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State-based router for Svelte 3.

NPM version NPM downloads

A completely different approach of routing. State-based router suggests that routing is just another global state and History API changes are just an optional side-effects of this state.


  • Zero-config.
  • Just another global state.
  • It doesn't impose any restrictions on how to apply this state to the application.
  • Manipulate different parts of a state (path/query/hash) separately.
  • Automatic parsing of the query params, optional parsing path params.
  • Helpers to work with navigation, links, and even forms.


npm i svelte-pathfinder --save-dev
yarn add svelte-pathfinder

CDN: UNPKG | jsDelivr (available as window.Pathfinder)

If you are not using using es6 or CDN, instead of this add

<script src="/path/to/svelte-pathfinder/index.js"></script>

just before closing body tag.

URL schema to state




  • path - represents path segments of the URL as an object.
  • query - represents query params of the URL as an object.
  • fragment - represents fragment (hash) string of URL.
  • state - represents state object associated with the new history entry created by pushState().
  • url - represents full URL string.


  • goto - perform navigation to the next router state by URL.
goto(url: String, state?: Object)
  • back - perform navigation to the previous router state.
back(path?: String)
  • click - handle click event from the link and perform navigation to its targets.
click(event: MouseEvent)
  • submit - handle submit event from the GET-form and perform navigation using its inputs.
submit(event: SubmitEvent)


Changing markup related to the router state

{#if $path.pattern('/products/:id')} <!-- eg. /products/1 -->
    <ProductView productId={$} />
{:else if $path.pattern('/products')} <!-- eg. /products?page=2&q=Apple -->
    <ProductsList page={$} search={$query.q} />
    <NotFound path={$path.toString()} />

<Modal open={$fragment === '#login'}>
    <LoginForm />

    import { path, query, fragment } from 'svelte-pathfinder';

Changing logic related to the router state

<svelte:component this={Component} />

    import { path } from 'svelte-pathfinder';
    $: Component = routes[$path];
    $: if ($path.toString() === '/admin' && ! isAuthorized) {
        $path = '/forbidden';

Use with the other stores

import { derived } from 'svelte/store';
import asyncable from 'svelte-asyncable';
import { path, query } from 'svelte-pathfinder';

// with regular derived store
export const productData = derived(path, ($path, set) => {
    if ($path.pattern('/products/:id')) {
            .then(res => res.json())
}, {});

// with svelte-asyncable
export const productsList = asyncable(async $query => {
    const res = await fetch(`/api/products${$query.toString()}`)
    return res.json();
}, undefined, [ query ]);

Directly bind & assign values to stores

<input bind:value={$query.q} placeholder="Search product...">

<button on:click={() => $fragment = '#login'}>Login</button>

<a href="/products/10" on:click={e => $path = '/products/10'}>
    Product 10

Using helper click

Auto-handling all links in the application.

<svelte:window on:click={click} />

<nav class="navigate">
    <a href="/">Home</a>
    <a href="/products">Products</a>
    <a href="/about">About</a>

<!-- links below will be excluded from the navigation -->
<nav class="not-navigate">
    <a href="">External link</a>
    <a href="/products" target="_blank">Open in new window</a>
    <a href="/path/" download>Download pricing table</a>
    <a href="/" target="_self">Navigate with full page reload</a>
    <a href="/cart" on:click|preventDefault|stopPropagation={doSomething}>
        Just stop click event bubbling

    import { click } from 'svelte-pathfinder';

Using helpers goto and back

<button on:click={() => back()}>Back</button> 
<button on:click={() => goto('/cart?tab=overview')}>Open cart</button>

    import { goto, back } from 'svelte-pathfinder';

Using helper submit

<!-- handle GET-forms -->
<form on:submit={submit} action="/products" method="GET">
    <!-- all hidden fields will be propagated to $state by name attributes -->

    <input type="hidden" name="uid" value={$state.uid}>

    <!-- all visible fields will be propagated to $query by name attributes -->

    <input name="q" value={$query.q} placeholder="Title...">

    <select name="option" value={$query.option}>

    <!-- even pushed submit button will be propagated to $query by name attribute -->

    <button name="type" value="quick">Quick search</button>
    <button name="type" value="fulltext">Fulltext search</button>

    import { submit, query, state } from 'svelte-pathfinder';

Optional side-effect (changing browser history and URL)

Router will automatically perform pushState to browser History API and listening popstate event if the following conditions are valid:

  • router works in browser and global objects are available (window & history).
  • router works in top-level window and has no parent window (eg. iframe, frame, object,

If any condition is not applicable, the router will work properly but without side-effect.


MIT © PaulMaly