- Open up IA Writer
- Write your content in markdown
- Move it to a separate file somewhere
if going out onpractice
- Edit file. Add links, fix spelling.
- Add an image. You'll need it for Medium to look good.
- Replace smart quotes if they exist
quotes file.md
- Push to GitHub
- Convert Markdown to HTML
- Send preview
showdown makehtml -i file.md -o file.html
tiny --title=<title> --body=file.html
# id of letter sent
- Check preview in Gmail
tiny -send --id=<id>
- Go to blog folder
rake post title=""
- Add frontmatter to post
- Test by running
jekyll serve
- Go to http://localhost:4000
- Push to GitHub
- Get URL
Add frontmatter to markdown file:
TODO Fix canonicalURL - doesn't seem to work
markdown-to-medium ./title
Edit draft online
Remove issues with markdown not checking double spaces after line
Double check that it is sent out on twitter