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Niels Liebisch edited this page Dec 7, 2016 · 25 revisions


Create a virtualQ client by instantiating a VirtualQ class as follows:

        var apiKey = "YOUR-API-KEY";
        using (IVirtualQ client = new VirtualQ(apiKey))
            // Rest of the code ...

You can provide additional information to set up a proxy or time out configuration using the VirtualQClientConfiguration class as folows:

        VirtualQClientConfiguration configuration = new VirtualQClientConfiguration
            ApiBaseAddress = "" // Overrides the default API base Url
            Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1500), // Sets Timeout to 1.5 seconds
            ProxyConfiguration = new WebProxy()        // Sets proxy configuration using a WebProxy class

        var apiKey = "YOUR-API-KEY";
        using (IVirtualQ client = new VirtualQ(apiKey, configuration))
            // Rest of the code ...

All properties in VirtualQClientConfiguration class are optional.

For more information: TimeSpan, WebProxy

VirtualQ class inherits from IDisposable. If the VirtualQ client is not instantiated inside of a using block, the Dispose method must be called in order to release managed resources when the client is no longer used.


IVirtualQ is the interface of the VirtualQ class and defines several properties that represent a handler that matches an end point in the API:

        ILinesHandler Lines { get; }
        ILineGroupsHandler LineGroups { get; }
        ICallerHandler Callers { get; }


All methods in the handler interfaces are asynchronous. Here are some examples on how to use them.


ILinesHandler interface defines functionality that affects Lines API end point.

        Task<Result<bool>> IsVirtualQActive(long lineId);

Returns true if a line that matches the lineId parameter is active, otherwise returns false.

        bool isVirtualQActive;
        long lineId = 3;

        var result = async client.Lines.IsVirtualQActive(lineId);

            // You can collect the value returned by the API
            isVirtualQActive = result.Value;
            // Something went wrong, verify the error object assigned to the Error property


ILineGroupsHandler interface defines functionality that affects Line Groups API end point.

        Task<Result> UpdateLineGroup(long lineGroupId, UpdateLineGroupParameters attributes);

Updates a Line Group that matches lineGroupId parameter with the information supplied in the attributes parameter. This method doesn't return a value from the API.

        long lineGroupIdToUpdate = 185;
        UpdateLineGroupParameters attributes = new UpdateLineGroupParameters
            ServiceEwt = 300,
            ServiceCallersCount = 2,
            ServiceAverageTalkTime = 35,
            ServiceAgentsCount = 3,
            ServiceAgentList = new string[] { "A", "B", "C" }

        Result result = async client.LineGroups.UpdateLineGroup(lineGroupIdToUpdate, attributes);

            // Something went wrong, verify the error object assigned to the Error property
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