{%= description %}
verb and generator-verb depend on this library.
{%= include("install-npm") %}
Any template from this library can be included in another template using the {%%= include() %}
// add installation instructions to a readme, like those above
{%%= include('install-npm') %}
See an up-to-date list of the includes in the templates/example.md directory:
{% _.forIn(templates, function(template, key) { %}
- {%= mdu.link(key, template.path) %} {% }) %}
Usage examples for all of the included templates
{% _.forIn(templates, function(template, name) { %} {%= mdu.h3(mdu.link(name, relative(dest.dirname, template.path))) %}
Include: {%= trim(pre(name)) %} {% }) %}
{%= related(['verb', 'template']) %}
{%= include("contributing") %}
{%= include("author") %}
{%= copyright({year: 2014}) %} {%= license() %}
{%= include("footer") %}