- Hosted by @jbeda
- Recording date: 2018-04-27
- Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X8Rh_RKFSQ&t=3s
This week we'll be exploring the Elasticsearch Operator. This was by popular demand via an ad hoc twitter poll.
- Get well Ashley! Buy tshirts to benefit WomenWhoGo
- TGIK8s voting!
- Presentation: Kubernetes is a Platform Platform
- Cilium hits 1.0
- Introducing Heptio Gimbal
- Contour ingressroute design
- Go (re)branding
- Kubecon EU 2018
- Heptio at KubeCon EU 2018
- Kubernetes Contributor Summit
- Elasticsearch Operator
- API definition structs
- Sample data docs
- William Shakespeare subtweets on twitter