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diff --git a/src/inheritAttributes.js b/src/inheritAttributes.js
index 285427f6..0f31d791 100644
--- a/src/inheritAttributes.js
+++ b/src/inheritAttributes.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import { flatten } from './utils/list';
-import { shallowMerge, getAttributes } from './utils/object';
+import { getAttributes, merge } from './utils/object';
 import { parseDuration } from './utils/time';
 import { findChildren, getContent } from './utils/xml';
 import resolveUrl from './utils/resolveUrl';
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ export const getSegmentInformation = (adaptationSet) => {
   const segmentTemplate = findChildren(adaptationSet, 'SegmentTemplate')[0];
   const segmentList = findChildren(adaptationSet, 'SegmentList')[0];
   const segmentUrls = segmentList && findChildren(segmentList, 'SegmentURL')
-    .map(s => shallowMerge({ tag: 'SegmentURL' }, getAttributes(s)));
+    .map(s => merge({ tag: 'SegmentURL' }, getAttributes(s)));
   const segmentBase = findChildren(adaptationSet, 'SegmentBase')[0];
   const segmentTimelineParentNode = segmentList || segmentTemplate;
   const segmentTimeline = segmentTimelineParentNode &&
@@ -78,21 +78,29 @@ export const getSegmentInformation = (adaptationSet) => {
     template.initialization = { sourceURL: template.initialization };
-  return {
+  const segmentInfo = {
     timeline: segmentTimeline &&
       findChildren(segmentTimeline, 'S').map(s => getAttributes(s)),
-    list: segmentList && shallowMerge(
+    list: segmentList && merge(
         initialization: getAttributes(segmentInitialization)
-    base: segmentBase && shallowMerge(
+    base: segmentBase && merge(
       getAttributes(segmentBase), {
         initialization: getAttributes(segmentInitialization)
+  Object.keys(segmentInfo).forEach(key => {
+    if (!segmentInfo[key]) {
+      delete segmentInfo[key];
+    }
+  });
+  return segmentInfo;
@@ -131,15 +139,16 @@ export const getSegmentInformation = (adaptationSet) => {
  *         Callback map function
 export const inheritBaseUrls =
-(adaptationSetAttributes, adaptationSetBaseUrls, segmentInfo) => (representation) => {
+(adaptationSetAttributes, adaptationSetBaseUrls, adaptationSetSegmentInfo) => (representation) => {
   const repBaseUrlElements = findChildren(representation, 'BaseURL');
   const repBaseUrls = buildBaseUrls(adaptationSetBaseUrls, repBaseUrlElements);
-  const attributes = shallowMerge(adaptationSetAttributes, getAttributes(representation));
+  const attributes = merge(adaptationSetAttributes, getAttributes(representation));
+  const representationSegmentInfo = getSegmentInformation(representation);
   return repBaseUrls.map(baseUrl => {
     return {
-      segmentInfo,
-      attributes: shallowMerge(attributes, { baseUrl })
+      segmentInfo: merge(adaptationSetSegmentInfo, representationSegmentInfo),
+      attributes: merge(attributes, { baseUrl })
@@ -167,20 +176,21 @@ export const inheritBaseUrls =
  *         Callback map function
 export const toRepresentations =
-(periodAttributes, periodBaseUrls) => (adaptationSet) => {
+(periodAttributes, periodBaseUrls, periodSegmentInfo) => (adaptationSet) => {
   const adaptationSetAttributes = getAttributes(adaptationSet);
   const adaptationSetBaseUrls = buildBaseUrls(periodBaseUrls,
                                               findChildren(adaptationSet, 'BaseURL'));
   const role = findChildren(adaptationSet, 'Role')[0];
   const roleAttributes = { role: getAttributes(role) };
-  const attrs = shallowMerge(periodAttributes,
+  const attrs = merge(periodAttributes,
   const segmentInfo = getSegmentInformation(adaptationSet);
   const representations = findChildren(adaptationSet, 'Representation');
+  const adaptationSetSegmentInfo = merge(periodSegmentInfo, segmentInfo);
   return flatten(
-    representations.map(inheritBaseUrls(attrs, adaptationSetBaseUrls, segmentInfo)));
+    representations.map(inheritBaseUrls(attrs, adaptationSetBaseUrls, adaptationSetSegmentInfo)));
@@ -210,10 +220,12 @@ export const toRepresentations =
 export const toAdaptationSets = (mpdAttributes, mpdBaseUrls) => (period, periodIndex) => {
   const periodBaseUrls = buildBaseUrls(mpdBaseUrls, findChildren(period, 'BaseURL'));
-  const periodAttributes = shallowMerge({ periodIndex }, mpdAttributes);
+  const periodAtt = getAttributes(period);
+  const periodAttributes = merge(mpdAttributes, periodAtt, { periodIndex });
   const adaptationSets = findChildren(period, 'AdaptationSet');
+  const periodSegmentInfo = getSegmentInformation(period);
-  return flatten(adaptationSets.map(toRepresentations(periodAttributes, periodBaseUrls)));
+  return flatten(adaptationSets.map(toRepresentations(periodAttributes, periodBaseUrls, periodSegmentInfo)));
@@ -243,4 +255,3 @@ export const inheritAttributes = (mpd, manifestUri = '') => {
   return flatten(periods.map(toAdaptationSets(mpdAttributes, mpdBaseUrls)));
diff --git a/src/toPlaylists.js b/src/toPlaylists.js
index 6d5a95d8..a8812118 100644
--- a/src/toPlaylists.js
+++ b/src/toPlaylists.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { shallowMerge } from './utils/object';
+import { merge } from './utils/object';
 import { segmentsFromTemplate } from './segment/segmentTemplate';
 import { segmentsFromList } from './segment/segmentList';
 import { segmentsFromBase } from './segment/segmentBase';
@@ -6,23 +6,21 @@ import { segmentsFromBase } from './segment/segmentBase';
 export const generateSegments = (segmentInfo, attributes) => {
   if (segmentInfo.template) {
     return segmentsFromTemplate(
-      shallowMerge(segmentInfo.template, attributes),
+      merge(attributes, segmentInfo.template),
   if (segmentInfo.base) {
-    return segmentsFromBase(shallowMerge(segmentInfo.base, attributes));
+    return segmentsFromBase(merge(attributes, segmentInfo.base));
   if (segmentInfo.list) {
     return segmentsFromList(
-      shallowMerge(segmentInfo.list, attributes), segmentInfo.timeline
+      merge(attributes, segmentInfo.list), segmentInfo.timeline
-export const toPlaylists = representations => {
+export const toPlaylists = (representations) => {
   return representations.map(({ attributes, segmentInfo }) => {
     const segments = generateSegments(segmentInfo, attributes);
diff --git a/src/utils/object.js b/src/utils/object.js
index e2565f4d..35308975 100644
--- a/src/utils/object.js
+++ b/src/utils/object.js
@@ -1,13 +1,24 @@
 import { from } from './list';
-export const shallowMerge = (...objects) => {
-  return objects.reduce((x, y) => {
-    return Object.keys(y)
-      .reduce((o, key) => {
-        o[key] = y[key];
-        return o;
-      }, x);
+const isObject = (obj) => {
+  return !!obj && typeof obj === 'object';
+export const merge = (...objects) => {
+  return objects.reduce((result, source) => {
+    Object.keys(source).forEach(key => {
+      if (Array.isArray(result[key]) && Array.isArray(source[key])) {
+        result[key] = result[key].concat(source[key]);
+      } else if (isObject(result[key]) && isObject(source[key])) {
+        result[key] = merge(result[key], source[key]);
+      } else {
+        result[key] = source[key];
+      }
+    });
+    return result;
   }, {});
diff --git a/test/inheritAttributes.test.js b/test/inheritAttributes.test.js
index aa04067f..ab725c70 100644
--- a/test/inheritAttributes.test.js
+++ b/test/inheritAttributes.test.js
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import {
 import { stringToMpdXml } from '../src/stringToMpdXml';
 import errors from '../src/errors';
 import QUnit from 'qunit';
+import { toPlaylists } from '../src/toPlaylists';
@@ -72,12 +73,7 @@ QUnit.module('getSegmentInformation');
 QUnit.test('undefined Segment information when no Segment nodes', function(assert) {
   const adaptationSet = { childNodes: [] };
-  const expected = {
-    template: void 0,
-    timeline: void 0,
-    list: void 0,
-    base: void 0
-  };
+  const expected = {};
   assert.deepEqual(getSegmentInformation(adaptationSet), expected,
     'undefined segment info');
@@ -92,10 +88,7 @@ QUnit.test('gets SegmentTemplate attributes', function(assert) {
   const expected = {
-    template: { media: 'video.mp4' },
-    timeline: void 0,
-    list: void 0,
-    base: void 0
+    template: { media: 'video.mp4' }
   assert.deepEqual(getSegmentInformation(adaptationSet), expected,
@@ -111,14 +104,11 @@ QUnit.test('gets SegmentList attributes', function(assert) {
   const expected = {
-    template: void 0,
-    timeline: void 0,
     list: {
       duration: '10',
       segmentUrls: [],
       initialization: {}
-    },
-    base: void 0
+    }
   assert.deepEqual(getSegmentInformation(adaptationSet), expected,
@@ -134,9 +124,6 @@ QUnit.test('gets SegmentBase attributes', function(assert) {
   const expected = {
-    template: void 0,
-    timeline: void 0,
-    list: void 0,
     base: { duration: '10', initialization: {} }
@@ -166,9 +153,7 @@ QUnit.test('gets SegmentTemplate and SegmentTimeline attributes', function(asser
   const expected = {
     template: { media: 'video.mp4' },
-    timeline: [{ d: '10' }, { d: '5' }, { d: '7' }],
-    list: void 0,
-    base: void 0
+    timeline: [{ d: '10' }, { d: '5' }, { d: '7' }]
   assert.deepEqual(getSegmentInformation(adaptationSet), expected,
@@ -226,10 +211,7 @@ QUnit.test('end to end - basic', function(assert) {
       width: '720'
     segmentInfo: {
-      base: undefined,
-      list: undefined,
-      template: {},
-      timeline: undefined
+      template: {}
   }, {
     attributes: {
@@ -243,12 +225,7 @@ QUnit.test('end to end - basic', function(assert) {
       role: {},
       sourceDuration: 30
-    segmentInfo: {
-      base: undefined,
-      list: undefined,
-      template: undefined,
-      timeline: undefined
-    }
+    segmentInfo: {}
   assert.equal(actual.length, 2);
@@ -302,10 +279,7 @@ QUnit.test('end to end - inherits BaseURL from all levels', function(assert) {
       width: '720'
     segmentInfo: {
-      base: undefined,
-      list: undefined,
-      template: {},
-      timeline: undefined
+      template: {}
   }, {
     attributes: {
@@ -319,12 +293,7 @@ QUnit.test('end to end - inherits BaseURL from all levels', function(assert) {
       role: {},
       sourceDuration: 30
-    segmentInfo: {
-      base: undefined,
-      list: undefined,
-      template: undefined,
-      timeline: undefined
-    }
+    segmentInfo: { }
   assert.equal(actual.length, 2);
@@ -334,25 +303,25 @@ QUnit.test('end to end - inherits BaseURL from all levels', function(assert) {
 QUnit.test('end to end - alternate BaseURLs', function(assert) {
   const actual = inheritAttributes(stringToMpdXml(
-    <MPD mediaPresentationDuration="PT30S" >
+    <MPD mediaPresentationDuration= "PT30S"  >
-        <AdaptationSet mimeType="video/mp4" >
+        <AdaptationSet mimeType= "video/mp4"  >
-          <Role value="main"></Role>
+          <Role value= "main" ></Role>
-            bandwidth="5000000"
-            codecs="avc1.64001e"
-            height="404"
-            id="test"
-            width="720">
+            bandwidth= "5000000"
+            codecs= "avc1.64001e"
+            height= "404"
+            id= "test"
+            width= "720" >
-        <AdaptationSet mimeType="text/vtt" lang="en">
-          <Representation bandwidth="256" id="en">
+        <AdaptationSet mimeType= "text/vtt"  lang= "en" >
+          <Representation bandwidth= "256"  id= "en" >
@@ -378,10 +347,7 @@ QUnit.test('end to end - alternate BaseURLs', function(assert) {
       width: '720'
     segmentInfo: {
-      base: undefined,
-      list: undefined,
-      template: {},
-      timeline: undefined
+      template: {}
   }, {
     attributes: {
@@ -400,10 +366,7 @@ QUnit.test('end to end - alternate BaseURLs', function(assert) {
       width: '720'
     segmentInfo: {
-      base: undefined,
-      list: undefined,
-      template: {},
-      timeline: undefined
+      template: {}
   }, {
     attributes: {
@@ -422,10 +385,7 @@ QUnit.test('end to end - alternate BaseURLs', function(assert) {
       width: '720'
     segmentInfo: {
-      base: undefined,
-      list: undefined,
-      template: {},
-      timeline: undefined
+      template: {}
   }, {
     attributes: {
@@ -444,10 +404,122 @@ QUnit.test('end to end - alternate BaseURLs', function(assert) {
       width: '720'
     segmentInfo: {
-      base: undefined,
-      list: undefined,
-      template: {},
-      timeline: undefined
+      template: {}
+    }
+  }, {
+    attributes: {
+      bandwidth: '256',
+      baseUrl: 'https://example.com/en.vtt',
+      id: 'en',
+      lang: 'en',
+      mediaPresentationDuration: 'PT30S',
+      mimeType: 'text/vtt',
+      periodIndex: 0,
+      role: {},
+      sourceDuration: 30
+    },
+    segmentInfo: {}
+  }, {
+    attributes: {
+      bandwidth: '256',
+      baseUrl: 'https://example.com/en.vtt',
+      id: 'en',
+      lang: 'en',
+      mediaPresentationDuration: 'PT30S',
+      mimeType: 'text/vtt',
+      periodIndex: 0,
+      role: {},
+      sourceDuration: 30
+    },
+    segmentInfo: {}
+  }];
+  assert.equal(actual.length, 6);
+  assert.deepEqual(actual, expected);
+QUnit.test(' End to End test for checking support of segments in representation', function(assert) {
+  const actual = inheritAttributes(stringToMpdXml(
+    `
+    <MPD mediaPresentationDuration= "PT30S"  >
+      <BaseURL>https://www.example.com/base/</BaseURL>
+      <Period>
+        <AdaptationSet mimeType= "video/mp4"  >
+          <Role value= "main" ></Role>
+          <SegmentBase indexRangeExact= "true"  indexRange= "820-2087" >
+              <Initialization range= "0-987" />
+          </SegmentBase>
+          <Representation
+            mimeType= "video/mp6"
+            bandwidth= "5000000"
+            codecs= "avc1.64001e"
+            height= "404"
+            id= "test"
+            width= "720" >
+            <SegmentBase>
+              <Initialization range= "0-567" />
+            </SegmentBase>
+          </Representation>
+          <Representation
+            height= "545" >
+          </Representation>
+        </AdaptationSet>
+        <AdaptationSet mimeType= "text/vtt"  lang= "en" >
+          <Representation bandwidth= "256"  id= "en" >
+            <BaseURL>https://example.com/en.vtt</BaseURL>
+          </Representation>
+        </AdaptationSet>
+      </Period>
+    </MPD>
+  `
+  ));
+  const expected = [{
+    attributes: {
+      bandwidth: '5000000',
+      baseUrl: 'https://www.example.com/base/',
+      codecs: 'avc1.64001e',
+      height: '404',
+      id: 'test',
+      mediaPresentationDuration: 'PT30S',
+      mimeType: 'video/mp6',
+      periodIndex: 0,
+      role: {
+        value: 'main'
+      },
+      sourceDuration: 30,
+      width: '720'
+    },
+    segmentInfo: {
+      base: {
+        indexRange: '820-2087',
+        indexRangeExact: 'true',
+        initialization: {
+          range: '0-567'
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }, {
+    attributes: {
+      baseUrl: 'https://www.example.com/base/',
+      mediaPresentationDuration: 'PT30S',
+      mimeType: 'video/mp4',
+      periodIndex: 0,
+      height: '545',
+      role: {
+        value: 'main'
+      },
+      sourceDuration: 30
+    },
+    segmentInfo: {
+      base: {
+        indexRange: '820-2087',
+        indexRangeExact: 'true',
+        initialization: {
+          range: '0-987'
+        }
+      }
   }, {
     attributes: {
@@ -461,16 +533,99 @@ QUnit.test('end to end - alternate BaseURLs', function(assert) {
       role: {},
       sourceDuration: 30
+    segmentInfo: {}
+  }];
+  assert.equal(actual.length, 3);
+  assert.deepEqual(actual, expected);
+QUnit.test(' End to End test for checking support of segments in period ', function(assert) {
+  const actual = inheritAttributes(stringToMpdXml(
+    `
+    <MPD mediaPresentationDuration= "PT30S"  >
+      <BaseURL>https://www.example.com/base/</BaseURL>
+      <Period duration= "PT0H4M40.414S" >
+        <SegmentBase indexRangeExact= "false"  indexRange= "9999" >
+           <Initialization range= "0-1111" />
+        </SegmentBase>
+        <AdaptationSet mimeType= "video/mp4"  >
+          <Role value= "main" ></Role>
+          <Representation
+            mimeType= "video/mp6"
+            bandwidth= "5000000"
+            codecs= "avc1.64001e"
+            height= "404"
+            id= "test"
+            width= "720" >
+          </Representation>
+          <Representation
+            height= "545" >
+          </Representation>
+        </AdaptationSet>
+        <AdaptationSet mimeType= "text/vtt"  lang= "en" >
+          <Representation bandwidth= "256"  id= "en" >
+            <BaseURL>https://example.com/en.vtt</BaseURL>
+          </Representation>
+        </AdaptationSet>
+      </Period>
+    </MPD>
+  `
+  ));
+  const expected = [{
+    attributes: {
+      bandwidth: '5000000',
+      baseUrl: 'https://www.example.com/base/',
+      duration: 'PT0H4M40.414S',
+      codecs: 'avc1.64001e',
+      height: '404',
+      id: 'test',
+      mediaPresentationDuration: 'PT30S',
+      mimeType: 'video/mp6',
+      periodIndex: 0,
+      role: {
+        value: 'main'
+      },
+      sourceDuration: 30,
+      width: '720'
+    },
+    segmentInfo: {
+      base: {
+        indexRange: '9999',
+        indexRangeExact: 'false',
+        initialization: {
+          range: '0-1111'
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }, {
+    attributes: {
+      baseUrl: 'https://www.example.com/base/',
+      mediaPresentationDuration: 'PT30S',
+      duration: 'PT0H4M40.414S',
+      mimeType: 'video/mp4',
+      periodIndex: 0,
+      height: '545',
+      role: {
+        value: 'main'
+      },
+      sourceDuration: 30
+    },
     segmentInfo: {
-      base: undefined,
-      list: undefined,
-      template: undefined,
-      timeline: undefined
+      base: {
+        indexRange: '9999',
+        indexRangeExact: 'false',
+        initialization: {
+          range: '0-1111'
+        }
+      }
   }, {
     attributes: {
       bandwidth: '256',
       baseUrl: 'https://example.com/en.vtt',
+      duration: 'PT0H4M40.414S',
       id: 'en',
       lang: 'en',
       mediaPresentationDuration: 'PT30S',
@@ -480,13 +635,700 @@ QUnit.test('end to end - alternate BaseURLs', function(assert) {
       sourceDuration: 30
     segmentInfo: {
-      base: undefined,
-      list: undefined,
-      template: undefined,
-      timeline: undefined
+      base: {
+        indexRange: '9999',
+        indexRangeExact: 'false',
+        initialization: {
+          range: '0-1111'
+        }
+      }
-  assert.equal(actual.length, 6);
+  assert.equal(actual.length, 3);
+  assert.deepEqual(actual, expected);
+QUnit.test(' End to End test for checking support of Segments in Adaptation set', function(assert) {
+  const actual = inheritAttributes(stringToMpdXml(
+    `
+    <MPD mediaPresentationDuration= "PT30S"  >
+      <BaseURL>https://www.example.com/base/</BaseURL>
+      <Period duration= "PT0H4M40.414S" >
+        <AdaptationSet mimeType= "video/mp4"  >
+          <Role value= "main" ></Role>
+          <SegmentBase indexRange= "1212"  indexRangeExact= "true" >
+           <Initialization range= "0-8888"  />
+          </SegmentBase>
+          <Representation
+            mimeType= "video/mp6"
+            bandwidth= "5000000"
+            codecs= "avc1.64001e"
+            height= "404"
+            id= "test"
+            width= "720" >
+          </Representation>
+          <Representation
+            height= "545" >
+          </Representation>
+        </AdaptationSet>
+        <AdaptationSet mimeType= "text/vtt"  lang= "en" >
+          <Representation bandwidth= "256"  id= "en" >
+            <BaseURL>https://example.com/en.vtt</BaseURL>
+          </Representation>
+        </AdaptationSet>
+      </Period>
+    </MPD>
+  `
+  ));
+  const expected = [{
+    attributes: {
+      bandwidth: '5000000',
+      baseUrl: 'https://www.example.com/base/',
+      duration: 'PT0H4M40.414S',
+      codecs: 'avc1.64001e',
+      height: '404',
+      id: 'test',
+      mediaPresentationDuration: 'PT30S',
+      mimeType: 'video/mp6',
+      periodIndex: 0,
+      role: {
+        value: 'main'
+      },
+      sourceDuration: 30,
+      width: '720'
+    },
+    segmentInfo: {
+      base: {
+        indexRange: '1212',
+        indexRangeExact: 'true',
+        initialization: {
+          range: '0-8888'
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }, {
+    attributes: {
+      baseUrl: 'https://www.example.com/base/',
+      mediaPresentationDuration: 'PT30S',
+      duration: 'PT0H4M40.414S',
+      mimeType: 'video/mp4',
+      periodIndex: 0,
+      height: '545',
+      role: {
+        value: 'main'
+      },
+      sourceDuration: 30
+    },
+    segmentInfo: {
+      base: {
+        indexRange: '1212',
+        indexRangeExact: 'true',
+        initialization: {
+          range: '0-8888'
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }, {
+    attributes: {
+      bandwidth: '256',
+      baseUrl: 'https://example.com/en.vtt',
+      duration: 'PT0H4M40.414S',
+      id: 'en',
+      lang: 'en',
+      mediaPresentationDuration: 'PT30S',
+      mimeType: 'text/vtt',
+      periodIndex: 0,
+      role: {},
+      sourceDuration: 30
+    },
+    segmentInfo: {}
+  }];
+  assert.equal(actual.length, 3);
+  assert.deepEqual(actual, expected);
+// Although according to the Spec, at most one set of Segment information should be present at each level,
+// This test would still handle the case and prevent errors if multiple set of segment information are present at any particular level.
+QUnit.test(' Test for checking use of only one set of Segment Information when multiple are present', function(assert) {
+  const actual = toPlaylists(inheritAttributes(stringToMpdXml(
+    `
+    <MPD mediaPresentationDuration= "PT30S"  >
+      <BaseURL>https://www.example.com/base</BaseURL>
+      <Period duration= "PT0H4M40.414S" >
+        <AdaptationSet mimeType= "video/mp4"  segmentAlignment= "true"  startWithSAP= "1"  lang= "es" >
+          <Role value= "main" ></Role>
+          <SegmentTemplate duration= "95232"  initialization= "$RepresentationID$/es/init.m4f"  media= "$RepresentationID$/es/$Number$.m4f"  startNumber= "0"  timescale= "48000" >
+          </SegmentTemplate>
+          <SegmentList timescale= "1000"  duration= "1000" >
+            <RepresentationIndex sourceURL= "representation-index-low" />
+            <SegmentURL media= "low/segment-1.ts" />
+            <SegmentURL media= "low/segment-2.ts" />
+            <SegmentURL media= "low/segment-3.ts" />
+            <SegmentURL media= "low/segment-4.ts" />
+            <SegmentURL media= "low/segment-5.ts" />
+            <SegmentURL media= "low/segment-6.ts" />
+          </SegmentList>
+          <Representation
+            mimeType= "video/mp6"
+            bandwidth= "5000000"
+            codecs= "avc1.64001e"
+            height= "404"
+            id= "125000"
+            width= "720" >
+          </Representation>
+          <Representation
+            height= "545"
+            id="125000" >
+          </Representation>
+        </AdaptationSet>
+      </Period>
+    </MPD>
+  `
+  const expected = [{
+    attributes: {
+      bandwidth: '5000000',
+      baseUrl: 'https://www.example.com/base',
+      duration: 'PT0H4M40.414S',
+      codecs: 'avc1.64001e',
+      height: '404',
+      id: '125000',
+      lang: 'es',
+      mediaPresentationDuration: 'PT30S',
+      mimeType: 'video/mp6',
+      periodIndex: 0,
+      role: {
+        value: 'main'
+      },
+      segmentAlignment: 'true',
+      sourceDuration: 30,
+      width: '720',
+      startWithSAP: '1'
+    },
+    segments: [{
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/0.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/0.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/1.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/1.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/2.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/2.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/3.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/3.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/4.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/4.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/5.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/5.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/6.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/6.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/7.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/7.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/8.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/8.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/9.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/9.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/10.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/10.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/11.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/11.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/12.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/12.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/13.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/13.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/14.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/14.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 0.240000000000002,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/15.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/15.m4f'
+    }]
+  }, {
+    attributes: {
+      baseUrl: 'https://www.example.com/base',
+      duration: 'PT0H4M40.414S',
+      lang: 'es',
+      height: '545',
+      id: '125000',
+      mediaPresentationDuration: 'PT30S',
+      mimeType: 'video/mp4',
+      periodIndex: 0,
+      role: {
+        value: 'main'
+      },
+      segmentAlignment: 'true',
+      sourceDuration: 30,
+      startWithSAP: '1'
+    },
+    segments: [{
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/0.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/0.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/1.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/1.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/2.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/2.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/3.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/3.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/4.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/4.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/5.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/5.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/6.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/6.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/7.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/7.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/8.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/8.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/9.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/9.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/10.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/10.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/11.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/11.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/12.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/12.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/13.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/13.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/14.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/14.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 0.240000000000002,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/15.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/15.m4f'
+    }]
+  }];
+  assert.equal(actual.length, 2);
+  assert.deepEqual(actual, expected);
+// Although the Spec states that if SegmentTemplate or SegmentList is present on one level of the hierarchy the other one shall not be present on any lower level,
+// This test would still handle the case if both are present in the hierarchy and would prevent throwing errors.
+QUnit.test('Test to check use of either Segment Template or Segment List when both are present in the hierarchy', function(assert) {
+  const actual = toPlaylists(inheritAttributes(stringToMpdXml(
+    `
+    <MPD mediaPresentationDuration= "PT30S"  >
+      <BaseURL>https://www.example.com/base</BaseURL>
+      <Period duration= "PT0H4M40.414S" >
+        <AdaptationSet mimeType= "video/mp4"  segmentAlignment= "true"  startWithSAP= "1"  lang= "es" >
+          <Role value= "main" ></Role>
+          <SegmentTemplate duration= "95232"  initialization= "$RepresentationID$/es/init.m4f"  media= "$RepresentationID$/es/$Number$.m4f"  startNumber= "0"  timescale= "48000" >
+          </SegmentTemplate>
+          <Representation
+            mimeType= "video/mp6"
+            bandwidth= "5000000"
+            codecs= "avc1.64001e"
+            height= "404"
+            id= "125000"
+            width= "720" >
+            <SegmentList timescale= "1000"  duration= "1000" >
+              <RepresentationIndex sourceURL= "representation-index-low" />
+              <SegmentURL media= "low/segment-1.ts" />
+              <SegmentURL media= "low/segment-2.ts" />
+              <SegmentURL media= "low/segment-3.ts" />
+              <SegmentURL media= "low/segment-4.ts" />
+              <SegmentURL media= "low/segment-5.ts" />
+              <SegmentURL media= "low/segment-6.ts" />
+            </SegmentList>
+          </Representation>
+        </AdaptationSet>
+      </Period>
+    </MPD>
+  `
+  const expected = [{
+    attributes: {
+      bandwidth: '5000000',
+      baseUrl: 'https://www.example.com/base',
+      duration: 'PT0H4M40.414S',
+      codecs: 'avc1.64001e',
+      height: '404',
+      id: '125000',
+      lang: 'es',
+      mediaPresentationDuration: 'PT30S',
+      mimeType: 'video/mp6',
+      periodIndex: 0,
+      role: {
+        value: 'main'
+      },
+      segmentAlignment: 'true',
+      sourceDuration: 30,
+      width: '720',
+      startWithSAP: '1'
+    },
+    segments: [{
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/0.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/0.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/1.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/1.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/2.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/2.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/3.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/3.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/4.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/4.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/5.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/5.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/6.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/6.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/7.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/7.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/8.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/8.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/9.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/9.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/10.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/10.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/11.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/11.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/12.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/12.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/13.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/13.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 1.984,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/14.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/14.m4f'
+    }, {
+      duration: 0.240000000000002,
+      map: {
+        resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/init.m4f',
+        uri: '125000/es/init.m4f'
+      },
+      resolvedUri: 'https://www.example.com/125000/es/15.m4f',
+      timeline: 0,
+      uri: '125000/es/15.m4f'
+    }]
+  }
+  assert.equal(actual.length, 1);
   assert.deepEqual(actual, expected);
diff --git a/test/manifests/maat_vtt_segmentTemplate.mpd b/test/manifests/maat_vtt_segmentTemplate.mpd
index af40bbeb..bae42077 100644
--- a/test/manifests/maat_vtt_segmentTemplate.mpd
+++ b/test/manifests/maat_vtt_segmentTemplate.mpd
@@ -6,21 +6,33 @@
     <AdaptationSet mimeType="audio/mp4" segmentAlignment="true" startWithSAP="1" lang="en">
       <Role schemeIdUri="urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011" value="main"></Role>
       <SegmentTemplate duration="95232" initialization="$RepresentationID$/init.m4f" media="$RepresentationID$/$Number$.m4f" startNumber="0" timescale="48000"></SegmentTemplate>
-      <Representation audioSamplingRate="48000" bandwidth="63000" codecs="mp4a.40.2" id="63000"></Representation>
-      <Representation audioSamplingRate="48000" bandwidth="125000" codecs="mp4a.40.2" id="125000"></Representation>
+      <Representation audioSamplingRate="48000" bandwidth="63000" codecs="mp4a.40.2" id="63000">
+        <SegmentTemplate></SegmentTemplate>
+      </Representation>
+      <Representation audioSamplingRate="48000" bandwidth="125000" codecs="mp4a.40.2" id="125000">
+        <SegmentTemplate></SegmentTemplate>
+      </Representation>
      <AdaptationSet mimeType="audio/mp4" segmentAlignment="true" startWithSAP="1" lang="es">
       <Role schemeIdUri="urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011"></Role>
       <SegmentTemplate duration="95232" initialization="$RepresentationID$/es/init.m4f" media="$RepresentationID$/es/$Number$.m4f" startNumber="0" timescale="48000"></SegmentTemplate>
-      <Representation audioSamplingRate="48000" bandwidth="63000" codecs="mp4a.40.2" id="63000"></Representation>
-      <Representation audioSamplingRate="48000" bandwidth="125000" codecs="mp4a.40.2" id="125000"></Representation>
+      <Representation audioSamplingRate="48000" bandwidth="63000" codecs="mp4a.40.2" id="63000">
+        <SegmentTemplate></SegmentTemplate>
+      </Representation>
+      <Representation audioSamplingRate="48000" bandwidth="125000" codecs="mp4a.40.2" id="125000">
+        <SegmentTemplate></SegmentTemplate>
+      </Representation>
     <AdaptationSet mimeType="video/mp4" scanType="progressive" segmentAlignment="true" startWithSAP="1">
       <Role schemeIdUri="urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011" value="main"></Role>
       <SegmentTemplate duration="46046" initialization="$RepresentationID$/init.m4f" media="$RepresentationID$/$Number$.m4f" startNumber="0" timescale="24000"></SegmentTemplate>
-      <Representation bandwidth="449000" codecs="avc1.420015" frameRate="2997/125" height="270" id="482" width="482"></Representation>
-      <Representation bandwidth="3971000" codecs="avc1.64001e" frameRate="2997/125" height="404" id="720" width="720"></Representation>
+      <Representation bandwidth="449000" codecs="avc1.420015" frameRate="2997/125" height="270" id="482" width="482">
+        <SegmentTemplate></SegmentTemplate>
+      </Representation>
+      <Representation bandwidth="3971000" codecs="avc1.64001e" frameRate="2997/125" height="404" id="720" width="720">
+        <SegmentTemplate></SegmentTemplate>
+      </Representation>
     <AdaptationSet mimeType="text/vtt" lang="en">
diff --git a/test/manifests/segmentBase.mpd b/test/manifests/segmentBase.mpd
index 609202a5..df4b2927 100644
--- a/test/manifests/segmentBase.mpd
+++ b/test/manifests/segmentBase.mpd
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
     <AdaptationSet mimeType="video/mp4" scanType="progressive" segmentAlignment="true" startWithSAP="1">
       <Role schemeIdUri="urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011" value="main"></Role>
-      <Representation bandwidth="449000" codecs="avc1.420015" frameRate="2997/125" height="270" id="482" width="482" />
+      <Representation bandwidth="449000" codecs="avc1.420015" frameRate="2997/125" height="270" id="482" width="482" >
+        <SegmentBase></SegmentBase>
+      </Representation>  
         <RepresentationIndex sourceURL="1080p.sidx"/>
diff --git a/test/manifests/segmentList.mpd b/test/manifests/segmentList.mpd
index 0977c5a4..453fe7d9 100644
--- a/test/manifests/segmentList.mpd
+++ b/test/manifests/segmentList.mpd
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
     <AdaptationSet mimeType="video/mp4" scanType="progressive" segmentAlignment="true" startWithSAP="1">
       <Role schemeIdUri="urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011" value="main"></Role>
-      <Representation bandwidth="449000" codecs="avc1.420015" frameRate="2997/125" height="270" id="482" width="482" />
+      <Representation bandwidth="449000" codecs="avc1.420015" frameRate="2997/125" height="270" id="482" width="482" >
+        <SegmentList></SegmentList>
+      </Representation>
       <SegmentList timescale="1000" duration="1000">
         <RepresentationIndex sourceURL="representation-index-low"/>
         <SegmentURL media="low/segment-1.ts"/>
@@ -22,7 +24,11 @@
     <AdaptationSet mimeType="video/mp4" scanType="progressive" segmentAlignment="true" startWithSAP="1">
       <Role schemeIdUri="urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011" value="main"></Role>
-      <Representation bandwidth="3971000" codecs="avc1.420015" frameRate="2997/125" height="404" id="720" width="720" />
+      <Representation bandwidth="3971000" codecs="avc1.420015" frameRate="2997/125" height="404" id="720" width="720" >
+        <SegmentList>
+          <SegmentTimeline></SegmentTimeline>
+        </SegmentList>
+      </Representation>
       <SegmentList timescale="90000">
         <RepresentationIndex sourceURL="representation-index-high"/>
diff --git a/test/utils.test.js b/test/utils.test.js
index b67c33cb..8f1044e3 100644
--- a/test/utils.test.js
+++ b/test/utils.test.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { shallowMerge, getAttributes } from '../src/utils/object';
+import { getAttributes, merge } from '../src/utils/object';
 import { parseDuration } from '../src/utils/time';
 import { flatten, range, from } from '../src/utils/list';
 import { findChildren, getContent } from '../src/utils/xml';
@@ -8,25 +8,74 @@ import QUnit from 'qunit';
 QUnit.test('empty', function(assert) {
-  assert.deepEqual(shallowMerge({}, { a: 1 }), { a: 1 });
-  assert.deepEqual(shallowMerge({ a: 1 }, { a: 1 }), { a: 1 });
-  assert.deepEqual(shallowMerge({ a: 1 }, {}), { a: 1 });
+  assert.deepEqual(merge({}, { a: 1 }), { a: 1 });
+  assert.deepEqual(merge({ a: 1 }, { a: 1 }), { a: 1 });
+  assert.deepEqual(merge({ a: 1 }, {}), { a: 1 });
 QUnit.test('append', function(assert) {
-  assert.deepEqual(shallowMerge({ a: 1 }, { b: 3 }), { a: 1, b: 3 });
+  assert.deepEqual(merge({ a: 1 }, { b: 3 }), { a: 1, b: 3 });
 QUnit.test('overwrite', function(assert) {
-  assert.deepEqual(shallowMerge({ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }), { a: 2 });
+  assert.deepEqual(merge({ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }), { a: 2 });
 QUnit.test('empty', function(assert) {
-  assert.deepEqual(shallowMerge({}, {}), {});
-  assert.deepEqual(shallowMerge({}, 1), {});
-  assert.deepEqual(shallowMerge(1, {}), {});
+  assert.deepEqual(merge({}, {}), {});
+  assert.deepEqual(merge({}, 1), {});
+  assert.deepEqual(merge(1, {}), {});
+QUnit.test('Test for checking the merge when multiple segment Information are present', function(assert) {
+  const adaptationSetInfo = {
+    base: { duration: '10'}
+  };
+  const representationInfo = {
+    base: { duration: '25', indexRange: '230-252'}
+  };
+  const expected = {
+    base: { duration: '25', indexRange: '230-252'}
+  };
+  assert.deepEqual(merge(adaptationSetInfo, representationInfo), expected,
+    'Merged SegmentBase info');
+QUnit.test('Test for checking the merge when segment Information is present at a level and is undefined at another', function(assert) {
+  const periodInfo = {
+    base: {
+      initialization: {
+        range: '0-8888'
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  const adaptationSetInfo = {
+    base: { duration: '10', indexRange: '230-252'}
+  };
+  const representationInfo = {};
+  const expected = {
+    base: { duration: '10', indexRange: '230-252', initialization: {range: '0-8888'}}
+  };
+  assert.deepEqual(merge(periodInfo, adaptationSetInfo, representationInfo), expected,
+    'Merged SegmentBase info');