assumes a default folder structure and sets up webpack aliases and jest resolvers accordingly. This can be overrideen in your own configurations.
## Webpack configs here
dist/ (alias @dist)
## Webpack should write output here
components/ (alias @components)
js/ (alias @js)
scss/ (alias @scss)
server/ (alias @server)
store/ (alias @store)
static/ (alias @static)
## Static files (favicon.ico, etc.)