diff --git a/src/sortable/sortable.component.ts b/src/sortable/sortable.component.ts
index fbf882ee21..630fc3db6e 100644
--- a/src/sortable/sortable.component.ts
+++ b/src/sortable/sortable.component.ts
@@ -1,213 +1,221 @@
-import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter, Inject, forwardRef, animate, style, state, transition, keyframes, trigger } from '@angular/core';
+import {
+ Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter, forwardRef
+} from '@angular/core';
import { NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, ControlValueAccessor } from '@angular/forms';
-import 'rxjs/add/operator/first';
import { DraggableItem } from './draggable-item';
import { DraggableItemService } from './draggable-item.service';
-const nullCallback = (arg?: any): void => { return void 0; };
/* tslint:disable */
- selector: 'bs-sortable',
- exportAs: 'bs-sortable',
- template: `
- providers: [{ provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, useExisting: forwardRef(() => SortableComponent), multi: true }],
+ selector: 'bs-sortable',
+ exportAs: 'bs-sortable',
+ template: `
+ providers: [{
+ useExisting: forwardRef(() => SortableComponent),
+ multi: true
+ }],
/* tslint:enable */
export class SortableComponent implements ControlValueAccessor {
- private static globalZoneIndex: number = 0;
- /** field name if input array consists of objects */
- @Input() public fieldName: string;
- /** class name for items wrapper */
- @Input() public wrapperClass: string = '';
- /** style object for items wrapper */
- @Input() public wrapperStyle: { [key: string]: string } = {};
- /** class name for item */
- @Input() public itemClass: string = '';
- /** style object for item */
- @Input() public itemStyle: { [key: string]: string } = {};
- /** class name for active item */
- @Input() public itemActiveClass: string = '';
- /** style object for active item */
- @Input() public itemActiveStyle: { [key: string]: string } = {};
- /** class name for placeholder */
- @Input() public placeholderClass: string = '';
- /** style object for placeholder */
- @Input() public placeholderStyle: { [key: string]: string } = {};
- /** placeholder item which will be shown if collection is empty */
- @Input() public placeholderItem: string = '';
- /** fired on array change (reordering, insert, remove), same as ngModelChange
- * Returns new items collection as a payload.
- */
- @Output() public onChange: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter();
- public showPlaceholder: boolean = false;
- private _items: SortableItem[];
- private get items(): SortableItem[] {
- return this._items;
- }
- private set items(value: SortableItem[]) {
- this._items = value;
- let out = this.items.map((x: SortableItem) => x.initData);
- this.onChanged(out);
- this.onChange.emit(out);
- }
- private onTouched: () => void = nullCallback;
- private onChanged: (_: any) => void = nullCallback;
- private transfer: DraggableItemService;
- private currentZoneIndex: number;
- private activeItem: number = -1;
- public constructor(transfer: DraggableItemService) {
- this.transfer = transfer;
- this.currentZoneIndex = SortableComponent.globalZoneIndex++;
- this.transfer.onCaptureItem().subscribe((item: DraggableItem) => this.onDrop(item));
- }
- public onItemDragstart(event: DragEvent, item: SortableItem, i: number): void {
- this.initDragstartEvent(event);
- this.onTouched();
- this.transfer.dragStart({
- event,
- item,
- i,
- initialIndex: i,
- lastZoneIndex: this.currentZoneIndex,
- overZoneIndex: this.currentZoneIndex
- });
- }
- public onItemDragover(event: DragEvent, i: number): void {
- if (!this.transfer.getItem()) {
- return;
- }
- event.preventDefault();
- let dragItem = this.transfer.captureItem(this.currentZoneIndex, this.items.length);
- let newArray: any[] = [];
- if (!this.items.length) {
- newArray = [ dragItem.item ];
- } else if (dragItem.i > i) {
- newArray = [
- ...this.items.slice(0, i),
- dragItem.item,
- ...this.items.slice(i, dragItem.i),
- ...this.items.slice(dragItem.i + 1)
- ];
- } else { // this.draggedItem.i < i
- newArray = [
- ...this.items.slice(0, dragItem.i),
- ...this.items.slice(dragItem.i + 1, i + 1),
- dragItem.item,
- ...this.items.slice(i + 1)
- ];
- }
- this.items = newArray;
- dragItem.i = i;
- this.activeItem = i;
- this.updatePlaceholderState();
- }
- public cancelEvent(event: DragEvent): void {
- if (!this.transfer.getItem() || !event) {
- return;
- }
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- public onDrop(item: DraggableItem): void {
- if (item &&
- item.overZoneIndex !== this.currentZoneIndex &&
- item.lastZoneIndex === this.currentZoneIndex
- ) {
- this.items = this.items.filter((x: SortableItem, i: number) => i !== item.i);
- this.updatePlaceholderState();
- }
- this.resetActiveItem(undefined);
+ private static globalZoneIndex: number = 0;
+ /** field name if input array consists of objects */
+ @Input() public fieldName: string;
+ /** class name for items wrapper */
+ @Input() public wrapperClass: string = '';
+ /** style object for items wrapper */
+ @Input() public wrapperStyle: {[key: string]: string} = {};
+ /** class name for item */
+ @Input() public itemClass: string = '';
+ /** style object for item */
+ @Input() public itemStyle: {[key: string]: string} = {};
+ /** class name for active item */
+ @Input() public itemActiveClass: string = '';
+ /** style object for active item */
+ @Input() public itemActiveStyle: {[key: string]: string} = {};
+ /** class name for placeholder */
+ @Input() public placeholderClass: string = '';
+ /** style object for placeholder */
+ @Input() public placeholderStyle: {[key: string]: string} = {};
+ /** placeholder item which will be shown if collection is empty */
+ @Input() public placeholderItem: string = '';
+ /** fired on array change (reordering, insert, remove), same as ngModelChange
+ * Returns new items collection as a payload.
+ */
+ @Output() public onChange: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter();
+ public showPlaceholder: boolean = false;
+ public activeItem: number = -1;
+ public get items(): SortableItem[] {
+ return this._items;
+ }
+ public set items(value: SortableItem[]) {
+ this._items = value;
+ let out = this.items.map((x: SortableItem) => x.initData);
+ this.onChanged(out);
+ this.onChange.emit(out);
+ }
+ public onTouched: any = Function.prototype;
+ public onChanged: any = Function.prototype;
+ private transfer: DraggableItemService;
+ private currentZoneIndex: number;
+ private _items: SortableItem[];
+ public constructor(transfer: DraggableItemService) {
+ this.transfer = transfer;
+ this.currentZoneIndex = SortableComponent.globalZoneIndex++;
+ this.transfer.onCaptureItem()
+ .subscribe((item: DraggableItem) => this.onDrop(item));
+ }
+ public onItemDragstart(event: DragEvent, item: SortableItem, i: number): void {
+ this.initDragstartEvent(event);
+ this.onTouched();
+ this.transfer.dragStart({
+ event,
+ item,
+ i,
+ initialIndex: i,
+ lastZoneIndex: this.currentZoneIndex,
+ overZoneIndex: this.currentZoneIndex
+ });
+ }
+ public onItemDragover(event: DragEvent, i: number): void {
+ if (!this.transfer.getItem()) {
+ return;
- public resetActiveItem(event: DragEvent): void {
- this.cancelEvent(event);
- this.activeItem = -1;
- }
- public registerOnChange(callback: (_: any) => void): void {
- this.onChanged = callback;
- }
- public registerOnTouched(callback: () => void): void {
- this.onTouched = callback;
+ event.preventDefault();
+ let dragItem = this.transfer.captureItem(this.currentZoneIndex, this.items.length);
+ let newArray: any[] = [];
+ if (!this.items.length) {
+ newArray = [dragItem.item];
+ } else if (dragItem.i > i) {
+ newArray = [
+ ...this.items.slice(0, i),
+ dragItem.item,
+ ...this.items.slice(i, dragItem.i),
+ ...this.items.slice(dragItem.i + 1)
+ ];
+ } else { // this.draggedItem.i < i
+ newArray = [
+ ...this.items.slice(0, dragItem.i),
+ ...this.items.slice(dragItem.i + 1, i + 1),
+ dragItem.item,
+ ...this.items.slice(i + 1)
+ ];
- public writeValue(value: any[]): void {
- if (value) {
- this.items = value.map((x: any, i: number) => ({ id: i, initData: x, value: this.fieldName ? x[this.fieldName] : x }));
- } else {
- this.items = [];
- }
- this.updatePlaceholderState();
+ this.items = newArray;
+ dragItem.i = i;
+ this.activeItem = i;
+ this.updatePlaceholderState();
+ }
+ public cancelEvent(event: DragEvent): void {
+ if (!this.transfer.getItem() || !event) {
+ return;
- public updatePlaceholderState(): void {
- this.showPlaceholder = !this._items.length;
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ public onDrop(item: DraggableItem): void {
+ if (item &&
+ item.overZoneIndex !== this.currentZoneIndex &&
+ item.lastZoneIndex === this.currentZoneIndex
+ ) {
+ this.items = this.items.filter((x: SortableItem, i: number) => i !== item.i);
+ this.updatePlaceholderState();
- public getItemStyle(isActive: boolean): {} {
- return isActive ? Object.assign({}, this.itemStyle, this.itemActiveStyle) : this.itemStyle;
- }
- private initDragstartEvent(event: DragEvent): void {
- // it is necessary for mozilla
- // data type should be 'Text' instead of 'text/plain' to keep compatibility with IE
- event.dataTransfer.setData('Text', 'placeholder');
+ this.resetActiveItem(undefined);
+ }
+ public resetActiveItem(event: DragEvent): void {
+ this.cancelEvent(event);
+ this.activeItem = -1;
+ }
+ public registerOnChange(callback: (_: any) => void): void {
+ this.onChanged = callback;
+ }
+ public registerOnTouched(callback: () => void): void {
+ this.onTouched = callback;
+ }
+ public writeValue(value: any[]): void {
+ if (value) {
+ this.items = value.map((x: any, i: number) => ({
+ id: i,
+ initData: x,
+ value: this.fieldName ? x[this.fieldName] : x
+ }));
+ } else {
+ this.items = [];
+ this.updatePlaceholderState();
+ }
+ public updatePlaceholderState(): void {
+ this.showPlaceholder = !this._items.length;
+ }
+ public getItemStyle(isActive: boolean): {} {
+ return isActive
+ ? Object.assign({}, this.itemStyle, this.itemActiveStyle)
+ : this.itemStyle;
+ }
+ private initDragstartEvent(event: DragEvent): void {
+ // it is necessary for mozilla
+ // data type should be 'Text' instead of 'text/plain' to keep compatibility
+ // with IE
+ event.dataTransfer.setData('Text', 'placeholder');
+ }
export declare interface SortableItem {
- id: number;
- value: string;
- initData: any;
+ id: number;
+ value: string;
+ initData: any;