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Spring 2017 Lecture Summaries

This document is a brief summary of what was covered in each 18.06 lecture, along with links and suggestions for further reading. It is not a good substitute for attending lecture, but may provide a useful study guide.

I'll try to update it within a day of each lecture.

Lecture 1 (Feb 8)

Went over the course overview slides giving the syllabus and the "big picture" of what 18.06 is about.

Then I started right in on Gaussian elimination. I started with the "high school" method of writing out three equations in three unknowns, adding/subtracting multiples of equations until we were left with one equation in one unknown — at that point we can solve it, then work backwards ("backsubstitution") through the remaining equations until we know all the unknowns. Then, I wrote the same equations in matrix form, and renamed this process "Gaussian elimination": we add/subtract multiples of matrix rows to introduce zeros below the diagonal, i.e. to make the matrix upper triangular. We want to do the same operations to the right-hand side, so we augment the matrix with the right-hand side before starting Gaussian eliminations.

This process is quite tedious to do by hand, so I instead switched over to Julia to do more computational exploration with this Julia notebook. See here for more information on using Julia; you can also go to to use it online without installing anything. To use the interactive widgets in the notebook from today, you will have to run it in Julia yourself:

  1. Go to the notebook and click on the download icon on the upper-right hand corner to download the file onto your computer

  2. Log into juliabox (if you haven't installed Julia locally on your computer) and you will see a "dashboard" listing of notebooks. Drag the Gaussian-elimination.ipynb file from your computer onto this dashboard to upload it.

  3. Click the notebook in the dashboard to run it.

  4. You can run individual cells by typing "shift-enter". You can also run all of the cells at once (e.g. to create all of the interactive widgets) by choosing Run All from the Cell menu at the top. (Note: if you have installed Julia on your own computer, you will need to run Pkg.add("PyPlot") and Pkg.add("Interact") first, if you have not done so already, in order to install the packages needed for this notebook.)

What comes next? The problem with expressing Gaussian elimination this way, as operations on individual numbers in the matrix, is that it is impossible to follow the process in detail for anything except a very tiny matrix. We need a higher-level way to express the process, both to help us understand it and also to help us to use it (e.g. to perform additional algebraic transformations afterwards). To do this, we want to express the process, not as operations on individual numbers, but as multiplications of whole matrices.

In particular, our goal in the next lectures will be to find a matrix E such that multiplying both sides of Ax=b by E (on the left) transforms it into upper-triangular form. That is, Gaussian elimination turns Ax=b into EAx=Ux=Eb=c, where U is upper triangular. Amazing fact: it will turn out that E is lower triangular, and that by writing U=EA we have effectively written A=E⁻¹U=LU, where L is lower triangular too. This is called the LU factorization of A, and is an incredibly useful way to look at Gaussian elimination. The computer gives us L and U, and then given those matrices it turns out that we can figure out lots of things that would have been hard to do with A alone.

Further reading: Textbook sections 2.1 and 2.2. Strang lecture 2 video.

Lecture 2 (Feb 10)

Went over several different perspectives on matrix multiplication: the same arithmetic operations can be viewed as row×columns, matrix×columns, rows×matrix, columns×rows, and more. If you are doing hand calculations (but who does that, really?), rows×columns is probably the easiest. But the other viewpoints help us think about matrix multiplication in different ways, both to understand what is going on and also to design matrices to perform certain operations.

Using this understanding, we rewrote Gaussian elimination in matrix form: we multiply a matrix A on the left by a sequence of lower-triangular elimination matrices to arrive at an upper-triangular matrix U. Going backwards from U to A just means reversing the steps, or multiplying by the elimination matrices with flipped signs. This led us to understand Gaussian elimination (without row swaps) as computing the LU factorization A=LU: it expresses A as the product of a lower-triangular matrix L with an upper-triangular matrix U. This turns out to be extremely useful as both a computational and a theoretical tool, because we will see that triangular matrices are much easier to work with than general matrices.

Further reading: Textbook sections 2.4, 2.3, 2.6. Strang lecture 1 video, lecture 4 video.

Optional Julia Tutorial (Friday Feb 10, 5pm, 32-123)

On Friday at 5pm, there will be an optional tutorial session in 32-123 for the Julia computer software that we will be using in 18.06 this semester for homework and lecture demonstrations. Julia is a programming language, but no programming will be required in 18.06: we will just be using it as a "fancy calculator" that happens to have lots of linear algebra and other capabilities. The tutorial session is optional; for the homework, we will mostly just give you code and tell you to run it, perhaps with minor tweaks, in order to perform computational experiments. Bring your laptops, and try logging into beforehand. More information:

Lecture 3 (Feb 15)

Went through the LU notebook, with some blackboard aids, covering:

  • How the L matrix entries are just the multipliers from Gaussian elimination
  • How in practice, one rarely "augments" the matrix with the right-hand side. Instead, you compute A=LU, substitute this into Ax=b=LUx, let c=Ux, solve Lc=b, then solve Ux=c. In particular, solving Lc=b is exactly the same as performing the Gaussian-elimination steps on c.
  • Given A=LU, you can efficiently solve multiple right-hand sides, or equivalently the matrix equation AX=B.
  • How row swaps lead to the factorization PA=LU: in practice, the computer always does row swaps, and always gives you a permutation matrix P (or its equivalent).
  • Singular matrices = zero pivots (that can't be eliminated by row swaps) = no solutions or infinitely many solutions.

I briefly started talking about matrix inverses, but will mainly do that in Lecture 4.

Further reading: Textbook sections 2.6, 2.7, 2.5. Strang lecture 4 video and lecture 5 video.

Lecture 4 (Feb 17)

Went through the topics in the lecture notebook:

  • Matrix inverses: computation from LU (and why in practice you usually don't compute them), properties like A⁻¹A = A⁻¹A = I or (AB)⁻¹ = B⁻¹A⁻¹.

  • Complexity of matrix operations: why matrix × vector or backsubstitution scale like n² for n×n matrices, while matrix × matrix or Gaussian elimination (LU factorization) scale like n³. Matrices much bigger than a few thousand square quickly become impractical, and really large problems are only tractable because they have special structure like sparsity.

  • Transposes. Showed that the inverse of a permutation matrix is its transpose because the columns are orthonormal: this is an example of what we will later call an "orthogonal" or "unitary" matrix.

We will discuss more properties of transposes in the next lecture (I didn't finish the last two sections).

Further reading: Textbook sections 2.5, 2.7, 2.6 ("The cost of elimination"). Strang video lecture 3 and video lecture 5.

Lecture 5 (Feb 21)

Continued talking about transposes, from lecture 4: relationship to matrix multiplication, dot products, and LU factorization. Symmetric matrices and factorizations (LDLᵀ and Cholesky).

Further reading: Textbook, section 2.7. We will return to symmetric positive-definite (SPD) matrices much later in the course; for a preview, see the textbook section 6.5 (it's okay if you don't understand the eigenvalue stuff yet).

Lecture 6 (Feb 22)

  • pset 2 solutions, pset 3.

  • The first exam will be next week on Friday March 3 in room 50-340. It will cover everything through pset 3, up to including the lecture on Monday, February 27. (It may be a bit harder than exams in previous terms, but grading will be adjusted accordingly.)

Introduced vector spaces and subspaces. Examples of vector spaces include real n-component vectors (ℝⁿ, or ℂⁿ for complex numbers), real m×n matrices, functions f(x) (ℝ↦ℝ, real numbers to real numbers). Examples of subspaces includes planes or lines through the origin in ℝ³, or the origin itself; polynomial functions; polynomials of degree ≤ 3.

For an m×n matrix A, introduced two important subspaces.

  • First, the column space C(A): the set {Ax for all x ∈ ℝⁿ}. This is the set of right-hand sides b such that Ax=b is solvable, and is a subspace of ℝᵐ (not ℝⁿ unless m=n!).

  • Second, the null space (also called the "kernel") N(A): the set {x such that Ax=0} ⊆ ℝⁿ (i.e., a subspace of ℝⁿ). Given any solution x to Ax=b, then x+y is also a solution if y ∈ N(A).

These are very important subspaces because they tell us a lot about the matrix A and solutions to Ax=b. As a trivial example, if A is an n×n invertible matrix, C(A)=ℝⁿ and N(A)={0}. Conversely, if A is the n×n matrix of all zeros (the "most singular" matrix), then C(A)={0} and N(A)=ℝⁿ. Our goal in the next lectures will be to understand how C(A) and N(A) relate to each other (and another two important subspaces) and to the elimination process on A.

Further reading: Textbook, sections 3.1 and 3.2.

Lecture 7 (Feb 24)

More on nullspace and column space. Reviewed the definitions, and the fact that Ax=b is solvable if and only if ("iff") b ∈ C(A). Given a particular solution xₚ satisfying Axₚ=b, xₚ+x is also a solution for any x ∈ N(A).

Showed that N(A) ⊆ N(BA) for any matrix B, and that the two are equal if B is invertible. However, C(A) and C(BA) are in general quite distinct (neither is contained in the other), although they have the same dimension if B is invertible. In consequence, elimination steps (or any other row operations), which correspond to multiplying by invertible matrices on the left, don't change the nullspace.

Defined a basis for a vector space as a minimal set of vectors (we will later say that they have to be linearly independent) whose span (all linear combinations) produces everything in the space. The dimension of a vector space is the number of vectors in a basis.

Went through a couple of examples of applying elimination to singular and nonsquare matrices. Defined the rank as the number of (nonzero) pivots, the reduced row-echelon form R, the pivot columns, and the free columns. Showed how we can "read off" a basis for the null space from R, especially if R is of the typical form [I F].

As a practical matter, computing the null space from R is not very important. If a matrix is not full rank, usually you go back to where the matrix came from and ask what part of the problem structure led to this, and this usually tells you the nullspace -- interesting nullspaces don't happen by accident. Actually computing R is very sensitive to roundoff errors, and it is not a good way to analyze matrices that are nearly singular (e.g. have very small pivots). A better computational tool for this is the SVD, which we will look at much later in the course. However, the following things are useful and important:

  • Understanding how the various fundamental subspaces like N(A) and C(A) are affected by matrix operations, e.g. elimination or factorization.

  • Understanding how the rank r, the size m×n of the matrix, and the dimensions of the subspaces are related.

  • Understanding how to determine the nullspace etc. for matrices with special structure, like R.

Further reading: Textbook, sections 3.2-3.5. OCW video lecture 6, lecture 7, lecture 8.

Lecture 8 (Feb 27)

Reviewed the key ideas for row-reduced echelon form etc from the previous lecture. Showed that, when solving for the nullspace, given the "free" variables (the variables corresponding to the free columns), the "pivot" variables (the variables corresponding to the pivot columns) are completely determined (hence their names) by writing out the equation in "block" form in terms of the free and pivot variables.

Then put a nonzero right-hand side b into Ax=b. Elimination turns this into Rx=c (multiplying both sides on the left by elimination matrices E). If A is m×n and has rank r, then the last m-r rows of R are zero. Showed that the corresponding rows of c must also be zero to have a solution — this gives us a way to test whether b is in C(A). If there is a solution, we can find a particular solution xₚ by setting the free variables to zero, and then write the complete solution as x=xₚ+xₙ where xₙ is anything in N(A).

Went through four important cases for an m×n matrix A of rank r. (Note that we must have r ≤ m and n: you can't have more pivots than there are rows or columns.)

  1. If r=n, then A has full column rank. We must have m ≥ n (it must be a "tall" matrix), and N(A)={0} (there are no free columns). Hence, any solution to Ax=b (if it exists at all) must be unique.

  2. If r=m, then A has full row rank. We must have n ≥ m (it must be a "wide" matrix), and C(A)=ℝᵐ. Ax=b is always solvable (but the solution will not be unique unless m=n).

  3. If r=m=n, then A is a square invertible matrix. Ax=b is always solvable and the solution x=A⁻¹b is unique.

  4. If r < m and r < n, then A is rank deficient. Solutions to Ax=b may not exist and will not be unique if they do exist.

Cases (1)-(3) are called full rank: the rank is as big as possible given the shape of A. In practice, most matrices that one encounters are full rank (this is essentially always true for random matrices). If the matrix is rank deficient, it usually arises from some special structure of the problem (i.e. you usually want to look at where A came from to help you figure out why it is rank deficient, rather than computing the rank etcetera by mindless calculation). (A separate problem is that of matrices that are nearly rank deficient because the pivots are very small, but the right tools to analyze this case won't come up until near the end of the course).

End of exam-1 material.

Started talking about bases, dimension, and independence. Earlier, I defined a basis as a minimal set of vectors whose span gives an entire vector space, and the dimension of the space as the size of the basis. Now, we want to think more carefully about the term "minimal". If we have too many vectors in our basis, the problem is that some of the vectors might be redundant (you can get them from the other basis). We now rephrase this as saying that such vectors are linearly dependent: some linear combination (with nonzero multipliers) of them gives the zero vector, and we want every basis to be linearly indepenedent. Next lecture, we will write this out more carefully and connect it to the nullspace of the matrix whose columns are the basis vectors.

Further reading: Textbook sections 3.3–3.4. Strang video lecture 8 and lecture 9.

Lecture 9 (Feb 29)

Given a set of n vectors {x₁, ⋯, xₙ}, if we matrix a matrix X whose columns are x₁⋯xₙ, then C(X) is precisely the span of x₁⋯xₙ. To check whether the x₁⋯xₙ form a basis for C(X), we need to check whether they are linearly independent. Discussed three equivalent ways to think about this:

  1. We want to make sure that none of x₁⋯xₙ are "redundant": make sure that no xⱼ can be made from a linear combination of the other xᵢ's.

  2. Equivalently, we don't want any linear combination of x₁⋯xₙ to give zero unless all the coefficients are zero.

  3. Equivalently, we want N(X) = {0}.

In this way, we reduced the concept of independence to thinking about the null space.

Exploited this insight in order to determine how elimination on a matrix A relates to C(A). Because elimination corresponds to multiplying A on the left, it changes the column space: C(A) ≠ C(U) ≠ C(R) in general. However, to find a basis for C(A), what we need to know is which columns of A are dependent/independent. From above, showed that some columns of A are dependent if there is a vector in N(A) that is nonzero only in components corresponding to those columns. But since N(A) = N(U) = N(R), we see an important fact: columns of A are dependent/independent if and only if the corresponding columns of R are dependent/independent. By looking at R, we can see by inspection that the pivot columns form a maximal set of independent vectors, and hence are a basis for C(R). Hence, the pivot columns of A (i.e. the columns of A corresponding to the columns of R or U where the pivots appear) are a basis for C(A).

It follows that the dimension of C(A) is exactly rank(A).

However, we are missing two important subspaces, which turn out to be the row space C(Aᵀ) and the left nullspace N(Aᵀ).

Since elimination multiplies A on the left, it multiplies Aᵀ on the right by an invertible matrix. Therefore, C(Aᵀ) = C(Rᵀ), and the pivot rows of R are a basis for C(Aᵀ). More importantly, this tells us a very non-obvious fact: rank(Aᵀ) = rank(A). (That is, if you did elimination on Aᵀ, you would get the same number of pivots.)

In summary, for an m×n matrix A of rank r, we find:

  • C(A) ⊆ ℝᵐ, dimension r
  • N(Aᵀ) ⊆ ℝᵐ, dimension m-r
  • C(Aᵀ) ⊆ ℝⁿ, dimension r
  • N(A) ⊆ ℝⁿ, dimension n-r

In fact, I claimed (without proof so far) that C(A)+N(Aᵀ)=ℝᵐ and C(Aᵀ)+N(A)=ℝⁿ, where I define addition S₁+S₂ of subspaces as the subspace {x₁+x₂ for all x₁∈S₁, x₂∈S₂}. Certainly, the dimensions add up to m and n, respectively, which is very suggestive, and next time we will complete the picture by seeing that the subspaces are orthogonal complements.

Further reading: Textbook sections 3.4–3.5; video lecture 9 and lecture 10.

Exam 1 (March 3)

Exam 1 and solutions.

Lecture 10 (March 6)

Further discussion of subspace addition, showing dim(S₁+S₂)=dim(S₁)+dim(S₂)-dim(S₁∩S₂).

Showed that the matrix subspaces have an orthogonality relationship: C(A)⟂N(Aᵀ), in the sense that every vector in C(A) is orthogonal to every vector in N(Aᵀ). In consequence, their intersection is {0} (0-dimensional), and C(A)+N(Aᵀ)=ℝᵐ. Similarly for C(Aᵀ) and N(A).

Equivalently, showed that N(Aᵀ) is the orthogonal complement of C(A), defining the orthogonal complement S of a subspace S as {x such that xᵀy=0 for all y ∈ S}. Showed explicitly that if y is orthogonal to every vector in C(A), then y is necessarily in N(Aᵀ) (and vice versa).

This often gives an nice way to check if a vector is in C(A): b is in C(A) if and only if b is orthogonal to N(Aᵀ) (or to a basis thereof). Gave an example where C(A) is a plane in ℝ³, N(Aᵀ) is the line through 0 orthogonal to that plane, and the equation for b ∈ C(A) was yᵀb=0 for a y ∈ N(Aᵀ). (Another nice example of a test of this sort can be found in problem 1c of exam 1, although you probably didn't derive it this way on the exam.)

Wrapped up this section with a few more examples. Discussed the dimension and basis for the space of upper-triangular 3×3 matrices and a subspace thereof. Discussed a basis {1,x,x²,x³,⋯} for the space of polynomial functions p(x): because this basis is infinite, we say that this vector space is infinite-dimensional. Briefly discussed rank-1 matrices uvᵀ. (Eventually, with the SVD, we will write every rank-r matrix as a sum of r rank-1 matrices, and with orthogonal vectors.)

Further reading: Textbook section 3.4, end of section 3.5 on rank-1 and rank-2 matrices, 4.1; video lecture 14 and lecture 11.

Lecture 11 (March 8)

Further reading: Textbook section 10.1; video lecture 14.

Lecture 12 (March 10)

The key point of this lecture is that linear algebra can even be used to solve nonlinear equations. There are many methods to convert a nonlinear equation into a sequence of approximate linear equations whose solutions converge to the nonlinear solution. The most famous is Newton’s method. You learned the 1d version of Newton’s method in first-year calculus. The generalization, for n nonlinear equations in n unknowns, is a sequence of n×n matrix problems.

Further reading: Strang's textbook does not discuss this topic. Section 9.6 of Numerical Recipes in C is a decent high-level review. A somewhat more mathematically sophisticated review can be found in these lecture notes by Fabrice Collard or in these 2014 notes by Nicolle Eagan.

Lecture 13 (March 13)

Introduced the topic of least-square fitting of data to curves. As long as the fitting function is linear in the unknown coefficients x, showed that minimizing the sum of the squares of the errors corresponds to minimizing the norm of the residual ‖b-Ax‖. By straightforward (if somewhat tedious) calculus, found that this corresponds to solving the normal equations AᵀAx̂=Aᵀb for the fit coefficients x̂. And we have enough linear algebra tools now to show that these equations are always solvable (uniquely if A has full column rank).

Further reading: Strang, section 4.3, and video lecture 16. (Note that Strang does this in a little bit of a different order: he does orthogonal projection and then fitting, and I do the reverse in order to motivate these techniques with the real-world application of least-square fits.)

Lecture 14 (March 15)

Orthogonal projection onto subspaces, and the projection operator. (Guest lecture by Prof. Alan Edelman.)

Further reading: Strang, section 4.2, and video lecture 15.

Lecture 15 (March 17)

Orthonormal bases, matrices Q with orthonormal columns (QᵀQ = I), orthogonal (a.k.a. unitary) matrices (square Q: Qᵀ = Q⁻¹), Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, and QR factorization.

Further reading: Strang, section 4.4, and video lecture 17.

Lecture 16 (March 20)

Using QR to solve the least-squares problem: given A=QR, the normal equations AᵀAx̂=Aᵀb turn into the triangular system of equations Rx̂=Qᵀb.

Key practical facts to keep in mind if you ever need to do least-squares or orthogonal basis for real problems involving data with finite precision:

  • Never explicitly form AᵀA or solve the normal equations: it turns out that this greatly exacerbates the sensitivity to numerical errors (in 18.335, you would learn that it squares the condition number) Instead, use the A=QR factorization and solve Rx̂=Qᵀb. Better yet, just do A \ b (in Julia or Matlab) or the equivalent in other languages, which will use a good algorithm.

  • Never use Gram–Schmidt, which turns out to be notoriously sensitive to small errors if some vectors are nearly parallel. There is an improved version called "modified Gram–Schmidt" described in the book, but in practice computers actually use a completely different algorithm called "Householder reflections." You should just use the built-in Q,R = qr(A) function in Julia (or other languages), which will do the right thing most of the time.

This is not unusual: there is often a difference between the way we conceptually think about linear algebra and the more sophisticated tricks that are required to make it work well on large matrices of real data in the presence small numerical errors.

Another wonderful and far-reaching application of these ideas is to realize that the same concepts of orthogonal bases and Gram–Schmidt can be applied to any vector space once we define a dot product (giving a so-called Hilbert space, though we won't use that level of abstraction much in 18.06). In particular, it turns out to be expecially powerful to think about orthogonal bases of functions. See the notebooks for two examples: orthogonal polynomials called Legendre polynomials and the Fourier sine series.

Further reading: Strang, section 10.5 (Fourier series), these 18.06 sine-series notes, these TAMU notes on orthogonal polynomials and these 18.06 notes on orthogonal polynomials.

Lecture 17 (March 22)

Begin by going over the last section of the orthogonal-polynomials notebook from the last lecture: explain why projecting onto orthogonal polynomials (or any orthogonal basis of functions, like a Fourier series) can be viewed as a least-square fit of the function with those polynomials.

Start on a new topic: eigenvalues and eigenvectors. I proceed a little differently from the book, working backwards from what we would like to obtain (make matrices act like scalars) to how we achieve it.

Further reading: Strang, section 6.1; video lecture 21.

Lecture 18 (March 24)

Explained determinants and their properties. Considering how central a role determinants play for the 2×2 and 3×3 matrices you probably encountered before 18.06, you may be surprised that we didn't get to determinants until now. The fact of the matter is that determinants play a much less important role in applied linear algebra for larger matrices — with a few exceptions, most things that you would want to use determinants for can be done more effectively in other ways. They are a useful conceptual tool, however, especially for thinking about eigenvalues.

Further reading: Strang, section 5.1; video lecture 18. We will skip Strang, section 5.2 and 5.3, because the formulas in those sections are nearly useless in applied settings for large matrices, as explained in the notebook.

Lecture 19 (April 3)

Reviewed eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and diagonalization.

The eigenvalues are the roots of the characteristic polynomial det(A–λI). This is a good way to think about eigenvalue problems (e.g. it tells you immediately to expect ≤ m eigenvalues, possibly complex, from an m×m matrix). But it is not really a good way to compute them except for tiny (e.g. 2×2) matrices.

In fact, it's actually the reverse: one of the best ways to compute roots of polynomials is to convert the polynomial into a matrix and find the eigenvalues. Showed how this is done, by constructing the companion matrix to a polynomial.

The actual way eigenvalues are computed is a topic for another class (e.g. 18.335); in 18.06, we will focus mainly on their properties and usage. The computer will handle finding them.

Began defining similar matrices; to be continued next lecture.

Further reading: Strang, sections 6.1 and 6.2; video lecture 21 and lecture 22

Lecture 20 (April 5)

Defined similar matrices B=M⁻¹AM, and showed that similar matrices have the same eigenvalues (with eigenvectors related by a factor of M), the same determinant, the same characteristic polynomial, and the same trace. Defined the trace of a matrix tr(A), and showed tr(AB)=tr(BA) for any m×n matrix A and n×m matrix B. (Similar matrices essentially represent the same linear operation in a different coordinate system.) In hindsight, we now see that a diagonalizable matrix A is similar to a diagonal matrix Λ. Hence, we see that det(A) is the product of the eigenvalues and tr(A) is the sum of the eigenvalues. For a 2×2 matrix, it follows that det(A-λI)=λ²-λtr(A)+det(A), which is a useful formula when solving 2×2 eigenproblems.

Showed that A and Aᵀ have the same eigenvalues and the same characteristic polynomial; we already know that they have the same determinant, and it is obvious that they have the same trace. (In fact, A and Aᵀ are similar, but I didn't show this.)

Reviewed matrix powers for a diagonalizable A=XΛX⁻¹: Aⁿ=XΛⁿX⁻¹. That is, to multiply Aⁿx, we first decompose x into the basis of eigenvectors (with coefficients c=X⁻¹x), then multiply each eigenvector by λⁿ, and then sum. If any eigenvalues λ have |λ|>1, then that eigenvector's length will diverge as n⟶∞. For eigenvalues with |λ|<1, those eigenvectors lengths will ⟶0 as n⟶∞. Therefore, by looking at the eigenvalues, we can tell whether Aⁿx will blow up or decay to zero for a typical x (where all of the eigenvector coefficients are nonzero).

As an application of matrix powers, considered the famous Fibonacci numbers 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,…. The n-th Fibonacci number fₙ satisfies the linear recurrence relation fₙ=fₙ₋₁+fₙ₋₂, which we can express in terms of multiplication by a 2×2 matrix F that gives (fₙ,fₙ₋₁) from (fₙ₋₁,fₙ₋₂). We found that the eigenvalues of F are (1±√5)/2. The larger of these eigenvalues, (1+√5)/2≈1.618, is the so-called golden ratio, and it means that the Fibonacci numbers blow up exponentially fast for large n. Furthermore, we showed that the ratio fₙ/fₙ₋₁ of successive Fibonacci numbers goes to the golden ratio for large n. Checked these facts numerically with a Julia notebook.

Further reading: Strang, sections 6.2 and 6.6; video lecture 22 and lecture 28.

Lecture 21 (April 6)

Markov matrices and eigenvalues.

Further reading: Strang, section 8.3 and video lecture 24.

Exam 2 (April 11)

Exam and solutions to be posted Wednesday afternoon.

Lecture 22 (April 13)

Discussed how multiplying by a matrix repeatedly is actually a starting point for many practical algorithms to compute eigenvectors and eigenvalues: the most basic version of this is known as the power method.

We can now solve systems of ODEs dx/dt = Ax in terms of eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Each eigenvector is multiplied by exp(λt) (where exp(x)=eˣ), so that solutions decay if the eigenvalues have negative real parts (and approach a nonzero steady state if one eigenvalue is zero). We will also express this in terms of a new Matrix operation eᴬᵗ, the matrix exponential.

Further reading: Strang, section 6.3 and video lecture 23.