- Hosted by @krisnova
- Recording date: 2019-03-15
(timestamp is time after the hour, not show time)
- 00:00:00 - Welcome to TGIK!
- 00:04:00 - Week in Review
- 00:32:00 - microk8s.
- #74863: CSI volume expansion Enables csi volumes to be resized!
- #74376 add latency metric for cr webhook conversion
- kubecon eu schedule is up
- So many talks that many end up rejected, so there's a Rejekt conference the weekend before, 18-19 May. Register here
- 2 years of TGIK with Joe and Kris!
- Decent article on airbnb wrangling workflow
- Shout out to Steve Sloka for a writeup on sonobuoy and k8s conformance.
- Shout out to the upstream k8s slack admin team for their work getting slack.k8s.io opened up for registrations again!
- ytt - "The YAML Templating Tool that simplifies complex configuration management"
- GopherCon 2017: Mitchell Hashimoto - Advanced Testing with Go
- spacemacs A "sophisticated and polished set-up focused on ergonomics, mnemonics and consistency"
- Developing Kubernetes Services at Airbnb Scale - Melanie Cebula, Software Engineer, Airbnb
- join the FR translation effort of k8s doc in kubernetes-docs-fr slack: https://github.com/kubernetes/website/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+label%3Alanguage%2Ffr
- Will this work on 16.04?
- #181
- MicroK8s Documentation
- #microk8s on kubernetes slack
- Code
- Discuss
- Running on OSX: https://itnext.io/microk8s-on-macos-98f1de3aa63e
- Local kubernetes linux minikube vs. microk8s