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How To Build Agent.

Rafael Gonzalez edited this page May 2, 2014 · 5 revisions

Building Agent

Premade Project for advance installer.

Using "Advance Installer".

revised for version 11.1.

1. Build Project from inside Visual Studios.

"Build, Build Solution".

2. Run Advance Installer, Select "open" from the left column.

3. Select "Open Project", from Existing Projects.

Location, vFenseAgent-win/InstallerActions/Al Project/

4. Select "setup.aip"

**Refer to Advance Installer for advance settings and custom modifications to the build. **

Basic Agent Build Customization.

In the left column, under "Resources", select "Files and Folders".

"Target Computer, Application Folder.
Remove current DLL's or folders not need.
Add custom DLL's to the necessary folder.
NOTE: folder name "logs", "operations", "content", "plugins", as well as main core DLL's in master folder are NEED IT.