- Hosted by @jbeda
- Recording date: 2019-07-19
- 00:00:00 - Welcome to TGIK!
- 00:04:29 - Week in Review
- 00:17:42 - Putting Kubebuilder in context
- 00:22:56 - Minecraft image we'll be using
- 00:26:07 - Running Minecraft on k8s manually
- 00:34:10 - Ingress for Minecraft?
- 00:39:17 - Starting with kubebuilder
- 00:47:46 - Adding our first API type
- 00:53:43 - Aside: Operators vs. Controllers
- 01:02:18 - First run of controller!
- 01:04:11 - Leaders election and HA in k8s controllers
- 01:14:32 - Starting our reconciler
- 01:16:00 - RBAC requirements via annotations
- 01:29:47 - Aside:
and its history - 01:52:33 - Bug: reversed objects in
(James Munnelly caught it but I missed it in the chat!) - 01:58:00 - First run with reconciler!
- 01:59:44 - Debugging first errors
- 02:08:20 - Almost there! CrashLoopBackoff
- 02:13:48 - Success!
- 02:14:00 - Wrapping up
- In 1.16 some of the deprecated apis will be removed!
- Kubecon SD CFP is closed! Good luck to those who have submitted!
- Sysdig gives a rundown of 33 Kubernetes specific security tools.
- Did you know that all the videos from the 2019 Contributor Summit in Barcelona are online?
- A new special interest group emerges! Jump in!
- Release stuff!
- Check out the new release notes website! relnotes.k8s.io by Jeff Sica
- Stephen Augustus recorded the 1.16.0-alpha.1 release live. Check it out part 1 part 2
- SIG-Release update and video from community meeting.
- IBM releases 3 new projects.
Code for the project is checked in to https://github.com/jbeda/kinecraft. You can find a snapshot as things were at the end of this episode at https://github.com/jbeda/kinecraft/commit/4120c3eb3738b91d4ccf860e95847f322c4d1258.