- thanos-bucket-replicate
- thanos-compact
- thanos-component-absent
- thanos-query
- thanos-receive
- thanos-rule
- thanos-sidecar
- thanos-store
Name | Summary | Description | Severity | Runbook |
ThanosBucketReplicateErrorRate | Thanos Replicate is failing to run. | Thanos Replicate is failing to run, {{$value humanize}}% of attempts failed. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosbucketreplicateerrorrate |
ThanosBucketReplicateRunLatency | Thanos Replicate has a high latency for replicate operations. | Thanos Replicate {{$labels.job}} has a 99th percentile latency of {{$value}} seconds for the replicate operations. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosbucketreplicaterunlatency |
Name | Summary | Description | Severity | Runbook |
ThanosCompactMultipleRunning | Thanos Compact has multiple instances running. | No more than one Thanos Compact instance should be running at once. There are {{$value}} instances running. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanoscompactmultiplerunning |
ThanosCompactHalted | Thanos Compact has failed to run ans is now halted. | Thanos Compact {{$labels.job}} has failed to run and now is halted. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanoscompacthalted |
ThanosCompactHighCompactionFailures | Thanos Compact is failing to execute compactions. | Thanos Compact {{$labels.job}} is failing to execute {{$value humanize}}% of compactions. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanoscompacthighcompactionfailures |
ThanosCompactBucketHighOperationFailures | Thanos Compact Bucket is having a high number of operation failures. | Thanos Compact {{$labels.job}} Bucket is failing to execute {{$value humanize}}% of operations. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanoscompactbuckethighoperationfailures |
ThanosCompactHasNotRun | Thanos Compact has not uploaded anything for last 24 hours. | Thanos Compact {{$labels.job}} has not uploaded anything for 24 hours. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanoscompacthasnotrun |
Name | Summary | Description | Severity | Runbook |
ThanosCompactIsDown | Thanos component has disappeared. | ThanosCompact has disappeared. Prometheus target for the component cannot be discovered. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanoscompactisdown |
ThanosQueryIsDown | Thanos component has disappeared. | ThanosQuery has disappeared. Prometheus target for the component cannot be discovered. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosqueryisdown |
ThanosReceiveIsDown | Thanos component has disappeared. | ThanosReceive has disappeared. Prometheus target for the component cannot be discovered. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosreceiveisdown |
ThanosRuleIsDown | Thanos component has disappeared. | ThanosRule has disappeared. Prometheus target for the component cannot be discovered. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosruleisdown |
ThanosSidecarIsDown | Thanos component has disappeared. | ThanosSidecar has disappeared. Prometheus target for the component cannot be discovered. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanossidecarisdown |
ThanosStoreIsDown | Thanos component has disappeared. | ThanosStore has disappeared. Prometheus target for the component cannot be discovered. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosstoreisdown |
Name | Summary | Description | Severity | Runbook |
ThanosQueryHttpRequestQueryErrorRateHigh | Thanos Query is failing to handle requests. | Thanos Query {{$labels.job}} is failing to handle {{$value humanize}}% of "query" requests. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosqueryhttprequestqueryerrorratehigh |
ThanosQueryHttpRequestQueryRangeErrorRateHigh | Thanos Query is failing to handle requests. | Thanos Query {{$labels.job}} is failing to handle {{$value humanize}}% of "query_range" requests. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosqueryhttprequestqueryrangeerrorratehigh |
ThanosQueryGrpcServerErrorRate | Thanos Query is failing to handle requests. | Thanos Query {{$labels.job}} is failing to handle {{$value humanize}}% of requests. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosquerygrpcservererrorrate |
ThanosQueryGrpcClientErrorRate | Thanos Query is failing to send requests. | Thanos Query {{$labels.job}} is failing to send {{$value humanize}}% of requests. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosquerygrpcclienterrorrate |
ThanosQueryHighDNSFailures | Thanos Query is having high number of DNS failures. | Thanos Query {{$labels.job}} have {{$value humanize}}% of failing DNS queries for store endpoints. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosqueryhighdnsfailures |
ThanosQueryInstantLatencyHigh | Thanos Query has high latency for queries. | Thanos Query {{$labels.job}} has a 99th percentile latency of {{$value}} seconds for instant queries. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosqueryinstantlatencyhigh |
ThanosQueryRangeLatencyHigh | Thanos Query has high latency for queries. | Thanos Query {{$labels.job}} has a 99th percentile latency of {{$value}} seconds for range queries. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosqueryrangelatencyhigh |
Name | Summary | Description | Severity | Runbook |
ThanosReceiveHttpRequestErrorRateHigh | Thanos Receive is failing to handle requests. | Thanos Receive {{$labels.job}} is failing to handle {{$value humanize}}% of requests. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosreceivehttprequesterrorratehigh |
ThanosReceiveHttpRequestLatencyHigh | Thanos Receive has high HTTP requests latency. | Thanos Receive {{$labels.job}} has a 99th percentile latency of {{ $value }} seconds for requests. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosreceivehttprequestlatencyhigh |
ThanosReceiveHighReplicationFailures | Thanos Receive is having high number of replication failures. | Thanos Receive {{$labels.job}} is failing to replicate {{$value humanize}}% of requests. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosreceivehighreplicationfailures |
ThanosReceiveHighForwardRequestFailures | Thanos Receive is failing to forward requests. | Thanos Receive {{$labels.job}} is failing to forward {{$value humanize}}% of requests. | info | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosreceivehighforwardrequestfailures |
ThanosReceiveHighHashringFileRefreshFailures | Thanos Receive is failing to refresh hasring file. | Thanos Receive {{$labels.job}} is failing to refresh hashring file, {{$value humanize}} of attempts failed. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosreceivehighhashringfilerefreshfailures |
ThanosReceiveConfigReloadFailure | Thanos Receive has not been able to reload configuration. | Thanos Receive {{$labels.job}} has not been able to reload hashring configurations. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosreceiveconfigreloadfailure |
ThanosReceiveNoUpload | Thanos Receive has not uploaded latest data to object storage. | Thanos Receive {{$labels.instance}} has not uploaded latest data to object storage. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosreceivenoupload |
ThanosReceiveTrafficBelowThreshold | Thanos Receive is experiencing low avg. 1-hr ingestion rate relative to avg. 12-hr ingestion rate. | At Thanos Receive {{$labels.job}} in {{$labels.namespace}} , the average 1-hr avg. metrics ingestion rate is {{$value humanize}}% of 12-hr avg. ingestion rate. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosreceivetrafficbelowthreshold |
Name | Summary | Description | Severity | Runbook |
ThanosRuleQueueIsDroppingAlerts | Thanos Rule is failing to queue alerts. | Thanos Rule {{$labels.instance}} is failing to queue alerts. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosrulequeueisdroppingalerts |
ThanosRuleSenderIsFailingAlerts | Thanos Rule is failing to send alerts to alertmanager. | Thanos Rule {{$labels.instance}} is failing to send alerts to alertmanager. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosrulesenderisfailingalerts |
ThanosRuleHighRuleEvaluationFailures | Thanos Rule is failing to evaluate rules. | Thanos Rule {{$labels.instance}} is failing to evaluate rules. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosrulehighruleevaluationfailures |
ThanosRuleHighRuleEvaluationWarnings | Thanos Rule has high number of evaluation warnings. | Thanos Rule {{$labels.instance}} has high number of evaluation warnings. | info | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosrulehighruleevaluationwarnings |
ThanosRuleRuleEvaluationLatencyHigh | Thanos Rule has high rule evaluation latency. | Thanos Rule {{$labels.instance}} has higher evaluation latency than interval for {{$labels.rule_group}}. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosruleruleevaluationlatencyhigh |
ThanosRuleGrpcErrorRate | Thanos Rule is failing to handle grpc requests. | Thanos Rule {{$labels.job}} is failing to handle {{$value humanize}}% of requests. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosrulegrpcerrorrate |
ThanosRuleConfigReloadFailure | Thanos Rule has not been able to reload configuration. | Thanos Rule {{$labels.job}} has not been able to reload its configuration. | info | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosruleconfigreloadfailure |
ThanosRuleQueryHighDNSFailures | Thanos Rule is having high number of DNS failures. | Thanos Rule {{$labels.job}} has {{$value humanize}}% of failing DNS queries for query endpoints. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosrulequeryhighdnsfailures |
ThanosRuleAlertmanagerHighDNSFailures | Thanos Rule is having high number of DNS failures. | Thanos Rule {{$labels.instance}} has {{$value humanize}}% of failing DNS queries for Alertmanager endpoints. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosrulealertmanagerhighdnsfailures |
ThanosRuleNoEvaluationFor10Intervals | Thanos Rule has rule groups that did not evaluate for 10 intervals. | Thanos Rule {{$labels.job}} has {{$value humanize}}% rule groups that did not evaluate for at least 10x of their expected interval. | info | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosrulenoevaluationfor10intervals |
ThanosNoRuleEvaluations | Thanos Rule did not perform any rule evaluations. | Thanos Rule {{$labels.instance}} did not perform any rule evaluations in the past 10 minutes. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosnoruleevaluations |
Name | Summary | Description | Severity | Runbook |
ThanosSidecarBucketOperationsFailed | Thanos Sidecar bucket operations are failing | Thanos Sidecar {{$labels.instance}} bucket operations are failing | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanossidecarbucketoperationsfailed |
ThanosSidecarNoConnectionToStartedPrometheus | Thanos Sidecar cannot access Prometheus, even though Prometheus seems healthy and has reloaded WAL. | Thanos Sidecar {{$labels.instance}} is unhealthy. | critical | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanossidecarnoconnectiontostartedprometheus |
Name | Summary | Description | Severity | Runbook |
ThanosStoreGrpcErrorRate | Thanos Store is failing to handle qrpcd requests. | Thanos Store {{$labels.job}} is failing to handle {{$value humanize}}% of requests. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosstoregrpcerrorrate |
ThanosStoreSeriesGateLatencyHigh | Thanos Store has high latency for store series gate requests. | Thanos Store {{$labels.job}} has a 99th percentile latency of {{$value}} seconds for store series gate requests. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosstoreseriesgatelatencyhigh |
ThanosStoreBucketHighOperationFailures | Thanos Store Bucket is failing to execute operations. | Thanos Store {{$labels.job}} Bucket is failing to execute {{$value humanize}}% of operations. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosstorebuckethighoperationfailures |
ThanosStoreObjstoreOperationLatencyHigh | Thanos Store is having high latency for bucket operations. | Thanos Store {{$labels.job}} Bucket has a 99th percentile latency of {{$value}} seconds for the bucket operations. | warning | https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/tree/main/mixin/runbook.md#alert-name-thanosstoreobjstoreoperationlatencyhigh |