Hello Everyone! This is a project on CRUD APIs using Mongodb as database. You will need to run these commands on the terminal before running the code: npm i express
npm i mongoose
npm i mongodb
npm i dotenv
To run the project, run in vscode terminal: node index.js
To test the api, install 'Thunder Client' in the VSCode extensions or you can use postman. Make a new request and test the api.
Here I have uploaded the .env file for the reference. We use the .env file to save our usernames and passwords and never push the file publicly. It is used for the security of the database. We replace our username and password in the Connection string to the variables form our .env file.
You can clone the repository or download the ZIP file to run in your system. git clone https://github.com/vidhijain27/CRUD-API.git
Here's the link for the Backend Workshop Presentation: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGBtlKnr-o/Zrejie9EgZ_CJWgVA1knyw/edit?utm_content=DAGBtlKnr-o&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
Hope it will help you!