-- sql #1 create table t_dci ( c_dph7 int , c_l1t tinyint , c_d3wokzls77 int , c_bywfl tinyint unique , c_kzre text , c_fzqupuma int not null , c_w9qyk_fpj double not null , c_ib1xsf3c8d tinyint , primary key(c_d3wokzls77, c_dph7) CLUSTERED) pre_split_regions=6; -- sql #2 alter table t_dci set tiflash replica 1; -- sql #3 update t_dci set c_dph7 = t_dci.c_fzqupuma, c_d3wokzls77 = cast(nullif( t_dci.c_dph7, t_dci.c_fzqupuma ) as signed), c_kzre = t_dci.c_kzre, c_w9qyk_fpj = 67.90 where 1=1; -- sql #20 insert into t_dci (c_dph7, c_l1t, c_d3wokzls77, c_bywfl, c_kzre, c_fzqupuma, c_w9qyk_fpj, c_ib1xsf3c8d) values (-514271861, (NOT NOT(cast((9934 || 22838) as unsigned))), -619026511, (NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) > cast(329968852857868263 as signed)) as unsigned))), cast(null as char), -347826715, 99.79, ((212481776 is NULL)) or (0<>0)), (-1674338467, 1=1, -399873462, (NOT NOT(cast((cast('xz_' as char) <=> cast(cast(null as char) as char)) as unsigned))), 'w_2zjli', -1076974335, 58.22, (-1828123053 not in ( 601205857))), (-111793546, 1=1, -1905435943, (NOT NOT(cast((7165905730096120571 >= 32769.8) as unsigned))), 'ye', 385426697, 28.62, (('jrb97' like '%')) or (((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) = cast(cast(null as double) as double)) as unsigned)))) and (1=1))), (1391099485, ('euwb686' not like '%'), 448379592, (NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) > cast(19662 as signed)) as unsigned))), '_omij4w4p', 2134449301, 92.74, 1=1); -- sql #45 alter table t_dci add column c_gs6c2wzbdg text; -- sql #46 create table t_jg8o ( c_otj13 int unique , c_foveoe text , c_jbb text , c_s int not null unique , c_ovz0 double , c_m0qqv_cl4x text , c_cz text not null , c__qy double , c_z int not null , c_a90ol text not null , primary key(c_z) CLUSTERED) pre_split_regions=2; -- sql #47 alter table t_jg8o set tiflash replica 1; -- sql #49 delete from t_jg8o where (NOT NOT(cast((cast(sign( cast(t_jg8o.c_ovz0 as double)) as signed) = cast(t_jg8o.c__qy as double)) as unsigned))); -- sql #51 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol) values (-2129348288, 'uykpi', cast(null as char), -145391550, 58.64, 'es76gcdd', 'qqr74gf9jb', -0.4, 206483394, 'y'), (1357770202, 'zh', 'k1ff1t1jx', -1268669453, 53.74, 'uc75vdo4l5', 'scspvej', 87.4, -1812306467, 'ods6q4_uwd'), (-3, 'aruw854s', 'bjq7gm6', 1699574429, 67.85, 'lflwtdo', 'r1', 128.2, -1627320304, 'tdn803gma6'), (-1080450877, 'aa0zmr', 'r30y', -1391521050, 75.88, 'yqy31lr6', 'uv_l9npz', 16.70, -3, 'u86aj72avb'); -- sql #54 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol) values (cast(null as signed), 'k', 'rjw3d', -740779724, -128.3, 'x6wv', 'f3', 53.100, 644507406, 'ekym'), (272893297, 'w0y1pi', 'w8w', -1889055934, 88.59, 'y28hs', 'aqgf', 59.99, 127, 'q7msq'), (1301880466, 'rwoz_lk', 'j', -2065558180, 80.39, cast(null as char), 'gkccvl19_', 66.8, 1235345264, 'x2'), (118132800, 'jg', 'yu9wjgjkcr', -1153386115, 10.52, 'hv', 'xu', -2147483649.5, 238261022, 'df8yr8yme'); -- sql #58 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol) values (-1581817783, 'yl', 'ukalo', -266519872, -18446744073709551616.2, 'iu', 'ljoe7lvguy', 17.3, 583080817, 'lkzs_o6tft'), (1692341537, 'l9', 'vr3g7w', 1182099187, -18446744073709551616.4, 'vxmkb1cdz', 'dyztcu', 7.40, -1608887476, 'vcyv7suqyq'), (32768, 'snnubcho', 'qa0838cg', 739797550, 2.2, 'z6ecslwuu7', 's00cw2a4', cast(null as double), 1500973927, 'l7nq85'), (cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), cast(null as char), 'o8dfpgsjfx', 2, -255.7, cast(null as char), 'fdloqu379', 127.9, 1227237271, 'joql30ph'); -- sql #60 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol) values (268787018, cast(null as char), 'xc4kth6nu', -2123999058, cast(null as double), 'pgfrlc3', 'zi1', 55.86, -2092812063, 'bh5e8wn'), (4096, 'bjapab42', '_hn7', 1311574468, 100.36, 'wwjlsr', 'ujuh3qsaxv', -4294967297.0, 545267644, 'wwl'), (1048971456, 'lw4jfx8', cast(null as char), -1848215969, 11.75, 'y18zto5x', '_tiri', cast(null as double), 1358233453, 'sdhw64wn8'), (418915682, 'bq9wah0xp1', 'd8j2v_t', -129, 59.5, 'jv', 'wnzl24', 92.35, 6, 'rajku'); -- sql #62 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol) values (-1476104950, 'tasorgt', cast(null as char), 1558832261, 40.47, 'ti45ihhs', 'q', 90.22, 1086247055, 'phjr5'), (cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'rcmkllod', 'esbj6dos4', -1334985939, 82.75, 'yycnt1tajn', 'vchhuprkyq', 77.68, -1396932398, 'kqjtwpqzc9'), (1642994013, 'qq', cast(null as char), -193512038, 77.88, 'ln5ov5', 'n', cast(null as double), -1648522477, 'rf_1'), (1810102847, 'b47f3lw2', 'ms', 1956594759, 66.44, 'ostxems', 'l9scsk', 5.29, -700153658, 'y46h'); -- sql #63 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol) values (250420324, 'kt', 'wg9ecb78', 481206440, 74.97, 'hqg', 'ea', cast(null as double), -665377928, '_ldq96'), (331951500, 'hf1s1o6b', '_sc6z', 1, cast(null as double), 'k4v', 'uetux15re0', 42.64, -128367768, 'mcmpfie'), (-116611518, 'v5t4tifj7i', 'svyzi73b', -1712020861, 88.16, 'si', 'tl4fd', 4.8, -1404821058, 'g_eh'), (-6, 'est8', 'tkkg', 1957956201, cast(null as double), 'jr8umlyvco', 'ao1', 35.79, -142091534, 'hzrx9p'); -- sql #66 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol) values (614678500, 'h9e', 'nsv9', 484230087, -127.9, 'orhfvgf', 't9yius1', -9223372036854775806.5, 2043810899, 'q1otemiq58'), (1, 'ih5r3np0a', 'igk', -650121333, 0.6, 'uh', 'hj', 77.88, 1428377355, 'cas'), (-129, 'c90i_o7', 'vw7_h3x', 1482728627, -32768.5, cast(null as char), 'jr6te46', 12.2, 1456223410, 'f8xs1'), (328544469, 'bljn_4t', 'kqoqex', 22, 48.24, 'onc8u52fuw', 'qtpm2g', 6.87, 135276305, 'djq4b'); -- sql #68 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol) values (1560720946, 'jic9', 'a', 492677671, 32.11, 'il9wkuhtfg', 'j02j', 4294967296.2, -901406059, 'g'), (-83036657, 'mvvqzbvva', 'tx', 931137049, 21.28, 'bidnfp', 'la8c1eacwl', 100.17, 741839654, 'zdeihna780'), (-762158828, 'd7', 'd', -1443051907, 93.37, 'j', 'sel1dma1', 72.40, -4, 'o2cmy7'), (-1817004224, cast(null as char), 'rh76g', 452804715, 45.57, 'u', 'hzfvl5em', 75.91, 1248115498, 'coj10l0mn1'); -- sql #69 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol) values (1946193912, cast(null as char), 'cx', 1110074, 90.25, 'ijqprbf', 'd', 4.85, -1291894385, 'lq3m61p'), (211417267, 'i', cast(null as char), -4, 79.59, 'zu6lk', 'w5wtgq', 21.18, -541037648, 'u5p_q5'), (-1752220328, 'xy29ky', 'm6i1dt', 844221849, cast(null as double), 'p', 'erh3g', 83.21, -1184760034, 'ji'), (-484233511, 'n2kj', cast(null as char), -1095268801, 65537.1, 'qc0jexk5z', 'jrzii47yht', 55.69, 901469885, 'wneg1'); -- sql #71 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol) values (-1535390401, 'j6iweta', 'ui2ux', -2092616836, 63.5, 'u82', 'x27', 25.21, 845926883, 'wrjjf5s8bq'), (cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'moqf2k', 'm', -1339718267, 32.68, 'aapwu0', 'klsrrhfkzq', 5.63, -1, 'u'), (888648643, cast(null as char), 'n', -426090423, cast(null as double), 'ouk8s5vj', 'ogv00tcfc', 45.49, 1640382415, 've'), (4, 'skbmii68', 'i', 102574176, 18.16, cast(null as char), 'dge', -32767.5, 512, 'qywni8rq'); -- sql #73 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol) values (-1204580952, 'm6dmggks', 'ol8yp', -427971987, 81.19, 'd12stl5x', 'zhb', 99.35, -1622955949, 'j2bkc'), (-1, 'k_1b', cast(null as char), 864637520, 56.14, 'b9', 'cqj', 70.74, 1118079287, 'dd_i8h'), (1414599429, 'drh8rei9', 'wtbsfmhv3z', 1564029707, 62.49, cast(null as char), 'ywz3byl7br', 61.14, -1864582049, 'v803yxk4de'), (-622136553, 'd7040', 'u', 605194975, -2147483647.0, 'c', 'wl06btme', 9223372036854775809.8, 2086739922, 'kdsz'); -- sql #76 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol) values (1000, 'knreib', 'q0cfow', 309873290, 33.15, 'zhxhjpw', 'cbz17', -4294967297.4, -1868272575, 'k0wh'), (846503578, 'j5', 'xz46_prbt', 1275135247, 99.55, 'szv', 'yqq19n0', 41.71, -1032841066, '_9y15o'), (-709870222, 't70u7_r', 'c1r', 638089927, cast(null as double), 'o3ru', 'h2k5', -9223372036854775806.6, 1119882535, 'g_85zo_p'), (3, 'szags', cast(null as char), 365203607, 93.75, 'bc9ndj', 'jjjqv', 67.16, 1279534531, 'fphy'); -- sql #78 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol) values (1636785543, 'd', 'weuyd8', 938963850, 95.80, 'ln2m15', 'qdz', 2.52, -1718387259, 'vv'), (-1500085129, cast(null as char), 'a', -34885716, 4.2, 'i10071p4', 'd8z2', 6.17, 418150270, 'i3gspd8'), (1345647187, 'fw', cast(null as char), -425503498, 2147483648.100000, 'g0', 'ys', 53.77, -531807680, 'j3'), (656285017, 'f34f1wg', 'l2oqvrbph', 127, 38.1, 'kb', 'dg', 16.100, -129, 'taox8w1c'); -- sql #79 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol) values (932299243, 'z68', 'p504nwg87', -65982704, 32768.6, cast(null as char), 'uj3n5um', -2147483647.1, 64, 'r'), (-1628766311, 'gszk77h', 'nh', -675959391, 24.25, 'eqrjdofbjw', 'j46g_7', -126.5, -601303335, 'unjnsjosg'), (1612565697, 'v50w', 't7yy', -476176088, 52.81, 'a', 'p5gsccr340', 255.0, 2, 'u_qurqmn'), (cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'ye', 'hkj52nzb8', -1470126678, 2147483649.9, 'rehphvae', 'zng1', 98.78, 1215720634, 'ei7fsil'); -- sql #80 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol) values (902407133, cast(null as char), 'yc5oz7mu7', 1392257716, -1.8, 'wrf', 'xsyumof', 100.40, 741232834, 'x4gu3vn1mg'), (1684427202, cast(null as char), 'r6', -32, 55.94, 'uf4lc', 'elnhd44m5j', -2147483647.6, 249789526, 'lzcb3df4r9'), (664672920, 'dx480', 'dc7mtri9u0', -700851761, 128.1, 'foa', 'iw', -4294967296.3, -533221608, 'zea'), (124164262, 'mdscaguc', 'ses', 1633831849, -9223372036854775807.5, 'kd6', 'd', 1.92, -883066296, 'w'); -- sql #83 alter table t_jg8o add column c_tazb9 int; -- sql #84 update t_dci set c_dph7 = round( cast(t_dci.c_d3wokzls77 as signed), cast(case when (NOT NOT(cast((cast(round( cast(t_dci.c_w9qyk_fpj as double)) as double) > cast((select c_otj13 from t_jg8o order by c_otj13 limit 1 offset 3) as signed)) as unsigned))) then cast((select count(c_otj13) from t_jg8o) as unsigned) else ((select c_z from t_jg8o order by c_z limit 1 offset 2) is NULL) end as signed)), c_l1t = (NOT NOT(cast((cast(((t_dci.c_gs6c2wzbdg is not NULL)) and ((cast((cast(t_dci.c_bywfl as signed) - cast(t_dci.c_fzqupuma as signed)) as signed) between t_dci.c_d3wokzls77 and t_dci.c_dph7)) as unsigned) = cast((NOT NOT(cast((cast(t_dci.c_gs6c2wzbdg as char) < cast(t_dci.c_kzre as char)) as unsigned))) as unsigned)) as unsigned))), c_d3wokzls77 = round( cast(t_dci.c_dph7 as signed), cast(t_dci.c_dph7 as signed)), c_kzre = t_dci.c_gs6c2wzbdg, c_gs6c2wzbdg = t_dci.c_gs6c2wzbdg where (t_dci.c_dph7 <= ( select abs( cast(t_dci.c_d3wokzls77 as signed)) as c0 from (t_jg8o as ref_0 inner join (((t_jg8o as ref_1 cross join t_jg8o as ref_2 ) right outer join (((t_jg8o as ref_3 right outer join t_jg8o as ref_4 on ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(ref_3.c_ovz0 as double) < cast((NOT NOT(cast((cast(ref_4.c_tazb9 as signed) > cast(ref_3.c_ovz0 as double)) as unsigned))) as unsigned)) as unsigned))))) left outer join t_jg8o as ref_5 on ((ref_4.c_foveoe not like 'xrzjs%f%a'))) left outer join t_jg8o as ref_6 on ((ref_3.c_z between ref_6.c_otj13 and ref_6.c_tazb9))) on ((ref_5.c_a90ol is NULL))) inner join (select distinct ref_7.c_ovz0 as c0, ref_7.c_a90ol as c1, ref_7.c__qy as c2, ref_7.c_m0qqv_cl4x as c3, ref_7.c_m0qqv_cl4x as c4, 100 as c5 from t_jg8o as ref_7 where (NOT NOT(cast((t_dci.c_ib1xsf3c8d <= (select c_ovz0 from t_jg8o order by c_ovz0 limit 1 offset 4) ) as unsigned)))) as subq_0 on (ref_4.c__qy = subq_0.c0 )) on ((ref_4.c_ovz0 in ( ref_4.c_ovz0, ref_5.c_ovz0, ref_0.c_ovz0, ref_3.c__qy, ref_1.c__qy)))) where (case when (NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as char) as char) <=> cast(ref_0.c_jbb as char)) as unsigned))) then round( cast(-789005004 as signed), cast((select c_otj13 from t_jg8o order by c_otj13 limit 1 offset 1) as signed)) else round( cast(ref_4.c_s as signed)) end between ref_0.c_tazb9 and ref_5.c_s) limit 1)); -- sql #86 create table t_rc ( c_m2y int , c_yu tinyint not null , primary key(c_m2y) CLUSTERED) pre_split_regions=2; -- sql #87 insert into t_jg8o select ref_0.c_m2y as c0, substring( cast('ufprnr' as char), cast(ref_0.c_m2y as signed)) as c1, '_g3gepyx8' as c2, cast((select count(c_yu) from t_rc) as signed) as c3, 31.4 as c4, 'n' as c5, ltrim( cast(cast((ref_0.c_m2y * (0<>0) or ((NOT NOT(cast(((select c_w9qyk_fpj from t_dci order by c_w9qyk_fpj limit 1 offset 2) <> ref_0.c_m2y) as unsigned))))) as char) as char)) as c6, 21.72 as c7, ref_0.c_m2y as c8, cast((round( cast(ref_0.c_yu as decimal)) | cast(null as signed)) as char) as c9, ref_0.c_m2y as c10 from t_rc as ref_0 where ((select c_ib1xsf3c8d from t_dci order by c_ib1xsf3c8d limit 1 offset 6) > ( select (NOT NOT(cast((ref_0.c_yu || 0<>0) as unsigned))) as c0 from (select ref_1.c_dph7 as c0 from t_dci as ref_1 where (0<>0) or ((ref_0.c_m2y > ( select ref_0.c_m2y as c0 from t_dci as ref_2 where (ref_2.c_gs6c2wzbdg is not NULL) order by c0 asc limit 1)))) as subq_0 where (EXISTS ( select ref_3.c_kzre as c0, ref_0.c_m2y as c1, ref_0.c_m2y as c2, ref_3.c_kzre as c3, ref_3.c_d3wokzls77 as c4 from t_dci as ref_3 where (NOT NOT(cast((cast(ref_3.c_l1t as signed) <= cast(ref_3.c_w9qyk_fpj as double)) as unsigned))) limit 87)) union all ( select (EXISTS ( select ref_11.c_m2y as c0, ref_11.c_m2y as c1, ref_0.c_yu as c2, ref_0.c_yu as c3, ref_11.c_m2y as c4, ref_11.c_m2y as c5, ref_11.c_yu as c6, ref_11.c_m2y as c7, ref_11.c_m2y as c8, ref_0.c_m2y as c9, ref_11.c_m2y as c10 from t_rc as ref_11 where (NOT NOT(cast((cast(ref_4.c_m2y as signed) > cast(ref_0.c_m2y as signed)) as unsigned))))) as c0 from t_rc as ref_4 where ((ref_0.c_yu >= ( select (NOT NOT(cast((cast(ref_5.c_w9qyk_fpj as double) && cast(ref_5.c_l1t as signed)) as unsigned))) as c0 from t_dci as ref_5 where (ref_4.c_yu is not NULL) union ( select (EXISTS ( select ref_7.c_m2y as c0, ref_7.c_m2y as c1, ref_7.c_m2y as c2, ref_4.c_m2y as c3, ref_6.c_yu as c4, ref_7.c_m2y as c5, ref_7.c_yu as c6, ref_6.c_yu as c7, ref_4.c_yu as c8, ref_7.c_yu as c9, ref_7.c_m2y as c10 from t_rc as ref_7 where (EXISTS ( select ref_8.c_yu as c0, ref_8.c_m2y as c1, ref_4.c_m2y as c2, cast((select sum(c_dph7) from t_dci) as signed) as c3, ref_4.c_m2y as c4 from t_rc as ref_8 where 1=1)))) as c0 from t_rc as ref_6 where 1=1 ) limit 1))) and ((ref_0.c_yu not in ( select (NOT NOT(cast((cast((ref_9.c_dph7 in ( ref_9.c_fzqupuma)) as unsigned) <=> cast(ref_9.c_bywfl as unsigned)) as unsigned))) as c0 from t_dci as ref_9 where ((ref_9.c_d3wokzls77 in ( ref_9.c_d3wokzls77, ref_9.c_d3wokzls77, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed)))) or ((ref_9.c_d3wokzls77 between ref_9.c_fzqupuma and ref_9.c_dph7)) union ( select (NOT NOT(cast((cast(ref_10.c_gs6c2wzbdg as char) > cast(ref_10.c_gs6c2wzbdg as char)) as unsigned))) as c0 from t_dci as ref_10 where ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(ref_10.c_w9qyk_fpj as double) XOR cast(-9504 as signed)) as unsigned)))) or ((NOT NOT(cast((-24531 > ref_10.c_w9qyk_fpj) as unsigned)))) )))) ) limit 1)); -- sql #88 delete from t_dci where (t_dci.c_gs6c2wzbdg not in ( select ref_0.c_jbb as c0 from t_jg8o as ref_0 where (1=1) or (((ref_0.c_otj13 between ref_0.c_s and ref_0.c_s)) and (((ref_0.c_jbb not like 'v%n7')) or (0<>0))) union ( select cast(null as char) as c0 from t_rc as ref_1 where 0<>0 ))); -- sql #89 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-957032555, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast((-2200281 ^ case when (-456842213 between -488459344 and -1783401894) then case when 0<>0 then cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) else cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) end else cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) end ) as char) as char) != cast(substring_index( cast(cast(null as char) as char), cast(cast(null as char) as char), cast(7716136081300716353 as signed)) as char)) as unsigned))), 85)), (-743315677, coalesce((0<>0) and ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(128.9 as double) != cast(326976551 as signed)) as unsigned)))), -35)), (-1205115749, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) <> cast(cast(coalesce( case when (NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) <= cast(86.65 as double)) as unsigned))) then cast(79.39 as double) else cast(12.27 as double) end , cast(16.60 as double) ) as double) as double)) as unsigned))), -54)), (1228688883, coalesce(((NOT NOT(cast(('swpw_6axz' <= cast((cast(-15407 as signed) & cast(1559261793 as signed)) as char)) as unsigned)))) or ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(-12900 as signed) XOR cast(-1095974236 as signed)) as unsigned)))), 9)), (-1649528873, coalesce(1=1, 37)), (coalesce(case when (-928130586 in ( -2003271345, 291999914)) then -10 else 1284903313 end , 936281745), coalesce((case when 1=1 then cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) else -680813264 end is not NULL), 73)), (1645647314, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast((NOT NOT(cast((cast(null as char) > cast(coalesce( cast(null as char), 'rd' ) as char)) as unsigned))) as unsigned) XOR cast(cast((1174115219 - -3223580133846224365) as decimal) as decimal)) as unsigned))), -3)), (coalesce(round( cast(abs( cast(-1937428263 as signed)) as signed)), 32767), coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(40.85 as double) = cast(126.1 as double)) as unsigned))), 78)), (coalesce(round( cast(truncate( cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), cast(cast(coalesce( -875437349, 154761577 ) as signed) as signed)) as signed)), 2108502115), coalesce(('b6' like 'i0_j%0'), 1)), (-973157610, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((-7886703689803181022 <= 9223372036854775809.4) as unsigned))), 14)), (coalesce(case when 0<>0 then -658385663 else case when (1460603199 between case when (NOT NOT(cast((cast(27870 as signed) && cast((NOT NOT(cast((cast(null as char) <> 'irom6') as unsigned))) as unsigned)) as unsigned))) then round( cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), cast(cast(null as signed) as signed)) else -204294457 end and -1857183568) then 1881690322 else 1208757325 end end , 1892910986), coalesce((41 between round( cast(957358653 as signed), cast(1196884487 as signed)) and -651576495), -2)), (-91035345, coalesce((round( cast(772761899 as signed)) between -2123623215 and 1650696967), 111)), (coalesce(truncate( cast(-472120666 as signed), cast(truncate( cast(1805295453 as signed), cast(618045192 as signed)) as signed)), 1222586292), coalesce((-1304786145 between -796352073 and abs( cast(abs( cast(case when (NOT NOT(cast((cast(0<>0 as unsigned) > cast(23.98 as double)) as unsigned))) then 1385097430 else 42 end as signed)) as signed))), 65)), (coalesce(cast((cast(case when (NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(coalesce( 'vkmn', 'g_jh7c' ) as char) as char) = cast(cast(null as char) as char)) as unsigned))) then cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) else cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) end as decimal) & cast(40.11 as double)) as signed), 22), coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(null as char) <=> cast(null as char)) as unsigned))), -22)), (1840746103, coalesce(1=1, 125)); -- sql #92 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9) values (839836027, 'e6t147y', cast(null as char), -32769, -18446744073709551617.0, cast(null as char), 'gg', -4294967296.3, -1808271217, 'r_x', -2094462474), (274879616, 'e35rv', 'tkkd', -1329718118, cast(null as double), 'pcuys1uk', 'z', -4294967296.8, 2102355257, 'thdq7z_g8', 640698035), (-418122877, 'u', 'idi5m4uhoq', -32768, 53.12, 'ct97c', '_14y1vhnft', 1.73, -853724734, 'cz1ar3', -777224016), (-156306618, 'w4qn9uay', 'dr_d', 671203926, 87.84, 'xqz5ujne6', 'fu_kalhah', 86.45, -139074435, 'z', cast(null as signed)); -- sql #93 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-1055652298, coalesce((1657601083 is NULL), 35)), (77615190, coalesce(((NOT NOT(cast(('bk' != cast(null as char)) as unsigned)))) or ((NOT NOT(cast((cast((0<>0) or ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as char) as char) > cast('x08se7m0' as char)) as unsigned)))) as unsigned) < cast(1=1 as unsigned)) as unsigned)))), -128)), (-1917108149, coalesce(((NOT NOT(cast((cast(16099 as signed) && cast((1902862566 between -884091469 and -1089117788) as unsigned)) as unsigned)))) and ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(null as char) > cast(null as char)) as unsigned)))), -73)), (255, coalesce(((NOT NOT(cast((cast(((NOT NOT(cast((cast(1=1 as unsigned) < cast(cast(null as double) as double)) as unsigned)))) or (('cxreq_l6' like 'j_j')) as unsigned) >= cast(-2147483647.2 as double)) as unsigned)))) or ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(32767 as signed) < cast(8.33 as double)) as unsigned)))), 95)); -- sql #95 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9) values (394320066, 'vd95n', 'wrbw1rv', -448668637, 79.73, 'cjhzw9chc', 'e76308p', cast(null as double), 700751246, 'm1he9jo', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed)), (-1289673897, 'mlk', 'x813q2gydy', -5, cast(null as double), 'ecda', 'bxx0st5', -2147483649.1, 2049846330, 'q0', -1344966528), (1739950612, 'sdt3ww', cast(null as char), 618051633, cast(null as double), cast(null as char), 'fs94deo', 33.56, 54713226, '_diqoe', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed)), (1625802481, 'vx9yz9', 'd', 652189879, 100.84, 'jn', 're2nj1345', 49.14, -1608701870, 'yzhp', 716904526); -- sql #96 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9) values (-922873691, 'wq8', cast(null as char), 32, 19.59, cast(null as char), 'n2', 37.97, -1395570897, 'xbygf0by', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed)), (-1518261639, 'q0yc69k3c', '_qf', 23, 65537.1, 'gkjedo6v', 'ybz', 87.90, 1155208970, 'q9f', 1526417842), (-570308353, 'q6ea1b56', 'dkb4o', 1319432002, cast(null as double), 'xulhs', 'ke5fu26af7', 3.32, -872383270, 'cwf43', 702167055), (-2049117210, 'vmbg5sob', 'aw70v4fdc', 1296969052, 86.100, 'eik', 'qe5f7j63', cast(null as double), -476596691, 'b', -290787192); -- sql #97 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9) values (0, 'om_0', 'o', -1794129806, 51.73, 'cfbt', 'nusrmph3pl', 76.18, 1607000574, 'g2tdfn9', 295309303), (-190926243, 'lv', 'hs0000zi', -1221760860, -2.9, 'eu0v9s', 'cop17p', 32767.1, -1545087287, 'hj', 16), (95633984, '_t6q', 'm', 1109587033, 74.80, cast(null as char), 'ubw7zvqq', 37.97, 1813620797, 'p3t', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed)), (-536072674, 'ol2uqh', 'xsznkg64', 1020532265, 18446744073709551617.7, '_', 'w', cast(null as double), -1273021359, 'l2wns', -2108649127); -- sql #98 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9) values (-1296133534, 'eh', 'qwinmy', -1498466295, 2.1, 'yuqkd17d', 'ndhipo631', 60.51, 31, 'qt', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed)), (1759319815, 'lfn2', 'jk', -1740732146, -4294967297.0, 't_07rs', 'xa4', cast(null as double), 1379918985, 'x', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed)), (412153098, 'n3x2h', cast(null as char), 1324248120, 257.0, 'swyis8', 'uizbdpbw0', 84.11, 965798887, 'h', 1806552660), (-670033630, 'z56waa1v', 'y7rpcx3ly', -120790189, 39.2, 'ifz7e', 'k_mi', 69.32, -230524258, 'bg36hlywf', -1); -- sql #99 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9) values (-769535435, 'fx6wag', cast(null as char), 704501551, -65537.4, 'b_v5', 'hw66d3ucr8', 92.24, -39179356, 'f5y5lqqvsu', -2), (-5, 'mj', cast(null as char), -26353880, 23.49, 'kimk5u', 'e', cast(null as double), 682126713, 'bvvjrhq', -1155587421), (-2110336347, 's8vpquw', 'o3rq4n', -1430300305, 32.48, 'yk8_', 'k9867iu', 18446744073709551616.9, 260703069, 'xdmn', -852696780), (-128308802, 'lxrsqbau', 'cjb3jbm67', -943859118, 89.14, cast(null as char), 'u', cast(null as double), -369418675, 'k3u3bo4', -2106929875); -- sql #103 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9) values (697463410, 'c5theaq', 't', -1644913850, 16.57, 'uhsxo', 'avahrt', 5.50, 219023393, 'hu07a', -1117785401), (1758686846, 'p', 'th47xr_', 623650191, 4294967295.1, 'dg0n_x97u', 'xswg', 5.42, -1771250955, 'slypc9he', 593538269), (232688834, 'wh55nxe', cast(null as char), -1733511604, 7.52, 'j', 'a', 18446744073709551617.7, -896950625, 'z', -6), (1649173488, 'almsvdx', 'fyhd19_wj', 1119800326, 26.79, 'uy24r8a9', 'uk61q4tfh', 52.68, -1706437484, 'enz3m1psh', cast(null as signed)); -- sql #107 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9) values (-2077115085, cast(null as char), 'pa', 1261642173, -255.7, 'h9i', 'e', 79.33, -1061786896, 'rp1oys7f', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed)), (-314605964, 'px', 'm', -927281316, 18446744073709551614.3, cast(null as char), 'r7rgl5j4kz', -2.7, 673424012, 'ysjkni', -56787652), (402746055, 'tyjx05', '_vo5wn45', -1318632829, 86.57, 'b', 'p3s', 62.59, 1067022582, 'vpbv8p', 416227993), (22, 'sh96c', 'npibki', -233883038, 35.31, 'f6w92w', 'xx', cast(null as double), -875867429, 'n_', 1544274737); -- sql #108 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9) values (549858538, 'izdejmpao', 'lawl2', -917365247, 257.8, 'zhr5qty9', 'vp', 77.4, -408439896, 'lpo4r4yx1', -1386090669), (-31, 'zhe8', 'vbf', 345529447, 78.66, cast(null as char), 'w8s1o', 92.92, -193680660, 'n_o9ei', -1280655328), (2112312747, 'sq4hlxr', 'gka5uqapi', 1493159958, 42.90, 'zi0oqtbw', 'pkw54', cast(null as double), -98332752, 't1xgngb0', -1370717036), (cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'yf', 'hxtc38f', 116178558, 9223372036854775806.2, 'f', 'l0drumo0oy', 90.29, 1452817300, 'as6v7b0cd', 1325230817); -- sql #109 begin PESSIMISTIC; -- sql #110 analyze table t_dci; -- sql #112 update t_dci set c_dph7 = case when (NOT NOT(cast((cast(t_dci.c_d3wokzls77 as signed) || cast(-9 as signed)) as unsigned))) then t_dci.c_fzqupuma else truncate( cast(t_dci.c_dph7 as signed), cast(t_dci.c_d3wokzls77 as signed)) end , c_l1t = ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(t_dci.c_gs6c2wzbdg as char) > cast(cast(null as char) as char)) as unsigned)))) and ((t_dci.c_kzre not like '_')), c_d3wokzls77 = truncate( cast(t_dci.c_fzqupuma as signed), cast(abs( cast(truncate( cast(t_dci.c_d3wokzls77 as signed), cast(t_dci.c_d3wokzls77 as signed)) as signed)) as signed)) where (EXISTS ( select subq_0.c0 as c0, count( cast(substring( cast((select count(c_foveoe) from t_jg8o) as char), cast(cast((cast(truncate( cast(6722 as signed), cast((select c_m2y from t_rc order by c_m2y limit 1 offset 1) as signed)) as signed) >> cast(cast(null as signed) as signed)) as signed) as signed)) as char)) as c1 from (select ref_0.c_jbb as c0 from t_jg8o as ref_0 where (NOT NOT(cast((cast((select count(c_foveoe) from t_jg8o) as char) < cast(ref_0.c_foveoe as char)) as unsigned))) group by ref_0.c_jbb) as subq_0 where (NOT NOT(cast((cast(t_dci.c_w9qyk_fpj as double) > cast(t_dci.c_w9qyk_fpj as double)) as unsigned))) group by subq_0.c0)); -- sql #113 create table t__9r63 ( c_g7eofzlxn int , c_r58lkh double , c_x2erxo10w int , c_wsr tinyint , c_hd2v4v0 double , c_tb3u text , c_onfeptr2q tinyint unique , primary key(c_g7eofzlxn, c_x2erxo10w) CLUSTERED) pre_split_regions=7; -- sql #114 delete from t_rc where (EXISTS ( select count( cast(radians( cast(ref_1.c_dph7 as signed)) as double)) as c0, count( cast(ref_1.c_kzre as char)) as c1, count( cast(right( cast(locate( cast(ref_1.c_gs6c2wzbdg as char), cast(cast(null as char) as char), cast(ref_1.c_d3wokzls77 as signed)) as char), cast(((NOT NOT(cast((cast((select avg(c_wsr) from t__9r63) as unsigned) XOR cast(ref_1.c_w9qyk_fpj as double)) as unsigned)))) and (((ref_1.c_ib1xsf3c8d is NULL)) or (((ref_1.c_gs6c2wzbdg like 'ulxsaem%%')) or ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(ref_1.c_bywfl as signed) < cast(ref_1.c_w9qyk_fpj as double)) as unsigned)))))) as unsigned)) as char)) as c2, count( cast(ref_1.c_gs6c2wzbdg as char)) as c3, stddev_samp( cast(ref_1.c_w9qyk_fpj as double)) as c4, avg( cast(1324057096 as signed)) as c5, stddev_pop( cast(ref_1.c_ib1xsf3c8d as signed)) as c6, count( cast(1734482156203314607 as signed)) as c7, count( cast(((select c_hd2v4v0 from t__9r63 order by c_hd2v4v0 limit 1 offset 6) in ( select distinct ref_2.c_w9qyk_fpj as c0 from t_dci as ref_2 where (ref_2.c_w9qyk_fpj is NULL) order by c0 desc)) as unsigned)) as c8, sum( cast(cast((cast((ref_1.c_d3wokzls77 between cast((ref_1.c_dph7 + 5472122793036383066) as signed) and 97143495) as unsigned) / cast(ref_1.c_w9qyk_fpj as double)) as double) as double)) as c9, count( cast(ref_1.c_gs6c2wzbdg as char)) as c10, ref_1.c_w9qyk_fpj as c11 from t_dci as ref_1 where (NOT NOT(cast((cast(case when (ref_1.c_kzre not like 'dv__4_23y') then cast(ref_1.c_gs6c2wzbdg as char) else cast(cast(null as char) as char) end as char) <= cast(trim( cast(ref_1.c_gs6c2wzbdg as char)) as char)) as unsigned))) group by ref_1.c_w9qyk_fpj)); -- sql #115 insert into t_dci select abs( cast(case when (NOT NOT(cast((cast(subq_1.c1 as double) <=> cast(-1527893163043264606 as signed)) as unsigned))) then -1294003767 else case when (NOT NOT(cast(((NOT NOT(cast(((select count(c_foveoe) from t_jg8o) && subq_1.c0) as unsigned))) <=> 283084) as unsigned))) then round( cast((select count(c_foveoe) from t_jg8o) as char), cast(-183378225 as signed)) else -358682431 end end as signed)) as c0, (EXISTS ( select -1201765502 as c0, ref_8.c_yu as c1, ref_8.c_m2y as c2, 257353237 as c3, ref_8.c_m2y as c4, ref_8.c_m2y as c5, ref_8.c_yu as c6, ref_8.c_m2y as c7, ref_8.c_yu as c8, ref_8.c_m2y as c9, (select count(c_wsr) from t__9r63) as c10 from t_rc as ref_8 where (ref_8.c_m2y is NULL))) as c1, round( cast(cast(coalesce( case when (NOT NOT(cast((cast((select c_wsr from t__9r63 order by c_wsr limit 1 offset 1) as signed) < cast(subq_1.c0 as double)) as unsigned))) then 6 else -335133100 end , case when ((select c_tb3u from t__9r63 order by c_tb3u limit 1 offset 3) like 'f%') then 218294679 else round( cast(-1913293175 as signed), cast(-1227930262 as signed)) end ) as signed) as signed), cast((select c_g7eofzlxn from t__9r63 order by c_g7eofzlxn limit 1 offset 4) as signed)) as c2, (NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast((cast(5800988575530469125 as signed) >> cast((select c_r58lkh from t__9r63 order by c_r58lkh limit 1 offset 1) as double)) as signed) as signed) <= cast(subq_1.c1 as double)) as unsigned))) as c3, 'w31xi4' as c4, cast(nullif( cast(coalesce( (select c_otj13 from t_jg8o order by c_otj13 limit 1 offset 3) , case when ((select c_m2y from t_rc order by c_m2y limit 1 offset 6) between (select c_g7eofzlxn from t__9r63 order by c_g7eofzlxn limit 1 offset 2) and (select c_otj13 from t_jg8o order by c_otj13 limit 1 offset 3) ) then case when (NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) < cast((select count(c_m2y) from t_rc) as signed)) as unsigned))) then (select c_m2y from t_rc order by c_m2y limit 1 offset 2) else 1129027962 end else round( cast((select c_g7eofzlxn from t__9r63 order by c_g7eofzlxn limit 1 offset 5) as signed), cast(-604207591 as signed)) end ) as signed), count( cast(-6793 as signed)) over (partition by subq_1.c1 order by subq_1.c1, subq_1.c1) ) as signed) as c5, sin( cast(subq_1.c1 as double)) as c6, (cast(null as char) not like 'r%b8') as c7, cast((cast(truncate( cast(round( cast(cast(coalesce( cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal), cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) ) as decimal) as decimal), cast((select c_g7eofzlxn from t__9r63 order by c_g7eofzlxn limit 1 offset 3) as signed)) as decimal), cast( lead( cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 44) over (partition by subq_1.c1 order by subq_1.c0) as signed)) as decimal) & cast((select c_wsr from t__9r63 order by c_wsr limit 1 offset 4) as signed)) as char) as c8 from (select ref_3.c_ovz0 as c0, ref_4.c_hd2v4v0 as c1 from (t_jg8o as ref_3 left outer join t__9r63 as ref_4 on (0<>0)) where (NOT NOT(cast((cast((select stddev_pop(c_yu) from t_rc) as signed) <=> cast(ref_4.c_g7eofzlxn as signed)) as unsigned))) order by c0, c1 desc) as subq_1 where (subq_1.c0 not in ( select ref_5.c_r58lkh as c0 from (t__9r63 as ref_5 right outer join t_rc as ref_6 on (0<>0)) where 1=1 union ( select cast((cast((NOT NOT(cast((cast(ref_7.c_tazb9 as signed) <=> cast(ref_7.c_s as signed)) as unsigned))) as unsigned) / cast((ref_7.c_tazb9 in ( ref_7.c_z, ref_7.c_s)) as unsigned)) as double) as c0 from t_jg8o as ref_7 where (1=1) and (0<>0) ))); -- sql #116 rollback; -- sql #117 analyze table t_rc; -- sql #121 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-1671996263, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) < cast(cast(null as signed) as signed)) as unsigned))), -31)), (-1889370071, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((2086490252 > -10579972) as unsigned))), 96)), (-6, coalesce(0<>0, -117)), (-1632368314, coalesce(0<>0, 95)); -- sql #124 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-984121232, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(-76206123 as signed) <= cast(35 as signed)) as unsigned))), 64)), (-363447661, coalesce(1=1, 30)), (1354298696, coalesce(1=1, -87)), (1649691488, coalesce((-1536961073 is not NULL), -62)); -- sql #125 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9) values (178358625, 'fqkbe', 'bv', 1046871350, -127.2, '_xvbzgd', 'oaruz3c', -18446744073709551614.9, -2038496620, 'suasxq6', -128974549), (-1145067792, 'caa55eei', 'bdvp1e9w_', 210886995, 2147483647.6, 'nlvnsceyl', 'rhgg1', 9.92, 2140936781, 'zew8y', 1777970692), (1585091230, 'kbe', 'p', 1991094051, 4.5, 'hf7c3477', 'h3luqy6', 91.96, -877035159, 'o', -172122277), (cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'nq1e8ghytr', 'zf16zp', -128, 91.89, 'c1z57xupz', 'i7pcui6i', 32766.7, 1671899042, 'nx', -344813562); -- sql #126 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-621408255, coalesce(((NOT NOT(cast((cast(-6635972 as signed) != cast(6 as signed)) as unsigned)))) and ((1=1) or (('cdbtw5dw' like 'oxwb%bi0yd'))), -15)), (-399470421, coalesce(0<>0, 74)), (-1430459450, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(376441600 as signed) <> cast(-6 as signed)) as unsigned))), 52)), (-1424518887, coalesce((-2000051496 between -33 and -2129655622), 86)); -- sql #132 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (1213048938, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((-14717 = ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(15511 as signed) <> cast(91.30 as double)) as unsigned)))) and ((1232249307 in ( -1899461365, -1887746937, 465359034, -742730421)))) as unsigned))), 27)), (295130374, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(2566 as signed) >= cast(-1424817149 as signed)) as unsigned))), -79)), (1, coalesce(((1382901044 between 1497667510 and 1323676365)) or ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(36.57 as double) && cast(78.23 as double)) as unsigned)))), 77)), (-150948567, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as char) as char) <=> cast('xihp' as char)) as unsigned))), 82)); -- sql #133 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-1329311223, coalesce(1=1, -55)), (-2147188085, coalesce((1420893595 is NULL), -115)), (767452134, coalesce((1750311382 is NULL), -86)), (-2126597, coalesce(('vdfxt' like '%f88o9%o%'), -78)); -- sql #134 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9) values (78925804, 'jnq', 'atmcgszlo', 11, -2147483646.1, 'xfzom9sgk9', 'c23zxirwn', -65534.1, -750074356, 'r', 1903699285), (13, 'so', '_', 428831386, -18446744073709551614.8, 'v97zd3y939', 'dkvd8kgs', 23.74, -1000954694, 't', -1581148381), (cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'w12i4f', 'q8gfc', -1745429786, 77.1, 'mr3cv', 'xtnp', 62.93, -1975164934, 'is6m', 233376187), (-1301149357, 'h_mhbtc', 'i56cm_0b', 145486798, -9223372036854775808.6, 'ivyo0c', 'xp9z3', cast(null as double), -1373586853, 'xsg', 1351002888); -- sql #135 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (1176173136, coalesce((1562675879 not in ( -90396396, -1478352161, 386642536, 811473884)), -53)), (-479563032, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) >= cast(95.74 as double)) as unsigned))), 93)), (946161608, coalesce(0<>0, 0)), (-130266144, coalesce((((NOT NOT(cast((-255.8 <= 78.90) as unsigned)))) and ((-1255021307 not in ( -948813352)))) and (1=1), 49)); -- sql #136 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-242576419, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(5.65 as double) || cast(-8069728 as signed)) as unsigned))), -25)), (1231801087, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(('n6' like 'r_o%dm') as unsigned) && cast(-2 as signed)) as unsigned))), 7)), (1122122534, coalesce(((NOT NOT(cast((7922537 <= 1=1) as unsigned)))) or ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as char) as char) <=> cast(cast(null as char) as char)) as unsigned)))), -38)), (2079175359, coalesce(1=1, -1)); -- sql #137 alter table t__9r63 add column c_o8tsf double; -- sql #138 alter table t_jg8o add column c_mgjb text; -- sql #141 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'eoh0fy', 'mcsb3pglf', 1139399720, 89.25, 'kp', 'q69', cast(null as double), 1392834370, 'kis', -1647984280, 'swar'), (cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'hzmlq', 'mps2y1n', -2136834339, 61.46, cast(null as char), 'u0qzv', 18446744073709551617.1, -2109436342, 's2d6z', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), cast(null as char)), (-1993198130, 'kn_', 'v', 36699561, 4294967294.1, 'ar_inqeoa', 'hokq_7s', 2147483647.3, -387188181, 'zztxox', -134736159, cast(null as char)), (-1735860640, 'qutg3i', '_2s_f8q6q', 1826707261, 4294967296.5, 'ec9n8sid9i', 'l4bua', 49.85, -791621925, 'l6oarr', 386957439, cast(null as char)); -- sql #142 insert into t__9r63 (c_g7eofzlxn, c_r58lkh, c_x2erxo10w, c_wsr, c_hd2v4v0, c_tb3u, c_onfeptr2q, c_o8tsf) values (426367068, 77.60, 897753042, (('s' like 'c%5t8')) or (0<>0), 18446744073709551615.4, 'ed6o', (NOT NOT(cast((cast(682760883 as signed) <= cast(47.75 as double)) as unsigned))), 90.45), (1066276479, 30.66, -1529550552, (NOT NOT(cast((cast(1715 as signed) || cast((NOT NOT(cast((cast(-9223372036854775809.7 as double) >= cast(-4443063695321600969 as signed)) as unsigned))) as unsigned)) as unsigned))), 15.54, 'p82uyq', 1=1, 64.59), (-2137947368, 44.21, 65535, 1=1, 18446744073709551617.5, 'wtw39g', (cast(null as char) like 'l83w7k__38'), 94.80), (1454053284, 98.58, 32, (cast(null as char) like 'k%xhlj56'), 32769.0, 'vf9tby', (NOT NOT(cast((3296983555946428078 XOR cast(null as signed)) as unsigned))), 129.1); -- sql #143 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-811010013, coalesce(('oy9s' not like '%4'), -47)), (65536, coalesce((1062076132 in ( cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), -902120753)), 42)), (1025167220, coalesce(('e7k6k' like '_%_y%k4b1z'), 4)), (-993255998, coalesce(((-1088956197 between cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) and 1133083052)) or (1=1), -103)); -- sql #147 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (2014290198, 'kr', 'k5at', -646526057, 35.8, 'zhh', 'e', -65537.0, -2095470234, 'yd', 933328902, 'rkrpuamr0'), (cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'b5595y', 'flhq7xxu1n', 955286322, 129.0, 'cck4', 'b', 52.56, -1097295805, 'z7s2xwxcmw', -660902133, cast(null as char)), (-1109828610, 'n1j6c02q3_', 'mfu_hes', -672283307, 44.29, 'j5s6y', 'b9qc', -2147483646.4, -2064814248, 'khts6ruag', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'k4u1va8s'), (892924246, 'dasurd5a9f', 'h307zjd0o', 1437176824, 7.57, 'ct7w1', 'z5hupb', 7.91, 640311284, 'j59', 1040093431, 'o6yo'); -- sql #151 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (66950713, coalesce(1=1, -97)), (-42, coalesce(('buurqudkq' not like 's%t'), 49)), (907199061, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as char) as char) < cast(cast(null as char) as char)) as unsigned))), 20)), (-956989182, coalesce((cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) is NULL), 47)); -- sql #153 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (-1746355128, 'yuomwohz', 'nj', -777579553, 29.40, cast(null as char), 'lyk3595', 3.32, -1158148278, 'nu', 735721996, 'orph83q'), (906143352, 'q6v1cjubtu', 'krih0cb70', 5, 3.3, 'v09w5vyu', '_2xt', -18446744073709551615.2, 1410466708, 'yqc20', 773526809, 'qz'), (cast(null as signed), 'rgloro', 'hakr', 1306171321, -256.9, 'hcbsxj', 't3jt0n7u6f', -4294967294.3, 1171620026, 'p5vc37e', 1876530182, 'ove'), (1200233288, 'umf', 'mopkjq9jgw', 1181776009, 32768.9, cast(null as char), 'e', 67.38, -1941013334, 'hjwvn5hr3', -1723566516, 'ollgfw7et'); -- sql #156 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (-448902364, 'bqy', 'q2', 1849493675, -4294967295.6, 'c', 'ctvwy', 75.58, -1129697571, 'wypnl8eqv', -1382569844, 'b7r'), (684711966, 'kpoe', '_pqy2', 329325923, 84.11, cast(null as char), 'p', cast(null as double), 1078995791, 'knb', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), cast(null as char)), (738551360, 'm', 'kv', 284244027, -2.5, 'n471', 'm7slqvclnb', 42.40, 967559111, 'qsiln1u1', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'hesao4b660'), (1041749099, 'glw5li_', 'zbno9ko', 3778576, cast(null as double), 'r8b', 'rns', 74.25, -902878438, 'gzp31n6y2', 65111006, 'ho4wxau'); -- sql #157 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (23, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast('y8wx' as char) != cast('bmmrpt0jz2' as char)) as unsigned))), 126)), (-1516140321, coalesce((-2026282109 between cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) and 256), -60)), (-693059544, coalesce((512 in ( -1765383155, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed))), 25)), (501378193, coalesce((1744348004 is NULL), 1)); -- sql #158 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-405545531, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((1 < (NOT NOT(cast((cast('nqhynz' as char) < cast(cast(null as char) as char)) as unsigned)))) as unsigned))), -109)), (0, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast(((1319129777 in ( -390983924, -456813805, 100, -405952813, -810569386)) <> cast(null as signed)) as unsigned))), -27)), (-11074553, coalesce(1=1, 42)), (726741234, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast((-32 between -100663046 and 867747680) as unsigned) XOR cast(1=1 as unsigned)) as unsigned))), -7)); -- sql #160 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-482144348, coalesce((22 between 1801720705 and -26), -33)), (1101662438, coalesce(('qv3z47' not like '_'), -48)), (-1107088702, coalesce((-1893794399 is NULL), -128)), (70355028, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((26524 XOR 1024) as unsigned))), -74)); -- sql #162 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (1192591902, coalesce(0<>0, 1)), (1240753624, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) = cast(1691930951 as signed)) as unsigned))), -122)), (27, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((1056217 || cast(null as signed)) as unsigned))), -31)), (1445767087, coalesce(1=1, 112)); -- sql #165 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-28, coalesce((1648846887 is NULL), 15)), (-1433675370, coalesce(1=1, 4)), (-1111861164, coalesce(((NOT NOT(cast((cast(3761827046564225105 as signed) || cast(-7498041 as signed)) as unsigned)))) and (('a2z' like '_')), -19)), (-811865236, coalesce(('ueo61' like '%9'), -3)); -- sql #168 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (214510018, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(null as decimal) != 4343994641174219637) as unsigned))), -52)), (784835182, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((6179594795718918151 < 57.43) as unsigned))), 39)), (-590861559, coalesce(('ah1m' not like '%'), 88)), (900415845, coalesce((-1259557755 is not NULL), -33)); -- sql #171 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (1046674795, cast(null as char), 'tvyr_ypz', -2000503509, -129.1, cast(null as char), 'wno96zzz6', cast(null as double), -1165426462, 'nlhmf7fr', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'nr'), (-151017527, 'c', 'zsyxsf', -1779037706, cast(null as double), 'mwq5xkz', 'ma', 35.27, 944375358, 'qr6', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), cast(null as char)), (-146802705, 'shfnsfif', 'rwrld', -2014469672, 40.4, cast(null as char), 'bhtwo7h4', -18446744073709551616.4, -246157129, 'nq', -129, 'uz6qo'), (-2014338573, 'gb', 'p7ao0dkdzw', -24, cast(null as double), cast(null as char), 'bmn5d9', 71.79, -1731204831, 'uh713xihoq', -640859308, 'ih'); -- sql #173 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (1526947295, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast((('tj' like 's6unod_yl')) or ((-783626340 between 305372849 and -1865329785)) as unsigned) = cast(18446744073709551615.3 as double)) as unsigned))), -121)), (-1615933308, coalesce(('dh6dd0e' like '%'), 21)), (1406643325, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(null as decimal) && 24.39) as unsigned))), -8)), (243270302, coalesce((-567296149 between 1654541008 and -455396443), -25)); -- sql #176 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (1442231245, 'lfx9uh', 'owbu0090', 188179963, 59.3, 'ae52', 'kbj0', 37.37, -2122337268, 'c51n5kwnj', -1168900222, 'yaa6s'), (892080078, 'nc3o36k', 'd7ph', -378988111, 2147483648.100000, 'g7z6he', 'rcfm8l_j', 15.3, 383194215, 'k7cl8w', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'fu39ayh9d'), (cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'wolpfl9p', 'q3vanb', 1199966236, 58.77, 'go', 'zb', 23.85, 831343591, 'e', 711306837, cast(null as char)), (12539543, 'utdu', 'bheq7', 1241628487, -9223372036854775808.3, 'n4v', 'nol5w', -4.8, -900580800, 'f', -2106454280, 'ljgax5xz'); -- sql #178 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (563392581, '_9poh', 'xcsssq77', 100, -9223372036854775808.6, 'wuwnok', 'f99u2gdj', 77.80, 237704523, 'fo0egw1_i', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'd'), (-1771987524, 'nlkpf', 'c4', 1463311646, 4294967296.9, 'ok0y', 'lvalt27', -32766.0, -242535384, 'ejq2ri3ogb', -695044003, 'qumapk'), (2147483647, 'i', 'xh', 2147483647, 92.76, 'u4xysm', 'pcluxw6ez', cast(null as double), 723238932, 'es7p9', -1301151618, 'z'), (476761372, 'lbx04mw', 's64d_t', 496691560, cast(null as double), 'ny', 'f7ygefb133', -18446744073709551615.3, -1036137117, 'x3j4cjnh', 64, 'pl'); -- sql #181 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-1583328478, coalesce((2068132171 not in ( cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 1249980341)), -19)), (-1724807669, coalesce((1643677067 not in ( 1701989775)), -106)), (-184961374, coalesce(0<>0, 15)), (-1818621186, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast('hh' as char) <> cast(cast(null as char) as char)) as unsigned))), -31)); -- sql #192 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-569023557, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast(((cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) is NULL) != -12) as unsigned))), -61)), (2038362435, coalesce((574076130 in ( 844288270, -1565309248)), -95)), (75208734, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(-655219218 as signed) >= cast(3 as signed)) as unsigned))), 2)), (1795554183, coalesce(((-1077322204 between 625283409 and 18)) and ((NOT NOT(cast((-6687862399995283711 XOR 4294967296) as unsigned)))), -15)); -- sql #194 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (1221073320, 'evma3', 'c2qpgz91i', 1266726291, 6.94, 'naanbw5oy', 'lkmkwwzy', 128.8, 559400682, 'baa', 1667170323, cast(null as char)), (404630468, 'qs7p', 'fcnnpc8uwy', 1870547321, 98.1, 'p', 'j', 18.20, 1086692415, 'eia', 580657949, 'o'), (-1616731881, 'f', 'hk1tosfk', -2113373683, 43.61, 'zda_xr', 'd05cn7lss', 9223372036854775809.0, 2129070700, 'q5', -42940049, cast(null as char)), (20, '_0pj0ja', 'aah0zbk', 267088294, 92.42, 'th8t6tzo', 'dkqyz73u', 65537.5, 965007645, 'blnaxee', 701709745, cast(null as char)); -- sql #199 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-1362015386, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((29.40 > -29) as unsigned))), 80)), (1501914845, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(null as decimal) XOR cast(null as signed)) as unsigned))), -2)), (-361557546, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as char) as char) >= cast(cast(null as char) as char)) as unsigned))), -89)), (424162359, coalesce((cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) not in ( 948747492)), 21)); -- sql #201 insert into t__9r63 (c_g7eofzlxn, c_r58lkh, c_x2erxo10w, c_wsr, c_hd2v4v0, c_tb3u, c_onfeptr2q, c_o8tsf) values (1275540443, 9223372036854775806.5, -1407328577, (NOT NOT(cast((-945767894 <= -8247562720541611887) as unsigned))), 35.15, 'l7ngfavtf2', (NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) > cast(-1581230237 as signed)) as unsigned))), 22.55), (0, 6.4, -23, (-4 is not NULL), -256.4, 'nrqgupym', (NOT NOT(cast((cast(null as char) < cast(null as char)) as unsigned))), 49.2), (-2005512947, 14.81, 1215057043, ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(-4255 as signed) <=> cast(-9223372036854775807.2 as double)) as unsigned)))) or ((1928377790 is NULL)), 93.95, 'ycra', (NOT NOT(cast((-4902061839617880638 < cast(null as signed)) as unsigned))), 53.76), (-865548105, 27.38, -932309610, 1=1, 65.29, cast(null as char), (NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as char) as char) != cast(cast(null as char) as char)) as unsigned))), 2.71); -- sql #208 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (812783348, 'ph4s5qq', 'r4q2', -1, 94.85, 'dpamsl047i', 'bwams4mco', 59.67, 1100929165, '_ngg4gb0g', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'd'), (-2000933879, 'hg4f96', 'o95o', -685153735, 77.90, 'f5h4', 'afu0ta', -65535.5, 1293207077, 'ae3l1qn', 77153682, 'f'), (1244361788, 'rmgzusa', 'juhy2v', 2079885681, cast(null as double), 'xx0hpz', 'g', 2147483647.1, 1661619277, 'i7yviistah', 1562936438, 'vlj72fi'), (582947171, 'l', 'odacb', -999042825, 54.49, 'duba__zq5t', 'eqkpe', 48.4, 1080264001, 'p1a2eh5x', 1731807855, 'jqxo'); -- sql #210 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (1296823439, coalesce((19 between cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) and 1800110414), -98)), (-102397398, coalesce((1=1) and ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as char) as char) = cast('y0hi' as char)) as unsigned)))), 38)), (558290717, coalesce(('g6' not like '%'), 32)), (157565519, coalesce((-991490554 between 1917940264 and -1245208628), -128)); -- sql #216 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-128, coalesce(((NOT NOT(cast((cast(47.61 as double) <> cast(43.89 as double)) as unsigned)))) or (('qc8_k' not like 'u_s%9tr226')), 50)), (-1454355514, coalesce(1=1, 64)), (2068932495, coalesce((877247324 between cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) and -593048711), 30)), (-1938323258, coalesce((-1214477053 not in ( -10, -1747714425, 1124344422)), -63)); -- sql #219 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (1804959974, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(-923958615 as signed) > cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal)) as unsigned))), -53)), (-2, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((1373620596061609243 XOR 1258825170) as unsigned))), 121)), (-935072878, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(1790849234 as signed) = cast(cast(null as signed) as signed)) as unsigned))), 53)), (694992934, coalesce(((NOT NOT(cast((cast(-4100 as signed) <= cast(-3365751984237249409 as signed)) as unsigned)))) or (('_1p6radx' not like 'u%2i')), -28)); -- sql #222 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-37, coalesce(1=1, -74)), (-1553574112, coalesce(('mulbqh_14j' like '%'), 98)), (396928070, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) <=> cast(2912881 as signed)) as unsigned))), -97)), (-1055033549, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(90.9 as double) || cast(3107762761281652992 as signed)) as unsigned))), -3)); -- sql #225 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (-1161341023, 'x7mfh', '_25bk9e', 1000, 23.82, 'fu', 'silgmcwp1t', cast(null as double), -1132375425, 'wput', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'ly'), (84014037, 'gw7a2sn6w', 'ta6zoxi', 1218637357, 18446744073709551617.7, 'dsesz', 'm133', 18446744073709551617.8, 898915020, 'ytzd', cast(null as signed), 'ksanh'), (1314811290, cast(null as char), cast(null as char), -1983765686, 257.3, 'nj6mo2lgh', 'jpp1', 98.3, -208095901, 'qt2', 4, 'xihl'), (344700154, '_uv732gaf', 'w9vmzz', -6, 2147483646.4, '_6et', 'qpeo_al', 2147483649.2, 32767, 'f41j', 2122093824, 'sdk'); -- sql #227 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (1627972260, coalesce(1=1, 77)), (1061050147, coalesce(0<>0, 2)), (1801011010, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) <> cast(1137317543 as signed)) as unsigned))), 6)), (-288195216, coalesce(0<>0, 25)); -- sql #228 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-785714812, coalesce((1=1) and ((891273704 between -1925369467 and -100663046)), 92)), (757204316, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(16030 as signed) < cast(9004497850269487914 as signed)) as unsigned))), 109)), (-3, coalesce(1=1, -4)), (1883694046, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) || cast(65536.0 as double)) as unsigned))), 3)); -- sql #229 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (65536, 's5yzw39', 'qz_a7', -41, 95.80, cast(null as char), '_gihp508d', -4294967296.4, -18605978, 'ix', -1728557368, cast(null as char)), (-20, 'gvlfq7c', 'hkr', -1396839729, 69.80, 'p5whj', 't3m6fndxor', 254.3, -687308365, 'mpu_x', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'u4j'), (-2066498432, 'kk', 'hnzig_a6', 1208342881, 35.2, 'x', 'i5b', 100.26, -2094099556, 'aqxc9_wq', 833977503, cast(null as char)), (cast(null as signed), 'gnd7uoati', '_a2na_q0', -1066394133, 13.2, 'tkhiuz', 'q9u7', 62.18, 1878998426, 'az8', -1601134630, 'n4i8c85rq6'); -- sql #230 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-1521181604, coalesce(('o2t' like 'y_2'), -77)), (-1461953568, coalesce((988138312 is NULL), 60)), (2082638825, coalesce(1=1, 73)), (-520875096, coalesce((571624776 is NULL), 23)); -- sql #231 begin ; -- sql #233 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (944900243, coalesce(1=1, -4)), (2, coalesce((cast(null as signed) in ( 448893432496410309, 9043902136962028467, 3062371225979182784, -6, -2922827042474918770)), 27)), (-998401666, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(null as decimal) <> 12035) as unsigned))), 96)), (7, coalesce((-1534482586 is not NULL), -75)); -- sql #241 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-795226558, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(24607 as signed) XOR cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal)) as unsigned))), -29)), (2122231967, coalesce((-1618399812 not in ( -2091353171, -372122843, -875912330)), 15)), (333261466, coalesce((24 between -423790174 and -612998836), 67)), (-1237344538, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as char) as char) < cast(cast(null as char) as char)) as unsigned))), -68)); -- sql #244 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (-1919778573, coalesce((-247107958 not in ( 1833648437, 141022407, 100663045, -1711958083, -1637723001)), 91)), (-540747010, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) XOR cast(31.11 as double)) as unsigned))), 77)), (-4, coalesce((108458304 is not NULL), -39)), (-1398913885, coalesce((796652703 is not NULL), 89)); -- sql #245 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (-1125135259, cast(null as char), 'yv0lmxlfk', -975033779, 37.68, 'bza6', 'cfvnwio', 85.65, -355481284, 'gnip', 1483367478, 'qb60'), (1880243065, cast(null as char), 'i2qqh305', -2018599732, 32767.3, 'oro', 'it5a4_xpb', 85.86, 1617093413, 'm', -322122295, 'sfvnji04t3'), (-4, 'yuv', 'aqx', -960107027, -2147483646.5, 'o8fnlpv', 'm2pb', 4.6, -2042358076, 'y1q', -2127191042, 'p'), (-1974234281, 'lsw', 'mkdf7_y', -3, 31.13, 'gk45', 'i830ous8', 38.1, -1528586343, 'ex_2', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'm7z'); -- sql #249 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (-277118542, 'k', 'ghm1uf2f2', 69386953, cast(null as double), 'u9n4y2', 'qt', 32768.0, -62220810, 'tfkxjj5c', -627116719, 'dmgjz'), (1565474881, 'min0', 'ml_ba1n', 587181689, 33.58, 'jz9rotuhlh', 'uo8lf', -9223372036854775806.3, -1666156943, 'queemvgj', 1778222362, 'fg3c8gyszj'), (-589629632, 'pxcx', 'kkscy', -218561796, 71.80, 'chknth', 'nl2', 85.2, -670390288, 'nf990nol', -1306461501, 'f'), (127, 'g5of_oy', 'uoxa', 858419954, 7.39, 'q', 'z0paksyd_8', 2147483646.0, -1649362344, 'won_9', -1363570695, 'mf196l7n'); -- sql #251 create table t_glzh3lb0ro ( c_kffac5e63 int not null unique , c_p int , c_i3ml int , c_c7njaqnyv7 int not null , c_wd3x double , c__n3bhft5z int not null , c_pf8vmpo8 int not null , primary key(c__n3bhft5z, c_p) NONCLUSTERED) shard_row_id_bits=9 pre_split_regions=7; -- sql #252 alter table t_glzh3lb0ro set tiflash replica 1; -- sql #253 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (1241131098, 'ohukstr8z6', 'o8lc2gnw', -1120115215, 25.45, 'i5', 'jl6gpk', 22.100, 1509989939, 'w', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'u5cmakw59'), (32767, 'cluk1', 'vwf0c', -1388119356, 43.38, 'd', 'k2k', 94.32, -1694148464, 'gu4i4knyhm', 2133825849, 'tk'), (-1649650590, 'srv', 'sw', -1016230734, cast(null as double), 'epf0', 'zgntl', -4294967295.8, 1430313391, 's', cast(null as signed), 'c63s91'), (625818595, 'b598_', 'k09g474', -1861825796, -128.8, 'fma', 'vpwh7bhpeg', 36.52, -1457928755, 'j', -1081926301, 'fi'); -- sql #254 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (1973343562, coalesce(1=1, -53)), (2021535119, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast((NOT NOT(cast((cast(32.11 as double) >= cast(4661753070283003202 as signed)) as unsigned))) as unsigned) || cast(1509754284 as signed)) as unsigned))), -32)), (-1941612310, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast('adt' as char) < cast('_6s' as char)) as unsigned))), -62)), (13250802, coalesce((-159619433 is NULL), -65)); -- sql #258 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (2134144529, -5, -2025644663, 225641720, -9223372036854775808.2, 770748271, -134261078), (-700252459, 46416175, -2012015755, 1999197745, 32.43, 759416451, 420016183), (0, -1042559453, 1967736682, 100, 78.25, 110723101, 1925083094), (-458981304, 1591590796, -1089499228, 1221760001, 20.53, -2141679113, 1259607162); -- sql #263 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (1315135517, -459692793, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), -977599939, 61.85, 58908170, 1688380611), (991953270, -650554049, 374465276, 2016237032, cast(null as double), 378302850, 125230797), (-406777509, 1752753338, 5, 9, cast(null as double), -234259300, -1670404817), (-1937235548, -1437852907, 232772306, 858304346, 0.8, -2057630474, -1571702781); -- sql #264 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (-42, 999392822, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 36, 55.58, -1814699833, 2), (-1681605547, -133993978, 1766707571, 1433217786, 21.53, 919961803, -1333030122), (-1436129375, 1016769934, -745008391, 710996631, -257.8, 1010502418, -1522698456), (2077787845, 100663045, -2108102194, 354394179, 84.18, -445590686, 37); -- sql #267 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (cast(null as signed), 'q4z87vft', 'y_1oiurq', 1963621165, 32769.7, 'sx17rkl7ru', 't45zvd_', 88.87, 18928603, 'gxbsloff', -2034290070, 'xb'), (-972441022, 'oe', cast(null as char), 1492879828, 39.59, 'r', 'hyj_2', cast(null as double), 759883041, 'zwue', 1697880045, 'e'), (cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'l4_3', 'i4h7dg', -1607192175, cast(null as double), 'z8voqwznkh', 'l_mk', 12.36, 1669523024, 'qt5zch71a', 1249617332, 'i1'), (-846888054, 'm1jbwdl', 'rrrum4j6', 1534068569, 27.67, 'il', 'j_hlg0_3rp', 46.79, -392085130, 'bc', 16, 'w3lw6'); -- sql #269 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), cast(null as char), 'g', 155707446, 256.3, 'mx1qj0', 'j3', 9223372036854775809.4, 1727199557, 'qyghenu9t6', 744205327, 'z1_che8qi'), (39, 'fnm2krnb', 'wxqm_zq3a', -1524976778, 31.59, 'gdv27x', 'n69m7fymt1', 75.99, 335492222, 'sdgde0z', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'ykr5erlg5'), (1355656665, '__eyi', 'mfr5', 175403335, 87.17, 'jj', 'oz', cast(null as double), -69711503, 'ja', 14424161, cast(null as char)), (218845689, 'u2u8egda6', 'o8', -272715456, -9223372036854775807.1, 'szwj7begac', 'm', 48.62, 753928713, 'ur', cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'o_hzkvf2h'); -- sql #274 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (92948364, 1922535171, -4, -1, 7.93, -1877867155, 2048377141), (-1896674426, -1905414066, 350610965, -1230405964, 7.23, 1801891086, 472718460), (-1659154978, -1096637853, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 1135030171, 59.1, 731203175, -1918951204), (-901896482, -2119234526, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 1084216579, 82.61, 1, -1885565057); -- sql #275 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (325010661, 'gv15a', cast(null as char), -2035825967, 9223372036854775807.3, 'bd', 'c3kvy', 257.3, -1598426762, 'lmqmn', 814499588, 'gwqmly7q'), (-233415102, 'hs2xue1', 'efbj7o4p', -1178957955, 58.9, 'y04g', 'qi68fwpdwo', 2147483648.100000, 1432554380, 'dqpb210', 2, 'a'), (-2, 'brrhd', 's6mk', -2056628646, cast(null as double), 'gi', '_v7eaafvx', 254.5, -1476177588, 'k41ajpt7x', -599714096, 'paeld1s_gk'), (cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 'o23', 'bqdf52', -914210874, 1.75, 'd041c76', 'd6', 126.7, -421919910, 'x57ud7oy1', -537365618, 'srrn'); -- sql #277 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu) values (1450683161, coalesce((35 in ( 1983304112, -1783915577, -490178779, -199729355, 78804104)), 111)), (-810663849, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(75.89 as double) <= cast(-2100620 as signed)) as unsigned))), -100)), (1415367504, coalesce(1=1, -108)), (-589126369, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(-3077276525580545471 as signed) XOR cast(3.13 as double)) as unsigned))), 121)); -- sql #279 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (1373237999, 's79vy4xx8', 'jddbfd', -1562504549, 54.92, 'i76ulu72lm', 'dj0', -257.9, 892270449, 'o__', -1271441074, 'jz27'), (-220304129, cast(null as char), 'age9ljp', 1677579823, 89.70, 'lrg3ip0w', 'rtg', 4294967294.0, 91727527, '_', -404273204, cast(null as char)), (-1132475029, cast(null as char), 'z', -863008413, 88.89, 'd0guulbbz', 'nxc91', cast(null as double), 1042172926, 'pt9b', 550949155, 'xj40z'), (1583872386, cast(null as char), 'x66vkh', 825330460, -255.9, 'c', 'g4', 52.55, -406627759, 'z49', -452097268, 'd'); -- sql #282 update t_dci set c_d3wokzls77 = truncate( cast(case when (NOT NOT(cast((cast(t_dci.c_gs6c2wzbdg as char) >= cast(t_dci.c_gs6c2wzbdg as char)) as unsigned))) then truncate( cast((select count(c_otj13) from t_jg8o) as signed), cast(cast(null as signed) as signed)) else t_dci.c_fzqupuma end as signed), cast(t_dci.c_dph7 as signed)), c_kzre = t_dci.c_gs6c2wzbdg, c_w9qyk_fpj = log( cast(-2635694359819149420 as signed), cast(cast(null as signed) as signed)), c_ib1xsf3c8d = ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(t_dci.c_d3wokzls77 as signed) <= cast(((select count(c_tb3u) from t__9r63) like 'fhe7_') as unsigned)) as unsigned)))) and ((case when (NOT NOT(cast((cast(t_dci.c_kzre as char) > cast((select c_tb3u from t__9r63 order by c_tb3u limit 1 offset 94) as char)) as unsigned))) then t_dci.c_kzre else right( cast((select count(c_ovz0) from t_jg8o) as double), cast(case when 0<>0 then cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) else cast(t_dci.c_fzqupuma as signed) end as signed)) end not like '_vahf')) where (t_dci.c_bywfl < ( select (1=1) or ((NOT NOT(cast((t_dci.c_fzqupuma <= t_dci.c_d3wokzls77) as unsigned)))) as c0 from (select count( cast(ref_0.c_tb3u as char)) as c0, count( cast(4 as signed)) as c1, count( cast(ref_0.c_onfeptr2q as decimal)) as c2, ref_1.c_yu as c3, count(*) as c4 from (t__9r63 as ref_0 cross join t_rc as ref_1 ) where (t_dci.c_w9qyk_fpj = ( select 40.76 as c0 from t_glzh3lb0ro as ref_2 where (NOT NOT(cast((cast(-7372286812867902252 as signed) <> cast(t_dci.c_d3wokzls77 as signed)) as unsigned))) limit 1)) group by ref_1.c_yu limit 167) as subq_0 where ((subq_0.c4 not in ( select ref_3.c_m2y as c0 from t_rc as ref_3 where (NOT NOT(cast((cast(ref_3.c_yu as unsigned) >= cast(ref_3.c_yu as decimal)) as unsigned))) order by c0 asc))) and ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(t_dci.c_dph7 as signed) >= cast(subq_0.c2 as signed)) as unsigned)))) order by c0 asc limit 1)); -- sql #283 alter table t_rc add column c_b48gd04utl text; -- sql #285 commit; -- sql #286 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (928729463, 1957471242, 248226847, -567157468, -127.6, -1894504277, 1219465443), (1326031134, 23724861, -1700398194, 739553825, 74.39, -1217769507, -1422362616), (1325972640, -1366075590, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 1641049661, 78.22, 1306979670, 32767), (-1606187828, -109357028, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), -422400408, 2147483647.5, -1846343382, -853917123); -- sql #292 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (145245111, 'v66uhowf9g', 'ai4', -88586773, 43.77, 'byh', 'hazwego', 1.2, 1568247510, 'drmxi8', -1707580186, 'te3'), (100663045, 'blfgrhpmo', 'pswozf1q2', -834563269, 86.9, 'gpwkf932fe', 'pnomakvyp', -4294967296.7, 1163133933, 'wp', -964848632, 'lfrx2gtt'), (1498701970, cast(null as char), 'i89en7s8z', -84490060, 74.53, 'bx', 'xs6344kmb0', 54.13, -630289437, '_3_twecg5h', -2054873600, 'eu62_'), (-522428484, 'euwmtnx1f', 'a_', 267700893, 63.46, 'n2s', 'mx8wzrf3z', 54.75, 370343042, 'n72', -1749867774, 'zmz8efxh'); -- sql #293 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (190259842, -658771807, -1746538942, 1906623890, 26.82, -206872171, 1210588042), (-767214631, 1241839543, 1540456703, 191038578, cast(null as double), -233518828, -804085269), (-1193799147, -1179782281, 2, 1931107133, 65534.5, 875207732, -847301109), (-194015293, 708360749, -1252646654, 992862771, 15.70, -2046482136, 2007854511); -- sql #294 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (-90786013, -208854802, -724571896, 734653233, 27.63, -382280907, -1966297386), (81980948, 1565138801, 585034780, 1676363225, cast(null as double), 512252960, -330862801), (1187230812, -129, 1623745002, 42, 25.61, 801816773, -4), (1735631900, -4, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), -2140101599, -18446744073709551614.9, 65535, -1866016570); -- sql #302 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu, c_b48gd04utl) values (-1631234075, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(37099565 as signed) <> cast((cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) not in ( -1798666041, -1991983616, 1538053516)) as unsigned)) as unsigned))), -23), 'dmyq'), (5, coalesce((cast(null as signed) is NULL), 0), 'fkwjnnlu98'), (-1802420109, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) < cast((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as char) as char) = cast('dp7m' as char)) as unsigned))) as unsigned)) as unsigned))), -61), 'dart'), (1326747681, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(-7320069775262243776 as signed) || cast(((cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) is NULL)) or ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(((0<>0) and ((NOT NOT(cast((cast((NOT NOT(cast((cast(1=1 as unsigned) XOR cast(-18446744073709551615.7 as double)) as unsigned))) as unsigned) XOR cast(37.86 as double)) as unsigned))))) and ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(1974375285 as signed) <> cast(532 as signed)) as unsigned)))) as unsigned) <= cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal)) as unsigned)))) as unsigned)) as unsigned))), 5), 'a_p8y'); -- sql #304 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (-1282185129, -337671959, -6, 1858518829, 26.97, 556494875, -20254744), (-1155433337, -3, -459860420, 1301778769, 2147483647.0, 515613727, 1000), (-1053054910, 4096, -969088839, -45290461, 99.55, -2006227583, 1989296335), (666024534, -1671536820, 1548023444, -1115031935, 96.88, -12, 923834729); -- sql #305 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (-1396929318, 231947379, 1128270287, 127, 8.9, 774515954, 39), (1451310266, 2038879318, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 1028856324, 23.32, 130108573, -1188118555), (-1819900104, 1844176355, -603242570, 855467907, 2147483648.100000, -1750282516, 1734217569), (-1848049761, -733398460, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), -402208843, 39.9, 2101729249, -1587303399); -- sql #306 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (-443699683, 1763355085, -651762438, 287081400, cast(null as double), 2123751886, 977266248), (1525183365, -1839422453, -1376231340, -114477863, 0.8, -128, 100663045), (1354984504, 851654320, -1036701289, -21, 32767.5, -1478810694, -843298179), (-228371514, -1625175717, -1130671955, 2106537544, 94.87, 0, -415633884); -- sql #307 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (982509445, -1535685966, 21, 1623600915, 7.48, -181256970, -1948196691), (374380685, -1895592928, -524278980, 2116359400, 36.14, -1628111186, -2065605327), (-168803833, 481257011, -32768, -1955012988, -4294967295.2, 256, -1623588239), (-705802638, -2097375295, 75401400, -25, 74.36, -567629865, -1212493627); -- sql #309 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (-1018307735, 1327203032, 933067563, 322696354, 96.18, 512116036, -1510649278), (1875021646, -558905538, 1031816634, 1083514001, 87.76, 1659807442, -1856472485), (1255588953, 2060700290, 929389238, 1383409383, 62.30, -1858235380, -129), (812366576, 3, -90251099, 447953501, -32768.5, 1018396129, 177514414); -- sql #310 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu, c_b48gd04utl) values (1031374494, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((-5749534253688254929 >= 21004) as unsigned))), -7), cast(null as char)), (-549167019, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as char) as char) != cast('s4vhza6' as char)) as unsigned))), 76), cast(null as char)), (-1202333016, coalesce(((NOT NOT(cast((-32069 && -5) as unsigned)))) and ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(6239808 as signed) >= cast(cast(null as signed) as signed)) as unsigned)))), -124), 'dl_jjftd'), (236479287, coalesce(1=1, -44), 'd9q5f19'); -- sql #312 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu, c_b48gd04utl) values (-1325418221, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(cast(null as decimal) as decimal) XOR cast(1202624213 as signed)) as unsigned))), 61), cast(null as char)), (-1269122333, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((-257.0 >= cast(null as decimal)) as unsigned))), 88), cast(null as char)), (-1797320404, coalesce(((cast(null as char) not like 'f5%')) or ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(-26028 as signed) <=> cast(-2147483649.1 as double)) as unsigned)))), 111), 'zw6ngyh'), (608890662, coalesce(('g' not like 'z0e8o3u%ud'), -101), 'fxs'); -- sql #313 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (658613514, 574007522, 199667251, 1430864818, 4294967297.7, 944734806, 2), (-1340408350, -277175244, -35, -1638787262, -2147483648.9, 255, 2), (1537561126, -1379459110, 1875719428, 1934479666, 33.68, -1835196200, 646857525), (1100652776, -2057638811, -823852095, -1520688000, 54.79, -443325852, -2133525362); -- sql #315 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu, c_b48gd04utl) values (-2016344440, coalesce((-699693080 in ( -1710121979, 1651389496)), -36), 'w_'), (-829046862, coalesce(('_gi6nwi' like '%3j74xv%o'), 87), 'myz2x'), (1842861924, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(-3660581 as signed) <=> cast(51.51 as double)) as unsigned))), -39), cast(null as char)), (1942833722, coalesce((1547835036 is not NULL), 77), cast(null as char)); -- sql #317 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (-905893719, 'm7d8j', 'ml', 552106333, 15.76, 'a', 'pyq1x9ums', 32766.2, 2365745, 's7tt', 38, 'bat'), (1231160405, 'h_pkv', cast(null as char), 643440707, cast(null as double), 'mxk3co7', 'v60l0it', 65536.8, -850412592, 'wmluxa9a', -3, cast(null as char)), (1986094882, 'tn2lly', 't2wczw', 1709853766, 256.6, 'nowm1x', 's07dvcbf', -4294967296.5, -21041749, 'obqj0uu5v', 1779379786, 'pgi'), (-1821883740, 'j37djo2lth', 'fv', -7, 9223372036854775807.7, 'cde8k', 'jylbt', 80.88, 528792379, 'n5qr9m26i', 434269354, 'l'); -- sql #320 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (872572534, -1817163324, 1268448065, 559367834, 4294967294.7, -1, 106504668), (3, 278788765, -51668367, 1312871508, 11.82, -437566807, 2145403251), (-697270603, -755414990, 1493105278, -3, 93.78, -1157384134, 980069744), (-36091036, 2132722538, -490487433, -1050327901, 65535.9, -1945016348, 2); -- sql #321 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (100663045, 2078624274, -1543405618, -1401725140, 2.57, -866382306, 2075612829), (-2882196, 154263768, cast(null as signed), 1435169842, -2147483648.7, 2139339020, -1877199263), (532223897, -968637143, 485676069, 1520604444, 62.32, 364659109, -395227156), (1481997658, -3, -19, 771920513, -18446744073709551617.7, -42577019, -1663531863); -- sql #323 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (1889681317, -1519337601, -2057120530, 521240379, 32.6, -1915015347, -832789580), (-753966215, -296437718, -11, 1008012876, cast(null as double), -1169346137, -2039739785), (-6, 2036758249, 10236288, 278807324, -9223372036854775808.9, -194175733, 1224158056), (-176830298, -1620521136, 1321926411, 924627615, 18446744073709551617.9, 5, -282319098); -- sql #324 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (-961030073, cast(null as char), 'hzacfknf', -456431629, 95.4, 'j', 'l', 28.43, 1958788149, 'b', 30, 'svw3'), (1650387673, 'rw8fqp6v', 'pvrb_y8', -28841240, 16.59, 'jmp5', 'f7jcx7', 11.86, -1089765168, 'pqg', 1336711866, 'i'), (593387683, 'rtavaa', 'hu95fi27', -807839288, 15.55, 'o', 'dniac62ej', 25.89, 504535500, 'cs3tkhs', -355956957, 'e2u_e'), (1925910886, 'yc6f2b8sx', cast(null as char), -52910064, -18446744073709551616.6, 'p55j0qfh', 'k7p587ii', 85.16, 354032882, '_ffjo67yxe', cast(null as signed), cast(null as char)); -- sql #325 insert into t_jg8o (c_otj13, c_foveoe, c_jbb, c_s, c_ovz0, c_m0qqv_cl4x, c_cz, c__qy, c_z, c_a90ol, c_tazb9, c_mgjb) values (-324790424, 'l7tkij97', 'jpsz1afty', 1919869830, 47.51, 'cjep', 'ysinvie', 81.81, -272247558, 'aj', -1364386190, 'b9pv_pswu'), (-1176143795, 'mhx', cast(null as char), 165434725, 22.67, 'y', 'wg_ccu', -2147483648.0, 11, 'xxnsf5', -33, 'n9a'), (43882083, cast(null as char), 'sb8q1qk93', 3, 58.12, '_nq5o3o4h', 'p', -2147483648.7, 1616632952, 'g7t8tqyi', 1149176707, cast(null as char)), (683197795, 'xv38gos', 'he', 1851859144, -2147483647.6, 'f', 'sqbww', 70.73, -1105664209, 'qjfhjr', 1736785989, 'm'); -- sql #326 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (125298247, 1705013985, -10, -979902015, 92.82, 39376462, -2110416930), (-129, -1165640418, 4, 1006846622, 44.41, 855905956, -1248782389), (266193122, -2068789395, -91074886, 6, -2147483647.8, -760607719, 2142683886), (-495912963, 1346597175, 2, -1838074419, 66.54, 302272979, -2022379652); -- sql #329 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu, c_b48gd04utl) values (833219393, coalesce(1=1, -73), 'iujdycaz06'), (-75094160, coalesce(('bar9t1' not like '%q'), 16), 'cj_skgr46g'), (-5, coalesce((-433267809 is not NULL), 115), 'plf6z2iv'), (-32769, coalesce((cast(null as char) not like 'gl_0'), 103), 'ss94w'); -- sql #334 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu, c_b48gd04utl) values (127, coalesce((-450032235 is not NULL), -48), 'xa'), (-1056794692, coalesce(1=1, -6), cast(null as char)), (279126649, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(7436173 as signed) <= cast(963386118 as signed)) as unsigned))), -123), cast(null as char)), (-932878412, coalesce((-609284562 not in ( 313404703)), -22), 'h'); -- sql #335 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (1506541779, -1834730792, 3, -1, 4294967297.8, -558967830, -282036968), (-258811534, -1908071844, 1820732819, -151147759, 21.95, -6, 6), (2068776984, 723167768, 148183666, -1599403032, 4294967294.4, 1, -197911858), (-21, 1831671914, 412115807, 1954738952, 91.87, -2023657393, 33); -- sql #337 create index idx_qt on t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu); -- sql #341 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (-1189879810, 5531344, -1556349501, -706918928, 84.64, -423272813, -304271718), (557980723, 24, 18, -1929630631, 53.88, -34, -713824597), (679684468, -615494692, 7658740, -1200007974, 84.21, -866041805, -1385711482), (982383847, 2047665014, -661200465, 1280488960, 26.29, 755326712, -379479556); -- sql #343 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (2100831668, 822886737, 1449495401, -1713613667, -1.0, 1624509901, -1294643449), (-1580535097, 2137573430, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), -797131018, -2147483649.6, 65536, -31), (1698614431, 6, 597983887, -1722699151, 37.98, 1858678581, 2085107602), (1603869806, -470614922, 448730971, -236884815, -18446744073709551614.6, 256, 692092045); -- sql #344 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu, c_b48gd04utl) values (-1318515740, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((-1572346730 XOR 32768.9) as unsigned))), -50), 's'), (673769353, coalesce(((-1343657550 between cast(cast(null as signed) as signed) and 1051530751)) or ((NOT NOT(cast((cast(null as char) <= cast(null as char)) as unsigned)))), 126), 'xbp14bjs'), (-332167009, coalesce((984549640 between -638981689 and 64), -128), cast(null as char)), (1749371205, coalesce(((1547467969 between 1912928916 and -424030645)) and (0<>0), -60), 'm6c0xr'); -- sql #349 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (-537667720, -141351958, 2070207585, 872578673, 96.16, -696453563, 1100873886), (-213019889, 1748592597, 170658425, -1828643566, 126.0, 25416812, -894719041), (1740665359, -2094650548, -774280874, 1149985018, 9223372036854775809.8, 639185262, -3), (-1119862663, 1, -2040475148, 1805424714, 23.36, 1434735387, -2066565047); -- sql #350 insert into t_rc (c_m2y, c_yu, c_b48gd04utl) values (30, coalesce(0<>0, 105), 'eqsjjhmu_'), (1914055269, coalesce(1=1, 58), 'pm5_vmnd'), (539334033, coalesce(((197240538 between -100663046 and 335084170)) or (((2014598705 is not NULL)) or ((-1804849472 is not NULL))), 23), 'v'), (1948129555, coalesce((NOT NOT(cast((cast(-31079 as signed) <> cast(4.63 as double)) as unsigned))), 100), 'xaah7axz_'); -- sql #357 insert into t_glzh3lb0ro (c_kffac5e63, c_p, c_i3ml, c_c7njaqnyv7, c_wd3x, c__n3bhft5z, c_pf8vmpo8) values (879584984, -888904075, 1937698597, 890225998, 89.69, -873207992, 1372954043), (4, -105382939, -32706171, 1056457428, 99.2, 821227345, 1681275822), (963885041, -319855401, 1352249880, 2022685477, 87.94, 142250718, 1022568727), (-1966410903, -2120145853, cast(cast(null as signed) as signed), 717153553, 87.8, 39730422, -291471985);