A simple script that opens a Github page from the command line.
pip install open-github
After installing you can make the package available in your path and bind it to any shortcut you want.
alias og='/Users/${USER}/Library/Python/3.7/lib/python/site-packages/open_github_pkg/__init__.py'
Navigate to any directory with a github repository and run the alias you have assigned to the script.
This will open your browser with the appropiate Github repository homepage.
As well, running with the flag -v
will simply print the url to the console.
og -v
In order to deploy package the following tools are needed, pip, sdist & twine.
In the setup.py
bump version of package.
python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
This command should output a lot of text and once completed should generate two files in the dist directory.
python3 -m twine upload dist/*
If you need to use the development environment simply use:
python3 -m twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*