diff --git a/docs/api-reference/map.md b/docs/api-reference/map.md
index 9552cb8f6..7f1b5c20a 100644
--- a/docs/api-reference/map.md
+++ b/docs/api-reference/map.md
@@ -60,17 +60,17 @@ Aside from the props listed below, the `Map` component supports all parameters o
 ### Layout options
-#### `id`: string {#id}
+#### `id`: string {#id}
 Map container id.
-#### `style`: CSSProperties {#style}
+#### `style`: CSSProperties {#style}
 Default: `{position: 'relative', width: '100%', height: '100%'}`
 Map container CSS.
-#### `cursor`: string {#cursor}
+#### `cursor`: string {#cursor}
 Default: `'auto'`
@@ -78,40 +78,40 @@ The current cursor [type](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/curso
 ### Styling options
-#### `fog`: [Fog](./types.md#fog) {#fog}
+#### `fog`: [Fog](./types.md#fog) {#fog}
 The fog property of the style. Must conform to the [Fog Style Specification](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/style-spec/fog/).
 If `undefined` is provided, removes the fog from the map.
-#### `light`: [Light](./types.md#light) {#light}
+#### `light`: [Light](./types.md#light) {#light}
 Light properties of the style. Must conform to the [Light Style Specification](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-style-spec/#light).
-#### `mapStyle`: [MapboxStyle](./types.md#mapboxstyle) | string | Immutable {#mapstyle}
+#### `mapStyle`: [MapStyle](./types.md#mapstyle) | string | Immutable {#mapstyle}
 Default: (empty style)
 The map's Mapbox style. This must be an a JSON object conforming to the schema described in the [Mapbox Style Specification](https://mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-style-spec/), or a URL to such JSON.
-#### `projection`: string | [Projection](./types.md#projection) {#projection}
+#### `projection`: string | [Projection](./types.md#projection) {#projection}
 Default: `'mercator'`
 The projection the map should be rendered in. Available projections are Albers (`'albers'`), Equal Earth (`'equalEarth'`), Equirectangular/Plate Carrée/WGS84 (`'equirectangular'`), Lambert (`'lambertConformalConic'`), Mercator (`'mercator'`), Natural Earth (`'naturalEarth'`), and Winkel Tripel (`'winkelTripel'`). Conic projections such as Albers and Lambert have configurable `center` and `parallels` properties that allow developers to define the region in which the projection has minimal distortion; see [example](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/map/#map#setprojection).
-#### `renderWorldCopies`: boolean {#renderworldcopies}
+#### `renderWorldCopies`: boolean {#renderworldcopies}
 Default: `true`
 If `true`, multiple copies of the world will be rendered, when zoomed out.
-#### `styleDiffing`: boolean {#stylediffing}
+#### `styleDiffing`: boolean {#stylediffing}
 Default: `true`
 Enable diffing when `mapStyle` changes. If `false`, force a 'full' update, removing the current style and building the given one instead of attempting a diff-based update.
-#### `terrain`: [Terrain](./types.md#terrain) {#terrain}
+#### `terrain`: [Terrain](./types.md#terrain) {#terrain}
 Terrain property of the style. Must conform to the [Terrain Style Specification](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/style-spec/terrain/).
 If `undefined` is provided, removes terrain from the map.
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ If `undefined` is provided, removes terrain from the map.
 ### Camera options
-#### `initialViewState`: object {#initialviewstate}
+#### `initialViewState`: object {#initialviewstate}
 The initial view state of the map. If specified, `longitude`, `latitude`, `zoom` etc. in props are ignored when constructing the map. Only specify `initialViewState` if `Map` is being used as an **uncontrolled component**. See [state management](../get-started/state-management.md) for examples.
@@ -135,57 +135,57 @@ The initial view state of the map. If specified, `longitude`, `latitude`, `zoom`
 - `pitch`: number - The initial pitch (tilt) of the map. Default `0`.
 - `bearing`: number - The initial bearing (rotation) of the map. Default `0`.
-#### `longitude`: number {#longitude}
+#### `longitude`: number {#longitude}
 The longitude of the map center.
-#### `latitude`: number {#latitude}
+#### `latitude`: number {#latitude}
 The latitude of the map center.
-#### `zoom`: number {#zoom}
+#### `zoom`: number {#zoom}
 The [zoom level](https://docs.mapbox.com/help/glossary/camera/#zoom-level) of the map.
-#### `pitch`: number {#pitch}
+#### `pitch`: number {#pitch}
 The initial [pitch](https://docs.mapbox.com/help/glossary/camera/#pitch) (tilt) of the map, measured in degrees away from the plane of the screen (0-85).
-#### `bearing`: number {#bearing}
+#### `bearing`: number {#bearing}
 The initial [bearing](https://docs.mapbox.com/help/glossary/camera/#bearing) (rotation) of the map, measured in degrees counter-clockwise from north.
-#### `padding`: [PaddingOptions](./types.md#paddingoptions) {#padding}
+#### `padding`: [PaddingOptions](./types.md#paddingoptions) {#padding}
 Default: `null`
 The padding in pixels around the viewport.
-#### `minZoom`: number {#minzoom}
+#### `minZoom`: number {#minzoom}
 Default: `0`
 The minimum zoom level of the map (0-24).
-#### `maxZoom`: number {#maxzoom}
+#### `maxZoom`: number {#maxzoom}
 Default: `22`
 The maximum zoom level of the map (0-24).
-#### `minPitch`: number {#minpitch}
+#### `minPitch`: number {#minpitch}
 Default: `0`
 The minimum pitch of the map (0-85).
-#### `maxPitch`: number {#maxpitch}
+#### `maxPitch`: number {#maxpitch}
 Default: `60`
 The maximum pitch of the map (0-85).
-#### `maxBounds`: [LngLatBoundsLike](./types.md#lnglatboundslike) {#maxbounds}
+#### `maxBounds`: [LngLatBoundsLike](./types.md#lnglatboundslike) {#maxbounds}
 Default: `null`
@@ -193,56 +193,56 @@ If set, the map is constrained to the given bounds.
 ### Input handler options
-#### `boxZoom`: boolean {#boxzoom}
+#### `boxZoom`: boolean {#boxzoom}
 Default: `true`
 If `true`, the "box zoom" interaction is enabled. See `BoxZoomHandler`
 ([Mapbox](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/handlers/#boxzoomhandler) | [Maplibre](https://maplibre.org/maplibre-gl-js/docs/API/classes/maplibregl.BoxZoomHandler/))
-#### `doubleClickZoom`: boolean {#doubleclickzoom}
+#### `doubleClickZoom`: boolean {#doubleclickzoom}
 Default: `true`
 If `true`, the "double click to zoom" interaction is enabled. See `DoubleClickZoomHandler` ([Mapbox](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/handlers/#doubleclickzoomhandler) | [Maplibre](https://maplibre.org/maplibre-gl-js/docs/API/classes/maplibregl.DoubleClickZoomHandler/)).
-#### `dragRotate`: boolean {#dragrotate}
+#### `dragRotate`: boolean {#dragrotate}
 Default: `true`
 If `true`, the "drag to rotate" interaction is enabled. See `DragRotateHandler` ([Mapbox](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/handlers/#dragrotatehandler) | [Maplibre](https://maplibre.org/maplibre-gl-js/docs/API/classes/maplibregl.DragRotateHandler/)).
-#### `dragPan`: boolean | Object {#dragpan}
+#### `dragPan`: boolean | Object {#dragpan}
 Default: `true`
 If `true`, the "drag to pan" interaction is enabled. Optionally accpt an object value that is the options to `DragPanHandler.enable` ([Mapbox](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/handlers/#dragpanhandler#enable) | [Maplibre](https://maplibre.org/maplibre-gl-js/docs/API/classes/maplibregl.DragPanHandler/#enable)).
-#### `keyboard`: boolean {#keyboard}
+#### `keyboard`: boolean {#keyboard}
 Default: `true`
 If `true`, keyboard shortcuts are enabled. See `KeyboardHandler` ([Mapbox](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/handlers/#keyboardhandler) | [Maplibre](https://maplibre.org/maplibre-gl-js/docs/API/classes/maplibregl.KeyboardHandler/)).
-#### `scrollZoom`: boolean | Object {#scrollzoom}
+#### `scrollZoom`: boolean | Object {#scrollzoom}
 Default: `true`
 If `true`, the "scroll to zoom" interaction is enabled. Optionally accpt an object value that is the options to  `ScrollZoomHandler.enable` ([Mapbox](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/handlers/#scrollzoomhandler#enable) | [Maplibre](https://maplibre.org/maplibre-gl-js/docs/API/classes/maplibregl.ScrollZoomHandler/#enable))
-#### `touchPitch`: boolean | Object {#touchpitch}
+#### `touchPitch`: boolean | Object {#touchpitch}
 Default: `true`
 If `true`, the "drag to pitch" interaction is enabled. Optionally accpt an object value that is the options to `TouchPitchHandler.enable`([Mapbox](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/handlers/#touchpitchhandler) | [Maplibre](https://maplibre.org/maplibre-gl-js/docs/API/classes/maplibregl.TwoFingersTouchPitchHandler/#enable)).
-#### `touchZoomRotate`: boolean | Object {#touchzoomrotate}
+#### `touchZoomRotate`: boolean | Object {#touchzoomrotate}
 Default: `true`
 If `true`, the "pinch to rotate and zoom" interaction is enabled. Optionally accpt an object value that is the options to `TouchZoomRotateHandler.enable` ([Mapbox](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/handlers/#touchzoomrotatehandler#enable) | [Maplibre](https://maplibre.org/maplibre-gl-js/docs/API/classes/maplibregl.TwoFingersTouchZoomHandler/#enable)).
-#### `interactiveLayerIds`: string[] {#interactivelayerids}
+#### `interactiveLayerIds`: string[] {#interactivelayerids}
 Default: `null`
@@ -256,19 +256,19 @@ See the [Callbacks](#callbacks) section for affected events.
 ### Callbacks
-#### `onResize`: (event: [MapEvent](./types.md#mapevent)) => void {#onresize}
+#### `onResize`: (event: [MapEvent](./types.md#mapevent)) => void {#onresize}
 Called when the map has been resized.
-#### `onLoad`: (event: [MapEvent](./types.md#mapevent)) => void {#onload}
+#### `onLoad`: (event: [MapEvent](./types.md#mapevent)) => void {#onload}
 Called after all necessary resources have been downloaded and the first visually complete rendering of the map has occurred.
-#### `onRender`: (event: [MapEvent](./types.md#mapevent))) => void {#onrender}
+#### `onRender`: (event: [MapEvent](./types.md#mapevent))) => void {#onrender}
 Called whenever the map is drawn to the screen.
-#### `onIdle`: (event: [MapEvent](./types.md#mapevent))) => void {#onidle}
+#### `onIdle`: (event: [MapEvent](./types.md#mapevent))) => void {#onidle}
 Called after the last frame rendered before the map enters an "idle" state:
@@ -276,186 +276,186 @@ Called after the last frame rendered before the map enters an "idle" state:
 - All currently requested tiles have loaded
 - All fade/transition animations have completed
-#### `onRemove`: (event: [MapEvent](./types.md#mapevent))) => void {#onremove}
+#### `onRemove`: (event: [MapEvent](./types.md#mapevent))) => void {#onremove}
 Called when the map has been removed.
-#### `onError`: (event: [ErrorEvent](./types.md#errorevent)) => void {#onerror}
+#### `onError`: (event: [ErrorEvent](./types.md#errorevent)) => void {#onerror}
 Default: `evt => console.error(evt.error)`
 Called when an error occurs.
-#### `onMouseDown`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#onmousedown}
+#### `onMouseDown`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#onmousedown}
 Called when a pointing device (usually a mouse) is pressed within the map.
 If `interactiveLayerIds` is specified, the event will contain an additional `features` field that contains features under the cursor from the specified layer.
-#### `onMouseUp`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#onmouseup}
+#### `onMouseUp`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#onmouseup}
 Called when a pointing device (usually a mouse) is released within the map.
 If `interactiveLayerIds` is specified, the event will contain an additional `features` field that contains features under the cursor from the specified layer.
-#### `onMouseOver`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#onmouseover}
+#### `onMouseOver`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#onmouseover}
 Called when a pointing device (usually a mouse) is moved within the map. As you move the cursor across a web page containing a map, the event will fire each time it enters the map or any child elements.
-#### `onMouseEnter`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#onmouseenter}
+#### `onMouseEnter`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#onmouseenter}
 Called when a pointing device (usually a mouse) enters a visible portion of the layer(s) specified by `interactiveLayerIds` from outside that layer or outside the map canvas.
-#### `onMouseMove`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#onmousemove}
+#### `onMouseMove`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#onmousemove}
 Called when a pointing device (usually a mouse) is moved while the cursor is inside the map. As you move the cursor across the map, the event will fire every time the cursor changes position within the map.
 If `interactiveLayerIds` is specified, the event will contain an additional `features` field that contains features under the cursor from the specified layer.
-#### `onMouseLeave`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#onmouseleave}
+#### `onMouseLeave`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#onmouseleave}
 Called when a pointing device (usually a mouse) leaves a visible portion of the layer(s) specified by `interactiveLayerIds` or moves from the layer to outside the map canvas.
-#### `onMouseOut`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#onmouseout}
+#### `onMouseOut`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#onmouseout}
 Called when a point device (usually a mouse) leaves the map's canvas.
-#### `onClick`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#onclick}
+#### `onClick`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#onclick}
 Called when a pointing device (usually a mouse) is pressed and released at the same point on the map.
 If `interactiveLayerIds` is specified, the event will contain an additional `features` field that contains features under the cursor from the specified layer.
-#### `onDblClick`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#ondblclick}
+#### `onDblClick`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#ondblclick}
 Called when a pointing device (usually a mouse) is pressed and released twice at the same point on the map in rapid succession.
 If `interactiveLayerIds` is specified, the event will contain an additional `features` field that contains features under the cursor from the specified layer.
-#### `onContextMenu`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#oncontextmenu}
+#### `onContextMenu`: (event: [MapLayerMouseEvent](./types.md#maplayermouseevent)) => void {#oncontextmenu}
 Called when the right button of the mouse is clicked or the context menu key is pressed within the map.
 If `interactiveLayerIds` is specified, the event will contain an additional `features` field that contains features under the cursor from the specified layer.
-#### `onWheel`: (event: [MapWheelEvent](./types.md#mapwheelevent)) => void {#onwheel}
+#### `onWheel`: (event: [MapWheelEvent](./types.md#mapwheelevent)) => void {#onwheel}
 Called when a wheel event occurs within the map.
-#### `onTouchStart`: (event: [MapLayerTouchEvent](./types.md#maplayertouchevent)) => void {#ontouchstart}
+#### `onTouchStart`: (event: [MapLayerTouchEvent](./types.md#maplayertouchevent)) => void {#ontouchstart}
 Called when a `touchstart` event occurs within the map.
 If `interactiveLayerIds` is specified, the event will contain an additional `features` field that contains features under the cursor from the specified layer.
-#### `onTouchEnd`: (event: [MapLayerTouchEvent](./types.md#maplayertouchevent)) => void {#ontouchend}
+#### `onTouchEnd`: (event: [MapLayerTouchEvent](./types.md#maplayertouchevent)) => void {#ontouchend}
 Called when a `touchend` event occurs within the map.
 If `interactiveLayerIds` is specified, the event will contain an additional `features` field that contains features under the cursor from the specified layer.
-#### `onTouchMove`: (event: [MapLayerTouchEvent](./types.md#maplayertouchevent)) => void {#ontouchmove}
+#### `onTouchMove`: (event: [MapLayerTouchEvent](./types.md#maplayertouchevent)) => void {#ontouchmove}
 Called when a `touchmove` event occurs within the map.
 If `interactiveLayerIds` is specified, the event will contain an additional `features` field that contains features under the cursor from the specified layer.
-#### `onTouchCancel`: (event: [MapLayerTouchEvent](./types.md#maplayertouchevent)) => void {#ontouchcancel}
+#### `onTouchCancel`: (event: [MapLayerTouchEvent](./types.md#maplayertouchevent)) => void {#ontouchcancel}
 Called when a `touchcancel` event occurs within the map.
 If `interactiveLayerIds` is specified, the event will contain an additional `features` field that contains features under the cursor from the specified layer.
-#### `onMoveStart`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onmovestart}
+#### `onMoveStart`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onmovestart}
 Called just before the map begins a transition from one view to another.
-#### `onMove`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onmove}
+#### `onMove`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onmove}
 Called repeatedly during an animated transition from one view to another.
 When `Map` is used as a controlled component, `event.viewState` reflects the view state that the camera "proposes" to move to, as a result of either user interaction or methods such as [flyTo](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/map/#map#flyto). The camera does not actually change until the application updates the view state props (`longitude`, `latitude`, `zoom` etc.).
 See [state management](../get-started/state-management.md) for examples.
-#### `onMoveEnd`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onmoveend}
+#### `onMoveEnd`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onmoveend}
 Called just after the map completes a transition from one view to another.
-#### `onDragStart`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#ondragstart}
+#### `onDragStart`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#ondragstart}
 Called when a "drag to pan" interaction starts.
-#### `onDrag`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#ondrag}
+#### `onDrag`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#ondrag}
 Called repeatedly during a "drag to pan" interaction.
-#### `onDragEnd`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#ondragend}
+#### `onDragEnd`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#ondragend}
 Called when a "drag to pan" interaction ends.
-#### `onZoomStart`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onzoomstart}
+#### `onZoomStart`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onzoomstart}
 Called just before the map begins a transition from one zoom level to another.
-#### `onZoom`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onzoom}
+#### `onZoom`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onzoom}
 Called repeatedly during an animated transition from one zoom level to another.
 When `Map` is used as a controlled component, `event.viewState.zoom` reflects the zoom that the camera "proposes" to change to, as a result of either user interaction or methods such as [flyTo](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/map/#map#flyto). The camera does not actually change until the application updates the `zoom` prop.
-#### `onZoomEnd`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onzoomend}
+#### `onZoomEnd`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onzoomend}
 Called just after the map completes a transition from one zoom level to another.
-#### `onRotateStart`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onrotatestart}
+#### `onRotateStart`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onrotatestart}
 Called just before the map begins a transition from one bearing (rotation) to another.
-#### `onRotate`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onrotate}
+#### `onRotate`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onrotate}
 Called repeatedly during an animated transition from one bearing (rotation) to another.
 When `Map` is used as a controlled component, `event.viewState.bearing` reflects the zoom that the camera "proposes" to change to, as a result of either user interaction or methods such as [flyTo](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/map/#map#flyto). The camera does not actually change until the application updates the `bearing` prop.
-#### `onRotateEnd`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onrotateend}
+#### `onRotateEnd`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onrotateend}
 Called just after the map completes a transition from one bearing (rotation) to another.
-#### `onPitchStart`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onpitchstart}
+#### `onPitchStart`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onpitchstart}
 Called just before the map begins a transition from one pitch (tilt) to another.
-#### `onPitch`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onpitch}
+#### `onPitch`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onpitch}
 Called repeatedly during an animated transition from one pitch (tilt) to another.
 When `Map` is used as a controlled component, `event.viewState.pitch` reflects the zoom that the camera "proposes" to change to, as a result of either user interaction or methods such as [flyTo](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/map/#map#flyto). The camera does not actually change until the application updates the `pitch` prop.
-#### `onPitchEnd`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onpitchend}
+#### `onPitchEnd`: (event: [ViewStateChangeEvent](./types.md#viewstatechangeevent)) => void {#onpitchend}
 Called just after the map completes a transition from one pitch (tilt) to another.
-#### `onBoxZoomStart`: (event: [MapBoxZoomEvent](./types.md#mapboxzoomevent)) => void {#onboxzoomstart}
+#### `onBoxZoomStart`: (event: [MapBoxZoomEvent](./types.md#mapboxzoomevent)) => void {#onboxzoomstart}
 Called when a "box zoom" interaction starts.
-#### `onBoxZoomEnd`: (event: [MapBoxZoomEvent](./types.md#mapboxzoomevent)) => void {#onboxzoomend}
+#### `onBoxZoomEnd`: (event: [MapBoxZoomEvent](./types.md#mapboxzoomevent)) => void {#onboxzoomend}
 Called when a "box zoom" interaction ends.
-#### `onBoxZoomCancel`: (event:[MapBoxZoomEvent](./types.md#mapboxzoomevent)) => void {#onboxzoomcancel}
+#### `onBoxZoomCancel`: (event:[MapBoxZoomEvent](./types.md#mapboxzoomevent)) => void {#onboxzoomcancel}
 Called when the user cancels a "box zoom" interaction, or when the bounding box does not meet the minimum size threshold.
-#### `onData`: (event: [MapStyleDataEvent](./types.md#mapstyledataevent) | [MapSourceDataEvent](./types.md#mapsourcedataevent)) => void {#ondata}
+#### `onData`: (event: [MapStyleDataEvent](./types.md#mapstyledataevent) | [MapSourceDataEvent](./types.md#mapsourcedataevent)) => void {#ondata}
 Called when any map data loads or changes. See [MapDataEvent](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/events/#mapdataevent) for more information.
-#### `onStyleData`: (event: [MapStyleDataEvent](./types.md#mapstyledataevent)) => void {#onstyledata}
+#### `onStyleData`: (event: [MapStyleDataEvent](./types.md#mapstyledataevent)) => void {#onstyledata}
 Called when the map's style loads or changes. See [MapDataEvent](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/events/#mapdataevent) for more information.
-#### `onSourceData`: (event: [MapSourceDataEvent](./types.md#mapsourcedataevent)) => void {#onsourcedata}
+#### `onSourceData`: (event: [MapSourceDataEvent](./types.md#mapsourcedataevent)) => void {#onsourcedata}
 Called when one of the map's sources loads or changes, including if a tile belonging to a source loads or changes. See [MapDataEvent](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/events/#mapdataevent) for more information.
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ The following props, along with any options of the `Map` class ([Mapbox](https:/
 Note: props in this section are not reactive. They are only used once when the Map instance is constructed.
-#### `mapLib`: any {#maplib}
+#### `mapLib`: any {#maplib}
 - `import('mapbox-gl')` if imported from `react-map-gl`
@@ -512,21 +512,21 @@ function App() {
-#### `mapboxAccessToken`: string {#mapboxaccesstoken}
+#### `mapboxAccessToken`: string {#mapboxaccesstoken}
 Token used to access the Mapbox data service. See [about map tokens](../get-started/mapbox-tokens.md).
-#### `baseApiUrl`: string {#baseapiurl}
+#### `baseApiUrl`: string {#baseapiurl}
 The map's default API URL for requesting tiles, styles, sprites, and glyphs.
-#### `maxParallelImageRequests`: number {#maxparallelimagerequests}
+#### `maxParallelImageRequests`: number {#maxparallelimagerequests}
 Default: `16`
 The maximum number of images (raster tiles, sprites, icons) to load in parallel.
-#### `reuseMaps`: boolean {#reusemaps}
+#### `reuseMaps`: boolean {#reusemaps}
 Default: `false`
@@ -544,20 +544,20 @@ Sets the map's [RTL text plugin](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/plugins/#ma
 Setting this prop is the equivalent of calling [mapboxgl.setRTLTextPlugin](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/properties/#setrtltextplugin) with `lazy: true`. Set to `false` to disable loading the RTL text plugin.
-#### `workerClass`: object {#workerclass}
+#### `workerClass`: object {#workerclass}
 Default: `null`
 Provides an interface for external module bundlers such as Webpack or Rollup to package mapbox-gl's WebWorker into a separate class and integrate it with the library.
 Takes precedence over `workerUrl`.
-#### `workerCount`: number {#workercount}
+#### `workerCount`: number {#workercount}
 Default: `2`
 The number of web workers instantiated on a page with mapbox-gl maps.
-#### `workerUrl`: string {#workerurl}
+#### `workerUrl`: string {#workerurl}
 Provides an interface for loading mapbox-gl's WebWorker bundle from a self-hosted URL. This is useful if your site needs to operate in a strict CSP (Content Security Policy) environment wherein you are not allowed to load JavaScript code from a Blob URL, which is default behavior.
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ The [MapRef](./types.md#mapref) object exposes Map methods ([Mapbox](https://doc
 You can still access the hidden members via `getMap()`:
-#### `getMap()` {#getmap}
+#### `getMap()` {#getmap}
 Returns the native `Map` ([Mapbox](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/map/) | [Maplibre](https://maplibre.org/maplibre-gl-js-docs/api/map/)) instance associated with this component.