A test only project to perform automated testing on web application https://buggy.justtestit.org/
Buggy Cars Rating is an online web application that identifies Popular Make, Popular Model and the Overall Rating of each of the model in the car segment. It also displays the number of votes for each make and model. User has a provision to rate the model which they like along with the comments if needed. User needs to be registered to be able to login and cast their votes. User can vote for more than one model.
Test automation has been performed using Selenium WebDriver and the scripts are written using Java.
Selenium Webdriver - Browser automation framework
Java - Programming Language
TestNG - Testing Framework
Maven - Build automation tool
Page Object Model
Java Builder Pattern
selenium-java 4.0.0
testng 7.4.0
Download and install latest JDK version (for windows 64-bit if using windows) from https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/
Set JAVA_HOME to the location of the jdk folder [example: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1]
Set PATH to %JAVA_HOME%\bin
Download and install latest Intellij Community Edition version from https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/#section=windows
Download and extract latest Maven Binary zip archive version from https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi
Set MAVEN_HOME to the location of the maven folder [example: C:\Maven\apache-maven-3.8.3]
Set PATH to %MAVEN_HOME%\bin
Clone this git hub repository to your local machine using the following command:
$ git clone https://github.com/vebalaji/buggycarsrating.git
Download chromedriver depending upon the chrome version from https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads
Extract chromedriver.exe to the Intellij project folder "src/main/resources/drivers/chrome/"
Parameters required to run the tests are provided externally through a configuration file which is present in the Intellij Project folder under "config/config.properties"
Example: appurl, username, password, firstname, lastname, gender, age, address, hobby etc.
Execute the command to run all the tests in the project
$ mvn clean test
Execute the command to run only one test in the project
$ mvn test -Dtest=RegisterPageTest
Surfire Test reports gets generated in the following Intellij project folder "target\surefire-reports"
Click on the "index.html" file in the above folder location to view the test report