- Hosted by @krisnova
- Recording date: 2018-10-26
- 00:00:00 - Welcome to TGIK!
- 00:04:12 - Week in Review
- 00:28:00 - Getting into Kaniko
- 00:30:00 - Kaniko Build Context
- 00:36:00 - Running Kaniko Locally.
- 00:50:50 - Local Container Built :)
- 00:58:00 - Running Kaniko in Kubernetes
[00:05] - [00:25]
- Kubernetes 1.12.2 is out, here's the changelog.
- Weaveflux 1.6 and 1.8 are out!
- Heptio Ark v.0.9.9 bugfix release is out!
- The Datadog folks share how they run k8s clusters the very hard way [video]
- Michael Hausenblaus has a great blog entry on applied Kubernetes security
- What the hell is a pod anyways? by Andrew Chen and Dominik Tornow
- Moving Canary deployments on AWS using ELB to kubernetes using Traefik
- kubernetes/features is now kubernetes/enhacements
- Kubeadm GA
- Kris Nova Transgender Picture from All Things Open
- Unprivledged Container Builds
- Ignite talk - What is Kubernetes? - Hand drawn picture of Joe Beda!
- [00:28] - The Kubelets: New podcast from Kris and Amy Chen on navigating the cloud native landscape, stay tuned for more information!
Getting Kaniko: https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kaniko
[00:33] - Working with a simple Dockerfile [00:35] - Multiple contexts [00:36] - Running Kaniko Locally (in a container)
tar -C ./context -zcvf context.tar.gz .
gsutil cp context.tar.gz gs://krisnova-tgik